The remaining Olympia oysters from Jake Heare’s reciprocal transplant experiment have been retrieved from field sites and are awaiting sampling. The oysters have been stored in the cold room (temp?) for 15 days so far.
The previous sampling scheme was described here: DNA Isolations – Fidalgo 2SN Reciprocal Transplants Final Samplings
Sampling scheme for today was as follows:
Assign unique number to oysters (1-100 for each of the three populations)
Photograph with ruler for future shell measurements
Weigh oysters
Dissect ctenidia for DNA isolation in 350μL MBL1 Buffer + 25μL Proteinase K (reagents part of the E.Z.N.A. Mollusc Kit [Omega BioTek)
Preserve portion of remaining body tissue (not viscera; gonad/digestive gland) in 1mL RNAlater (Life Technologies)
Ctenidia samples were stored -80C in the buffer/pro k solution for DNA isolation at a later date.
RNAlater samples will be stored over the weekend at 4C and then transferred to -20C for long term storage.
All oyster data is here (Google Sheet): Oly reciprocal final sampling
All photos from today’s sampling are here: Oyster Measurement Photos