MBD Enrichment - Ethanol Precipitation of C.virginica MBD samples

After completing two rounds of MBD enrichment (first 12 samples on 20190307 and the second 12 samples on 20190311), I performed ethanol precipitation, per the MethylMiner instructions with the following modifications:

  • after additions of glycogen, sodium acetate and ethanol, incubated samples O/N at -80oC

  • after incubation, the two elutions were consolidated in the following fashion:
    • the first of each of the two elutions was pelleted, supe discarded, and second elution transferred to the pellet
    • second elution was pelleted in same tube as first
  • spins were performed at 13,000g

Samples were resuspended in 25uL of PCR H2O.

Currently, don’t have appropriate tubes for quantification, so will do so once they arrive.

Samples were stored in the small -20oC freezer in the following box (Google Sheet):