After an additional round of trimming yesterday, I needed to identify alternative transcripts in the Crassostrea virginica (Eastern oyster) gonad RNAseq data we have. I previously used HISAT2
to index the NCBI Crassostrea virginica (Eastern oyster) genome and identify exon/splice sites on 20210720. Then, I used this genome index to run StringTie
on Mox in order to map sequencing reads to the genome/alternative isoforms.
Job was run on Mox.
SBATCH Script (GitHub):
## Job Name
#SBATCH --job-name=20220225_cvir_stringtie_GCF_002022765.2_isoforms
## Allocation Definition
#SBATCH --account=srlab
#SBATCH --partition=srlab
## Resources
## Nodes
#SBATCH --nodes=1
## Walltime (days-hours:minutes:seconds format)
#SBATCH --time=3-12:00:00
## Memory per node
#SBATCH --mem=500G
##turn on e-mail notification
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
## Specify the working directory for this job
#SBATCH --chdir=/gscratch/scrubbed/samwhite/outputs/20220225_cvir_stringtie_GCF_002022765.2_isoforms
## Script using Stringtie with NCBI C.virginica genome assembly
## and HiSat2 index generated on 20210714.
## Expects FastQ input filenames to match <sample name>_R[12].fastp-trim.20bp-5prime.20220224.fq.gz
# These variables need to be set by user
## Assign Variables
# Set number of CPUs to use
# Index name for Hisat2 use
# Needs to match index naem used in previous Hisat2 indexing step
# Location of Hisat2 index files
# Must keep variable name formatting, as it's used by HiSat2
# Paths to programs
# Input/output files
# Declare associative array of sample names and metadata
declare -A samples_associative_array=()
# Set total number of samples (NOT number of FastQ files)
# Programs associative array
declare -A programs_array
[hisat2]="${hisat2}" \
[samtools_index]="${samtools} index" \
[samtools_merge]="${samtools} merge" \
[samtools_sort]="${samtools} sort" \
[samtools_view]="${samtools} view" \
# Exit script if any command fails
set -e
# Load Python Mox module for Python module availability
module load intel-python3_2017
## Load associative array
## Only need to use one set of reads to capture sample name
# Set sample counter for array verification
# Load array
for fastq in "${fastq_dir}"*_R1.fastp-trim.20bp-5prime.20220224.fq.gz
# Increment counter
# Remove path
# Get sample name from first _-delimited field
sample_name=$(echo "${sample_name}" | awk -F "_" '{print $1}')
# Set treatment condition for each sample
if [[ "${sample_name}" == "S12M" ]] \
|| [[ "${sample_name}" == "S22F" ]] \
|| [[ "${sample_name}" == "S23M" ]] \
|| [[ "${sample_name}" == "S29F" ]] \
|| [[ "${sample_name}" == "S31M" ]] \
|| [[ "${sample_name}" == "S35F" ]] \
|| [[ "${sample_name}" == "S36F" ]] \
|| [[ "${sample_name}" == "S3F" ]] \
|| [[ "${sample_name}" == "S41F" ]] \
|| [[ "${sample_name}" == "S48F" ]] \
|| [[ "${sample_name}" == "S50F" ]] \
|| [[ "${sample_name}" == "S59M" ]] \
|| [[ "${sample_name}" == "S77F" ]] \
|| [[ "${sample_name}" == "S9M" ]]
# Append to associative array
# Check array size to confirm it has all expected samples
# Exit if mismatch
if [[ "${#samples_associative_array[@]}" != "${sample_counter}" ]] \
|| [[ "${#samples_associative_array[@]}" != "${total_samples}" ]]
echo "samples_associative_array doesn't have all 26 samples."
echo ""
echo "samples_associative_array contents:"
echo ""
for item in "${!samples_associative_array[@]}"
printf "%s\t%s\n" "${item}" "${samples_associative_array[${item}]}"
# Copy Hisat2 genome index files
rsync -av "${genome_index_dir}"/${genome_index_name}*.ht2 .
for sample in "${!samples_associative_array[@]}"
## Inititalize arrays
# Create array of fastq R1 files
# and generated MD5 checksums file.
for fastq in "${fastq_dir}""${sample}"*_R1.fastp-trim.20bp-5prime.20220224.fq.gz
echo "Generating checksum for ${fastq}..."
