RNA Isolation - O.nerka Berdahl Brain Tissues

Steven asked that I isolate RNA from the remainder of the Berdahl brain tissue samples (GitHub issue).

For reference, here’s the original info provided regarding these samples (GitHub issue).

Sample labelling was as follows:

Numbers refer to individuals:

1-15 are territorial individuals

16-30 are social individuals

Letters refer to tissues:

(A) brain (B) liver (C) gonads

The following brain samples were selected for RNA isolation:

  • 6A
  • 7A
  • 8A
  • 9A
  • 10A
  • 11A
  • 12A
  • 13A
  • 14A
  • 15A
  • 17A
  • 18A
  • 19A
  • 21A
  • 22A
  • 24A
  • 26A
  • 27A
  • 28A
  • 29A
  • 30A

RNA was isolated using RNAzol RT (Molecular Research Center) and the Direct-zol RNA Microprep Kit (ZymoResearch), with the DNase I on-column treatment step. The brain tissues were split into 4 equal size portions. Each portion was homogenized individually. Forceps were rinsed in distilled H2O, soaked in 10% bleach solution for 10mins, and then rinsed in distilled H2O before re-use. All centrifugation steps were performed at 16,000g for 1 min. Here’s a brief overview of the process.

Tubes containing tissues were allowed to thaw completely at room temperature (RT). Tissues were homogenized in 500uL of TriReagent with “disposable” platic mortar/pestle tubes (1.5mL). After homogenization, an additional 500uL of TriReagent was added to the tube, vortexed and incubated at RT for 15mins. Homogenized samples were stored over night at -20o.

The four tubes from each sample was pelleted and supernatant was transferred to a 15.0mL tube. An equal volume (4mL) of 100% ethanol was added to this supernatant and mixed thoroughly by vortexing. Direct-zol Microprep Kit protocol was followed from here on, including on-column DNase I treatment. Samples were eluted with 15uL of H2O.

RNA was quantified using the Roberts Lab Qubit 3.0 using the Qubit RNA High Sensitivity assay.

All RNA was stored @ -80oC in Sam’s RNA Box #3.


Raw Qubit data (Google Sheet):


Sample Concentration (ng/uL) Elution Volume (uL) Yield (ng)
6A 116 15 1740
7A 132 15 1980
8A 120 15 1800
9A 130 15 1950
10A 94 15 1410
11A 114 15 1710
12A 80 15 1200
13A 80.8 15 1212
14A 74.6 15 1119
15A 108 15 1620
17A 138 15 2070
18A 89 15 1335
19A 67.6 15 1014
21A 61.6 15 924
22A 108 15 1620
24A 83.8 15 1257
26A 98.8 15 1482
27A 110 15 1650
28A 118 15 1770
29A 124 15 1860
30A 102 15 1530