FAIL - Missing Data on Owl!

Uh oh. There appears to be some data that’s been removed from Owl. I noticed this earlier when trying to look at some of Sean’s data. His data should be in a folder with his name in Owl/scaphapoda


Luckily, things are backed up using UW Google Drive:


I’ll restore the data using the backup from Google Drive, but this highlights a major issue - have we lost other data from Owl and how would we ever know??!!

I guess we need to look into some sort of solution for identifying deleted files. The Synology NAS does have a built-in app called Log Center that might offer some options. I’ll look into this.

But, speaking of using Log Center, I can’t find any record of files being removed. Oddly, the existing logs only have information for activity from this morning. Maybe because the server was upgraded over the weekend and an upgrade deletes existing logs???!!! I don’t know, but I can’t find any records about activity on scaphapoda using Log Center.

Regardless, I need to figure out a way to evaluate differences between what currently exists on Owl and what has been backed up. I think I can use just use bash to create a file list of everything on Owl and then compare it to a file list of everything on the UW Google Drive. I think…