md5sum "${fastq}" >> input_fastqs_checksums.md5
echo "Checksum for ${fastq} completed."
echo ""
# Create array of fastq R2 files
for fastq in "${fastq_dir}""${sample}"*_R2.fastp-trim.20bp-5prime.20220224.fq.gz
echo "Generating checksum for ${fastq}..."
md5sum "${fastq}" >> input_fastqs_checksums.md5
echo "Checksum for ${fastq} completed."
echo ""
# Create comma-separated lists of FastQs for Hisat2
printf -v joined_R1 '%s,' "${fastq_array_R1[@]}"
fastq_list_R1=$(echo "${joined_R1%,}")
printf -v joined_R2 '%s,' "${fastq_array_R2[@]}"
fastq_list_R2=$(echo "${joined_R2%,}")
# Create and switch to dedicated sample directory
mkdir "${sample}" && cd "$_"
# Hisat2 alignments
# Sets read group info (RG) using samples array
"${programs_array[hisat2]}" \
-x "${genome_index_name}" \
-1 "${fastq_list_R1}" \
-2 "${fastq_list_R2}" \
-S "${sample}".sam \
--rg-id "${sample}" \
--rg "SM:""${samples_associative_array[$sample]}" \
2> "${sample}"_hisat2.err
# Sort SAM files, convert to BAM, and index
${programs_array[samtools_view]} \
-@ "${threads}" \
-Su "${sample}".sam \
| ${programs_array[samtools_sort]} - \
-@ "${threads}" \
-o "${sample}".sorted.bam
# Index BAM
${programs_array[samtools_index]} "${sample}".sorted.bam
# Run stringtie on alignments
# Uses "-B" option to output tables intended for use in Ballgown
# Uses "-e" option; recommended when using "-B" option.
# Limits analysis to only reads alignments matching reference.
"${programs_array[stringtie]}" "${sample}".sorted.bam \
-p "${threads}" \
-o "${sample}".gtf \
-G "${genome_gff}" \
-C "${sample}.cov_refs.gtf" \
-B \
# Add GTFs to list file, only if non-empty
# Identifies GTF files that only have header
gtf_lines=$(wc -l < "${sample}".gtf )
if [ "${gtf_lines}" -gt 2 ]; then
echo "$(pwd)/${sample}.gtf" >> ../"${gtf_list}"
# Delete unneeded SAM files
rm ./*.sam
# Generate checksums
for file in *
md5sum "${file}" >> ${sample}_checksums.md5
# Move up to orig. working directory
cd ../
# Merge all BAMs to singular BAM for use in transcriptome assembly later
## Create list of sorted BAMs for merging
find . -name "*sorted.bam" > sorted_bams.list
## Merge sorted BAMs
${programs_array[samtools_merge]} \
-b sorted_bams.list \
${merged_bam} \
--threads ${threads}
## Index merged BAM
${programs_array[samtools_index]} ${merged_bam}
# Create singular transcript file, using GTF list file
"${programs_array[stringtie]}" --merge \
"${gtf_list}" \
-p "${threads}" \
-G "${genome_gff}" \
-o "${genome_index_name}".stringtie.gtf
# Delete unneccessary index files
rm "${genome_index_name}"*.ht2
# Generate checksums
for file in *
md5sum "${file}" >> checksums.md5
# Capture program options
if [[ "${#programs_array[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then
echo "Logging program options..."
for program in "${!programs_array[@]}"
echo "Program options for ${program}: "
echo ""
# Handle samtools help menus
if [[ "${program}" == "samtools_index" ]] \
|| [[ "${program}" == "samtools_sort" ]] \
|| [[ "${program}" == "samtools_view" ]]
# Handle DIAMOND BLAST menu
elif [[ "${program}" == "diamond" ]]; then
${programs_array[$program]} help
# Handle NCBI BLASTx menu
elif [[ "${program}" == "blastx" ]]; then
${programs_array[$program]} -help
${programs_array[$program]} -h
echo ""
echo ""
echo "----------------------------------------------"
echo ""
echo ""
} &>> program_options.log || true
# If MultiQC is in programs_array, copy the config file to this directory.
if [[ "${program}" == "multiqc" ]]; then
cp --preserve ~/.multiqc_config.yaml multiqc_config.yaml
echo "Finished logging programs options."
echo ""
# Document programs in PATH (primarily for program version ID)
echo "Logging system $PATH..."
echo ""
echo "System PATH for $SLURM_JOB_ID"
echo ""
printf "%0.s-" {1..10}
echo "${PATH}" | tr : \\n
} >> system_path.log
echo "Finished logging system $PATH."
