Sam’s Notebook

University of Washington - Fishery Sciences - Roberts Lab

Posts - Page 3 of 148

File Conversion - M.magister MEGANized DAA to RMA6

  • 4 min read

After the initial DIAMOND BLASTx and subsequent MEGANization(notebook) ran for 41 days, I attempted to open the extremely large files in the MEGAN6 GUI to get an overview of taxonomic breakdown. Due to the large file sizes (the smallest is 68GB!), the GUI consistently crashed. Also, each attempt took an hour or two before it would crash. Looking into this a bit more, I realized that I needed to convert the MEGANized DAA files to RMA6 format before attempting to import into the MEGAN6 GUI! Gah! The RMA6 files are significantly smaller (like “only” 2GB) and there should be ample memory to import them.

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Trimming and QC - E5 Coral sRNA-seq Data fro A.pulchra P.evermanni and P.meandrina Using FastQC flexbar and MultiQC on Mox

  • 6 min read

After downloading (notebook) and then reorganizing the E5 coral RNA-seq data from Azenta project 30-789513166 (notebook), and after testing some trimming options for sRNA-seq data (notebook), I opted to use the trimming software flexbar. I ran FastQC for initial quality checks, followed by trimming with flexbar, and then final QC with FastQC/MultiQC. This was performed on all three species in the data sets: A.pulchra, P.evermanni, and P.meandrina. All aspects were run on Mox. Final trimming length was set to 35bp.

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ORF Identification - L.staminea De Novo Transcriptome Assembly v1.0 Using Transdecoder on Mox

  • 2 min read

After performing a de novo transcriptome assembly with L.staminea RNA-seq data, the Trinity assembly stats were quite a bit more “exaggerated” than normally expected. In an attempt to get a better sense of which contigs might be more useful candidates for downstream analysis, I decided to run the assembly through Transdecoder to identify open reading frames (ORFs). This was run on Mox.

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