Digested two 1.5μg aliquots of Crassostrea virginica isolated 20171211, as part of the project we’re doing with Qiagen.
Digestion reactions:
DNA (1.5μg) | 25.7 |
10x CutSmart Buffer (NEB) | 5.0 |
Water | 17.3 |
MspI (NEB) | 2 |
**TOTAL** | **50** |
MspI info:
- NEB R0106T (100,000U/mL; rec’d 20171214)
Reactions were carried out in 0.5mL snap-cap PCR tubes and incubated for 15mins @ 37oC in a PTC-200 thermalcycler (MJ Research), no heated lid.
Samples will be subjected to a phenol:chloroform extraction for cleanup.