Runtime was a bit over two days, as expected:
NOTE: The runtime screencap indicates the job failed. Although this is technically true, the actual StringTie
job ran to completion. The script exited due to error during MD5 checksum generation (it encountered a directory instead of a file) due to poor implementation by me.
Output folder:
List of input FastQs and checksums (text):
Full GTF file (GTF; 143MB):
Merged BAM file (79GB):
MD5 checksum:
Merged BAM index file (useful for IGV):
Since there are a large number of folders/files, the resulting directory structure for all of the StringTie
output is shown at the end of this post. Here’s a description of all the file types found in each directory:
: Seeballgown
documentation for description of these. -
: MD5 checksums for all files in each directory. -
: Coverage GTF generate byStringTie
and used to generate final GTF for each sample. -
: Final GTF file produced byStringTie
for each sample. -
: Standard error output fromHISAT2
. Contains alignment info. -
: Sorted BAM alignments file produced byHISAT2
. -
: BAM index file.
The initial alignments from 20210726 which accidentally used untrimmed sequencing reads had some truly abysmal alignment rates (males were ~30% and females were around 45%). This round is a marked improvement. The females exhibit alignment rates around what one would expect (> 80%), while the males, even though relatively low (around 57%), it is drasticalliy better than the 30% seen when using the untrimmed reads. Still, the alignment rates are consistently low/lower in males, compared to the females. Not sure of what this means, but exploring some additional avenues to investigate (e.g. possible residual rRNA, possible contamination with other organismal RNA)
Here’s a table. The letter M
or F
in the sample name column indicates sex.
S12M | 58.09% |
S13M | 58.44% |
S16F | 81.08% |
S19F | 82.05% |
S22F | 82.16% |
S23M | 57.06% |
S29F | 75.92% |
S31M | 61.12% |
S35F | 81.95% |
S36F | 80.60% |
S39F | 82.52% |
S3F | 82.31% |
S41F | 78.38% |
S44F | 78.70% |
S48M | 57.60% |
S50F | 82.96% |
S52F | 73.20% |
S53F | 81.48% |
S54F | 77.75% |
S59M | 65.81% |
S64M | 71.53% |
S6M | 57.82% |
S76F | 82.82% |
S77F | 84.37% |
S7M | 58.74% |
S9M | 57.95% |
├── [8.8K]
├── [ 79G] 20220225_cvir_stringtie_GCF_002022765-sorted-bams-merged.bam
├── [ 23M] 20220225_cvir_stringtie_GCF_002022765-sorted-bams-merged.bam.bai
├── [ 457] checksums.md5
├── [143M] cvir_GCF_002022765.2.stringtie.gtf
├── [2.5K] gtf_list.txt
├── [6.3K] input_fastqs_checksums.md5
├── [4.0K] S12M
│ ├── [8.7M] e2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 26M] e_data.ctab
│ ├── [7.8M] i2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 14M] i_data.ctab
│ ├── [ 473] S12M_checksums.md5
│ ├── [1.8M] S12M.cov_refs.gtf
│ ├── [136M] S12M.gtf
│ ├── [ 642] S12M_hisat2.err
│ ├── [4.1G] S12M.sorted.bam
│ ├── [2.2M] S12M.sorted.bam.bai
│ └── [7.3M] t_data.ctab
├── [4.0K] S13M
│ ├── [8.7M] e2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 26M] e_data.ctab
│ ├── [7.8M] i2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 14M] i_data.ctab
│ ├── [ 473] S13M_checksums.md5
│ ├── [877K] S13M.cov_refs.gtf
