qPCR - Jake’s O.lurida ctenidia 1hr post-mechanical stress DNased RNA

Ran qPCR on DNased RNA from earlier today to assess whether there was any residual gDNA after the DNase treatment with Oly_Actin_F/R primers (SR IDs: 1505, 1504).

Used 1μL from all templates.

All samples were run in duplicate.

Positive control was HL1 O.lurida DNA isolated by Jake on 20150323.

Cycling params:

  • 95C – 2.5mins

  • 40 cycles of:

    • 95C – 10s

    • 60C – 20s

  • Melt curve

Master mix calcs are here: 201500806_qPCR_Oly_DNased_RNA

qPCR Plate Layout: 20150806_qPCR_plate_Jake_Oly_DNased_RNA


qPCR Data File (Opticon):

qPCR Report (Google Spreadsheet):

Positive control comes up around cycle ~21.

No amplification in the no template controls.

Two wells of the DNased RNA samples exhibit amplification (E3, F6), however the corresponding respective replicate does not. Will proceed with reverse transcription.

Amplification Plots

Positive Controls

Melt Curves

Positive Controls (HL1)

DNased RNA Samples

Follow the green and red lines with the vertical bars. The different colors reflect that those are two different samples. Additionally, their respective replicates do not exhibit amplification.