qPCR - Repeat of Mussel Gill Heat Stress cDNA with Ferritin Primers

My previous qPCR on these cDNA using ferritin primers (SRIDs: 1808, 1809) resulted in no amplification. This was a bit surprising and makes me suspect that I screwed up somewhere (not adding primer(s)??), so I decided to repeat the qPCR. I made fresh working primer stocks and used 1uL of cDNA for each reaction. All reactions were run in duplicate on our CFX Connect thermalcycler (BioRad) with SsoFast EVAgreen Master Mix (BioRad). See my previous post linked above for qPCR master mix calcs.


Output folder:

CFX Connect Data File (PCRD; requires CFX Maestro software):

No amplification, which confirms previous results with these primers.

qPCR relative fluorescence plot of ferritin primer set showing no amplification