│ ├── [136M] S13M.gtf
│ ├── [ 642] S13M_hisat2.err
│ ├── [3.0G] S13M.sorted.bam
│ ├── [1.4M] S13M.sorted.bam.bai
│ └── [7.3M] t_data.ctab
├── [4.0K] S16F
│ ├── [8.7M] e2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 27M] e_data.ctab
│ ├── [7.8M] i2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 14M] i_data.ctab
│ ├── [ 473] S16F_checksums.md5
│ ├── [ 19M] S16F.cov_refs.gtf
│ ├── [137M] S16F.gtf
│ ├── [ 641] S16F_hisat2.err
│ ├── [2.7G] S16F.sorted.bam
│ ├── [1.3M] S16F.sorted.bam.bai
│ └── [7.3M] t_data.ctab
├── [4.0K] S19F
│ ├── [8.7M] e2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 27M] e_data.ctab
│ ├── [7.8M] i2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 14M] i_data.ctab
│ ├── [ 473] S19F_checksums.md5
│ ├── [ 15M] S19F.cov_refs.gtf
│ ├── [136M] S19F.gtf
│ ├── [ 641] S19F_hisat2.err
│ ├── [2.7G] S19F.sorted.bam
│ ├── [1.2M] S19F.sorted.bam.bai
│ └── [7.3M] t_data.ctab
├── [4.0K] S22F
│ ├── [8.7M] e2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 27M] e_data.ctab
│ ├── [7.8M] i2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 14M] i_data.ctab
│ ├── [ 473] S22F_checksums.md5
│ ├── [ 16M] S22F.cov_refs.gtf
│ ├── [137M] S22F.gtf
│ ├── [ 643] S22F_hisat2.err
│ ├── [3.1G] S22F.sorted.bam
│ ├── [1.4M] S22F.sorted.bam.bai
│ └── [7.3M] t_data.ctab
├── [4.0K] S23M
│ ├── [8.7M] e2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 26M] e_data.ctab
│ ├── [7.8M] i2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 14M] i_data.ctab
│ ├── [ 473] S23M_checksums.md5
│ ├── [1.8M] S23M.cov_refs.gtf
│ ├── [137M] S23M.gtf
│ ├── [ 642] S23M_hisat2.err
│ ├── [4.6G] S23M.sorted.bam
│ ├── [2.5M] S23M.sorted.bam.bai
│ └── [7.3M] t_data.ctab
├── [4.0K] S29F
│ ├── [8.7M] e2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 26M] e_data.ctab
│ ├── [7.8M] i2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 14M] i_data.ctab
│ ├── [ 473] S29F_checksums.md5
│ ├── [ 17M] S29F.cov_refs.gtf
│ ├── [137M] S29F.gtf
│ ├── [ 642] S29F_hisat2.err
│ ├── [2.7G] S29F.sorted.bam
│ ├── [1.3M] S29F.sorted.bam.bai
│ └── [7.3M] t_data.ctab
├── [4.0K] S31M
│ ├── [8.7M] e2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 26M] e_data.ctab
│ ├── [7.8M] i2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 14M] i_data.ctab
│ ├── [ 473] S31M_checksums.md5
│ ├── [681K] S31M.cov_refs.gtf
│ ├── [136M] S31M.gtf
│ ├── [ 642] S31M_hisat2.err
│ ├── [2.9G] S31M.sorted.bam
│ ├── [1.5M] S31M.sorted.bam.bai
│ └── [7.3M] t_data.ctab
├── [4.0K] S35F
│ ├── [8.7M] e2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 26M] e_data.ctab
│ ├── [7.8M] i2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 14M] i_data.ctab
│ ├── [ 473] S35F_checksums.md5
│ ├── [ 15M] S35F.cov_refs.gtf
│ ├── [136M] S35F.gtf
│ ├── [ 640] S35F_hisat2.err
│ ├── [2.3G] S35F.sorted.bam
│ ├── [1.1M] S35F.sorted.bam.bai
│ └── [7.3M] t_data.ctab
├── [4.0K] S36F
│ ├── [8.7M] e2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 26M] e_data.ctab
│ ├── [7.8M] i2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 14M] i_data.ctab
│ ├── [ 473] S36F_checksums.md5
│ ├── [ 15M] S36F.cov_refs.gtf
│ ├── [136M] S36F.gtf
