Data Wrangling - Create Panopea-generosa-vv0.74.a4 Intron and Intergenic BED Files

Since generating an updated Pgenerosa_v074 annotation, we also needed updated intergenic and intron bed files to put in the OSF repository for this project.

I generated intergenic and intron BED files by following along with Steven’s notebooks:

Steven intergenic BED file notebook (GitHub):

Steven intron BED file notebook (GitHub):

Here’s how I generated these two BED files.

Jupyter Notebook (GitHub):


Output folder:

Intergenic BED file (BED):

Intron BED file (BED):

Will add these files to the OSF repository for this project.

Here’s how they look in IGV:

IGV screencap showing intron and intergenic bed files