Data Management - Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing Data from Genewiz Received

Received the WGBS data from Genewiz that were sent to Genewiz for whole genome bisulfite sequencing on 20190207. These were from:

  • Roberto’s C.gigas samples
Sample_ID Family DNA_tube_label
0501 5 501
3501 35 3501
5201 52 5201
5901 59 5901
0502 5 5 3 A
3502 35 6 susc. 5 D3
5202 52 52 4 A
5902 59 59 11B
0503 5 05 30
3503 35 35 30
5203 52 52 30
5903 59 59 30

Transferred data to nightingales/C_gigas or nightingales/P_generosa and verified MD5 checksums. Have added list of files to nightingales spreadsheet(Google Sheet).

Also, of importance, are trimming guidelines for these sequences. Hollie contacted Genewiz about their library prep and learned they use the Accel-NGS Methyl-Seq DNA Library Kit (Swift). Swift provides a technical bulletin on trimming and indicates the following:

Trimming 10 bases from the beginning of both R1 and R2 following adapter trimming eliminates the majority of Adaptase tails.

Here is Genewiz report:

Table 2.1 Sample Sequencing Statistics            
GENEWIZ NGS Data Report            
Project Sample ID Barcode Sequence # Reads Yield (Mbases) Mean Quality Score % Bases >= 30
30_183897003 0501 CGATGT 58488059 17547 35.42 81.73
30_183897003 0502 CAGATC 54841476 16453 35.43 81.79
30_183897003 0503 ATGTCA 52619991 15786 35.28 81.2
30_183897003 3501 TGACCA 51618348 15486 35.58 82.35
30_183897003 3502 CTTGTA 55001770 16500 35.54 82.17
30_183897003 3503 CCGTCC 52440884 15732 34.94 80.05
30_183897003 5201 ACAGTG 52914909 15874 35.69 82.72
30_183897003 5202 AGTCAA 47529403 14259 35.48 81.98
30_183897003 5203 GTCCGC 54386432 16316 35.08 80.52
30_183897003 5901 GCCAAT 63659740 19098 35.42 81.74
30_183897003 5902 AGTTCC 55420544 16626 35.43 81.8
30_183897003 5903 GTGAAA 54173403 16252 37.06 88.07
30_183897003 Tank2-025-026 GCCAAT 66223383 19867 37.04 87.98
30_183897003 Tank3-15-16 ACAGTG 49500297 14850 36.96 87.73
30_183897003 YRVA CGATGT 67542867 20263 37.1 88.14
30_183897003 YRVL TGACCA 66590575 19977 37.05 87.99