│ ├── [ 640] S36F_hisat2.err
│ ├── [2.5G] S36F.sorted.bam
│ ├── [1.2M] S36F.sorted.bam.bai
│ └── [7.3M] t_data.ctab
├── [4.0K] S39F
│ ├── [8.7M] e2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 27M] e_data.ctab
│ ├── [7.8M] i2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 14M] i_data.ctab
│ ├── [ 473] S39F_checksums.md5
│ ├── [ 15M] S39F.cov_refs.gtf
│ ├── [136M] S39F.gtf
│ ├── [ 641] S39F_hisat2.err
│ ├── [2.7G] S39F.sorted.bam
│ ├── [1.2M] S39F.sorted.bam.bai
│ └── [7.3M] t_data.ctab
├── [4.0K] S3F
│ ├── [8.7M] e2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 26M] e_data.ctab
│ ├── [7.8M] i2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 14M] i_data.ctab
│ ├── [ 468] S3F_checksums.md5
│ ├── [ 16M] S3F.cov_refs.gtf
│ ├── [137M] S3F.gtf
│ ├── [ 640] S3F_hisat2.err
│ ├── [2.4G] S3F.sorted.bam
│ ├── [1.1M] S3F.sorted.bam.bai
│ └── [7.3M] t_data.ctab
├── [4.0K] S41F
│ ├── [8.7M] e2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 27M] e_data.ctab
│ ├── [7.8M] i2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 14M] i_data.ctab
│ ├── [ 473] S41F_checksums.md5
│ ├── [ 18M] S41F.cov_refs.gtf
│ ├── [137M] S41F.gtf
│ ├── [ 641] S41F_hisat2.err
│ ├── [2.6G] S41F.sorted.bam
│ ├── [1.2M] S41F.sorted.bam.bai
│ └── [7.3M] t_data.ctab
├── [4.0K] S44F
│ ├── [8.7M] e2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 27M] e_data.ctab
│ ├── [7.8M] i2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 14M] i_data.ctab
│ ├── [ 473] S44F_checksums.md5
│ ├── [ 18M] S44F.cov_refs.gtf
│ ├── [137M] S44F.gtf
│ ├── [ 643] S44F_hisat2.err
│ ├── [2.9G] S44F.sorted.bam
│ ├── [1.3M] S44F.sorted.bam.bai
│ └── [7.3M] t_data.ctab
├── [4.0K] S48M
│ ├── [8.7M] e2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 27M] e_data.ctab
│ ├── [7.8M] i2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 14M] i_data.ctab
│ ├── [ 473] S48M_checksums.md5
│ ├── [1.6M] S48M.cov_refs.gtf
│ ├── [137M] S48M.gtf
│ ├── [ 645] S48M_hisat2.err
│ ├── [6.7G] S48M.sorted.bam
│ ├── [3.2M] S48M.sorted.bam.bai
│ └── [7.3M] t_data.ctab
├── [4.0K] S50F
│ ├── [8.7M] e2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 27M] e_data.ctab
│ ├── [7.8M] i2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 14M] i_data.ctab
│ ├── [ 473] S50F_checksums.md5
│ ├── [ 16M] S50F.cov_refs.gtf
│ ├── [137M] S50F.gtf
│ ├── [ 640] S50F_hisat2.err
│ ├── [2.3G] S50F.sorted.bam
│ ├── [1.1M] S50F.sorted.bam.bai
│ └── [7.3M] t_data.ctab
├── [4.0K] S52F
│ ├── [8.7M] e2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 27M] e_data.ctab
│ ├── [7.8M] i2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 14M] i_data.ctab
│ ├── [ 473] S52F_checksums.md5
│ ├── [ 21M] S52F.cov_refs.gtf
│ ├── [138M] S52F.gtf
│ ├── [ 642] S52F_hisat2.err
│ ├── [2.8G] S52F.sorted.bam
│ ├── [1.3M] S52F.sorted.bam.bai
│ └── [7.3M] t_data.ctab
├── [4.0K] S53F
│ ├── [8.7M] e2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 27M] e_data.ctab
│ ├── [7.8M] i2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 14M] i_data.ctab
│ ├── [ 473] S53F_checksums.md5
│ ├── [ 16M] S53F.cov_refs.gtf
│ ├── [137M] S53F.gtf
│ ├── [ 641] S53F_hisat2.err
│ ├── [2.6G] S53F.sorted.bam
