DNA Quantification - MspI-digested Crassostrea virginica gDNA

Quantified the two MspI-digested DNA samples for the Qiagen project from earlier today with the Qubit 3.0 (ThermoFisher).

Used the Qubit dsDNA Broad Range (BR) Kit (ThermoFisher).

Used 1μL of DNA from each sample (including undigested gDNA from initial isolation 20171211


Quantification (Google Sheet): 20180111_qubit_DNA_MspI_virginica

Yields are good and are sufficient for submission to Qiagen:

MspI_virginica_01 - 53.4ng/μL (1335ng; 89% recovery after phenol/chloroform/EtOH precip) MspI_virginca_02 - 31.0ng/μL (775ng; ~52% recovery after phenol/chloroform/EtOH precip)