DNA Quantification - C.virginica MBD-enriched DNA

Quantified Crassostrea virginica MBD-enriched DNA from earlier today for Qiagen project.

Used the Qubit 3.0 (ThermoFisher) and the Qubit dsDNA Broad Range (BR) Kit (ThermoFisher).

Used 1uL of template DNA.


Quantification Spreadsheet (Google Sheet): 20180110_qubit_dsDNA_BR_MBD_virginica

Both samples had decent yields and have usable quantities for Qiagen (they wanted ~300ng from each sample):

virginica_MBD_01 - 18.3ng/uL (457.5ng = 5.7% methylated DNA capture)

virginica_MBD_02 - 19.6ng/uL (490ng = 6.1% methylated DNA capture)

Will store @ -20C until next week so that we’re not shipping so close to the weekend (shipping address is in Germany).