│ ├── [1.2M] S53F.sorted.bam.bai
│ └── [7.3M] t_data.ctab
├── [4.0K] S54F
│ ├── [8.7M] e2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 27M] e_data.ctab
│ ├── [7.8M] i2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 14M] i_data.ctab
│ ├── [ 473] S54F_checksums.md5
│ ├── [ 17M] S54F.cov_refs.gtf
│ ├── [137M] S54F.gtf
│ ├── [ 642] S54F_hisat2.err
│ ├── [2.7G] S54F.sorted.bam
│ ├── [1.2M] S54F.sorted.bam.bai
│ └── [7.3M] t_data.ctab
├── [4.0K] S59M
│ ├── [8.7M] e2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 26M] e_data.ctab
│ ├── [7.8M] i2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 14M] i_data.ctab
│ ├── [ 473] S59M_checksums.md5
│ ├── [ 11M] S59M.cov_refs.gtf
│ ├── [137M] S59M.gtf
│ ├── [ 642] S59M_hisat2.err
│ ├── [2.7G] S59M.sorted.bam
│ ├── [1.2M] S59M.sorted.bam.bai
│ └── [7.3M] t_data.ctab
├── [4.0K] S64M
│ ├── [8.7M] e2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 26M] e_data.ctab
│ ├── [7.8M] i2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 14M] i_data.ctab
│ ├── [ 473] S64M_checksums.md5
│ ├── [8.8M] S64M.cov_refs.gtf
│ ├── [137M] S64M.gtf
│ ├── [ 644] S64M_hisat2.err
│ ├── [3.3G] S64M.sorted.bam
│ ├── [2.2M] S64M.sorted.bam.bai
│ └── [7.3M] t_data.ctab
├── [4.0K] S6M
│ ├── [8.7M] e2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 27M] e_data.ctab
│ ├── [7.8M] i2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 14M] i_data.ctab
│ ├── [ 468] S6M_checksums.md5
│ ├── [1.4M] S6M.cov_refs.gtf
│ ├── [136M] S6M.gtf
│ ├── [ 643] S6M_hisat2.err
│ ├── [4.5G] S6M.sorted.bam
│ ├── [2.3M] S6M.sorted.bam.bai
│ └── [7.3M] t_data.ctab
├── [4.0K] S76F
│ ├── [8.7M] e2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 27M] e_data.ctab
│ ├── [7.8M] i2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 14M] i_data.ctab
│ ├── [ 473] S76F_checksums.md5
│ ├── [ 16M] S76F.cov_refs.gtf
│ ├── [137M] S76F.gtf
│ ├── [ 641] S76F_hisat2.err
│ ├── [2.8G] S76F.sorted.bam
│ ├── [1.2M] S76F.sorted.bam.bai
│ └── [7.3M] t_data.ctab
├── [4.0K] S77F
│ ├── [8.7M] e2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 27M] e_data.ctab
│ ├── [7.8M] i2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 14M] i_data.ctab
│ ├── [ 473] S77F_checksums.md5
│ ├── [ 17M] S77F.cov_refs.gtf
│ ├── [137M] S77F.gtf
│ ├── [ 643] S77F_hisat2.err
│ ├── [3.0G] S77F.sorted.bam
│ ├── [1.3M] S77F.sorted.bam.bai
│ └── [7.3M] t_data.ctab
├── [4.0K] S7M
│ ├── [8.7M] e2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 26M] e_data.ctab
│ ├── [7.8M] i2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 14M] i_data.ctab
│ ├── [ 468] S7M_checksums.md5
│ ├── [1.8M] S7M.cov_refs.gtf
│ ├── [136M] S7M.gtf
│ ├── [ 643] S7M_hisat2.err
│ ├── [3.6G] S7M.sorted.bam
│ ├── [1.9M] S7M.sorted.bam.bai
│ └── [7.3M] t_data.ctab
├── [4.0K] S9M
│ ├── [8.7M] e2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 26M] e_data.ctab
│ ├── [7.8M] i2t.ctab
│ ├── [ 14M] i_data.ctab
│ ├── [ 468] S9M_checksums.md5
│ ├── [1.4M] S9M.cov_refs.gtf
│ ├── [136M] S9M.gtf
│ ├── [ 642] S9M_hisat2.err
│ ├── [4.3G] S9M.sorted.bam
│ ├── [2.2M] S9M.sorted.bam.bai
│ └── [7.3M] t_data.ctab
├── [ 14K] slurm-2578858.out
└── [ 590] sorted_bams.list