Lab meeting.
- Discussed Ch.6 of “The Disordered Cosmos”.
Worked on CEABIGR manuscript in preparation for Friday’s meeting with Kaite Lotterhos.
Science Hour
Worked heavily on getting CEABIGR max transcript counts Circos formatting.
Worked on CEABIGR stuff - primarily creating a file of differences in max transcript counts between treatments/sexes for eventual use in Circos.
16s pipelines are still running! Mox job actually died a little after 1 day of running due a mistake I made in variable naming. Ugh. Restarted late tonight.
The 16s pipeline was still running after 24hrs. Decided this was too long, so killed it.
- Ran Linda Rhodes’ 16s pipeline with the reduced 138.99 515-806 primer regions. Should help things move a bit faster.
Decided to install QIIME2 conda environment on Mox to see if we can speed the pipeline up.
- Ran a job on Mox with the reduced 138.99 515-806 primer regions to see if this would finish a bit quicker… Still running many hours later…
- Ran Linda Rhodes’ 16s pipeline with the “default” 138.99 refseqs/taxonomy. Still running…
Lab meeting
Oyster gene expression meeting (had to leave early due to contractors showing up)
Re-ran Linda Rhodes 16s pipeline with “new” MiSeq data.
Used her original SILVA refseq and taxonomy files.
Took hours to run on my laptop.
Success!! Taxa barplot actually has a majority of reads in each of the samples assigned to Bacteria!!
Will now test the SILVA 138.99 refseq and taxonomy files that I generated (followed the QIIME2 guide).
Created a GitHub repo for storing/updating various files/notebooks associated with this project.
Dungeness crab genome annotation meeting with NOAA people (Krista, Laura, Mac).
Met with Linda to discuss weird results.
She’s retiring at the end of the month, but will continue working on personal computer.
She will provide data known to have generated classifications using the pipeline.
She’ll send me here GitHub username so I can establish a repo to simplify data sharing.
I’ll schedule recurring meetings to help keep me on task.
Lotterhos Crassostrea virginica (Eastern oyster) meeting.
- Continued to work on Linda’s stuff. Tested her original ref seqs/taxonomy files, but got virtually same results as updated SILVA database/taxonomy (i.e. all samples have no assigned taxonomies)…
- Began to revist Linda Rhode’s stuff after negelecting it for an entire month??!! Whoa! I literally thought it had only been a couple of weeks… Yeesh.
- Took day off
Read Ch. 5 of “The Disordered Cosmos”
Lab meeting - discussed Ch.5 of “The Disordered Cosmos”.
Continued the code/data migration from 2018_L18-adult-methylation repo to CEABIGR repo…
- Continued the code/data migration from 2018_L18-adult-methylation repo to CEABIGR repo…
- Continued the code/data migration from 2018_L18-adult-methylation repo to CEABIGR repo…
Continued the code/data migration from 2018_L18-adult-methylation repo to CEABIGR repo…
Spoke with Matt regarding RNAsequencing options/considerations for M.trossolus transcriptome.
Worked a a lot on CEABIGR data.
Reviewing predominant isoform data, to help clarify some questions Yaamini had.
Working on Circos plots; specifically to try to generate something “pretty” for Yaamini to use in her talk at EPIMAR tomorrow.
Migrating, and updating, code/data from 2018_L18-adult-methylation repo to CEABIGR repo. Annoying trying to keep track of which scripts/code is in which repo…
Continued reorganization of Circos directories within the CEABIGR repo.
Dealt with weird computer issues throughout the day (VMware Player kept freezing over and over). Potentially resolved by reducing number of CPUs that VM can use?
Lab cleanup extravaganza
Installed 2nd gas cylinder bracket in FTR 213
Cleaned up my computer area.
Cleaned up my old office.
Moved Brent’s stuff to FTR 228.
Moved Friedman qPCR machine to FTR 228.
Helped “clean” up MAR cold room (watched Steven sweep).
Lab cleanup extravaganza
Cleaned out 213 4oC fridge
Restored T21 table top centrifuge sign up sheet
Moved NOAA/Jensen crab bins to FTR 228
Evaluated middle freezer in -80oC room
Fixed FRT 209 printer (ethernet connection had to be enabled in printer settings, despite cable being plugged in).
Cleaned my bench.
- Day off