Sequencing Read Taxonomic Classification - M.magister RNA-seq Using DIAMOND BLASTx and MEGAN6 daa-meganizer on Mox

Running DIAMOND BLASTx, followed by MEGAN6 daa-meganizer for taxonomic classification of NOAA M.magister trimmed RNA-seq reads (provided by Giles Goetz on 20230301). This is primarily just for curiosity, per Steven’s GitHub Issue. This was run on Mox.

SBATCH Script (GitHub):

## Job Name
#SBATCH --job-name=20230316-mmag-diamond-meganizer-RNAseq
## Allocation Definition
#SBATCH --account=srlab
#SBATCH --partition=srlab
## Resources
## Nodes
#SBATCH --nodes=1
## Walltime (days-hours:minutes:seconds format)
#SBATCH --time=25-00:00:00
## Memory per node
#SBATCH --mem=120G
##turn on e-mail notification
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
## Specify the working directory for this job
#SBATCH --chdir=/gscratch/scrubbed/samwhite/outputs/20230316-mmag-diamond-meganizer-RNAseq

## Perform DIAMOND BLASTx on trimmed M.magister RNA-seq files from 20230301.
## Will be used to view taxonomic breakdown of sequencing reads.

## Expects input FastQ files to be match this pattern: *.trimmed.R[12].fastq.gz

# These variables need to be set by user

## Assign Variables


# Program paths

# DIAMOND NCBI nr database

# MEGAN mapping files

# FastQ files directory

# CPU threads

# MEGAN memory limit

# Programs associative array
declare -A programs_array
[diamond]="${diamond}" \


# Exit script if any command fails
set -e

# Load Python Mox module for Python module availability
module load intel-python3_2017

# Loop through FastQ files, log filenames to fastq_list.txt.
# Run DIAMOND on each FastQ, followed by "MEGANization"
# DO NOT QUOTE ${fastq_pattern}
for fastq in "${fastq_dir}"/${fastq_pattern}
	# Log input FastQs
    echo ""
    echo "Generating MD5 checksum for ${fastq}..."
	md5sum "${fastq}" | tee --append input_fastqs-checksums.md5
    echo ""

	# Strip leading path ${fastq##*/} by eliminating all text up to and including last slash from the left side.
    # Strip extensions by eliminating ".fastq.gz" from the right side.
	no_path=$(echo "${fastq##*/}")
	no_ext=$(echo "${no_path%%.fastq.gz}")

	# Run DIAMOND with blastx
	# Output format 100 produces a DAA binary file for use with MEGAN
    echo "Running DIAMOND BLASTx on ${fastq}."
    echo ""
	"${programs_array[diamond]}" blastx \
	--db ${dmnd_db} \
	--query "${fastq}" \
	--out "${no_ext}".blastx.meganized.daa \
	--outfmt 100 \
	--top 5 \
	--block-size 15.0 \
	--index-chunks 4 \
    --memory-limit ${mem_limit} \
    --threads ${threads}
    echo "DIAMOND BLASTx on ${fastq} complete: ${no_ext}.blastx.meganized.daa"
    echo ""

    # Meganize DAA files
    # Used for ability to import into MEGAN6
    echo "Now MEGANizing ${no_ext}.blastx.meganized.daa"
    "${programs_array[meganizer]}" \
    --in "${no_ext}".blastx.meganized.daa \
    --threads ${threads} \
    --mapDB ${megan_mapdb}
    echo "MEGANization of ${no_ext}.blastx.meganized.daa completed."
    echo ""


# Generate MD5 checksums
for file in *
  echo ""
  echo "Generating MD5 checksums for ${file}:"
  md5sum "${file}" | tee --append checksums.md5
  echo ""

# Generate checksum for MEGAN database(s)
    md5sum "${megan_mapdb}"
    md5sum "${dmnd_db}"
} >> checksums.md5


# Capture program options
if [[ "${#programs_array[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then
  echo "Logging program options..."
  for program in "${!programs_array[@]}"
    echo "Program options for ${program}: "
    echo ""
    # Handle samtools help menus
    if [[ "${program}" == "samtools_index" ]] \
    || [[ "${program}" == "samtools_sort" ]] \
    || [[ "${program}" == "samtools_view" ]]

    # Handle DIAMOND BLAST menu
    elif [[ "${program}" == "diamond" ]]; then
      ${programs_array[$program]} help

    # Handle NCBI BLASTx menu
    elif [[ "${program}" == "blastx" ]]; then
      ${programs_array[$program]} -help
    ${programs_array[$program]} -h
    echo ""
    echo ""
    echo "----------------------------------------------"
    echo ""
    echo ""
  } &>> program_options.log || true

    # If MultiQC is in programs_array, copy the config file to this directory.
    if [[ "${program}" == "multiqc" ]]; then
      cp --preserve ~/.multiqc_config.yaml multiqc_config.yaml
  echo "Finished logging programs options."
  echo ""

# Document programs in PATH (primarily for program version ID)
echo "Logging system $PATH..."
echo ""
echo "System PATH for $SLURM_JOB_ID"
echo ""
printf "%0.s-" {1..10}
echo "${PATH}" | tr : \\n
} >> system_path.log
echo "Finished logging system $PATH."


This took an insane amount of time to run: 41 days! This required me to run the remainder of the files in a second Mox job after the initial job exceeded the time limit I specified.

Screenshot showing runtimes of the two jobs needed to process all of the M.magister DIAMOND BLASTx MEGANization.

The output files generated from this are absolutely huge! The smallest file size is 68GB! The next step is two open these up in MEGAN6 and get a sense of the taxonomic breakdowns.

Output folder:

MEGANized DAA files (DAA)