Assembly Stats - Quast Stats for Geoduck SparseAssembler Job from 20180405

The geoduck genome assembly started 20180405 completed this weekend.

This assembly utilized the BGI data and all of the Illumina project data (NMP and NovaSeq) with a kmer 101 setting.

I ran Quast to gather some assembly stats, using the following command:

<code>python /home/sam/software/quast-4.5/ -t 24 /mnt/owl/Athaliana/20180405_sparseassembler_kmer101_geoduck/Contigs.txt</code>

Quast output folder: results_2018_04_15_13_45_03/

Quast report (HTML): results_2018_04_15_13_45_03/report.html

I’ve embedded the Quast HTML report below, but it may be easier to view by using the link above.