#!/usr/bin/perl #This script was generated by Ebot (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Class/PowerTools/eutils/ebot.cgi) #Ebot is part of the materials of the NCBI PowerScripting course #This script contains the routines of the NCBI_PowerScripting.pm module used in the course # =========================================================================== # # PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE # National Center for Biotechnology Information # # This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the # terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of # the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and # thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available # to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S. # Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction. # # Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy # and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S. # Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that # may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S. # Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including # warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular # purpose. # # Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material. # # =========================================================================== # # Author: Eric W. Sayers sayers@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Class/PowerTools/eutils/course.html # # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Contains the following subroutines: #read_params #egquery #esearch #esearch_links #esummary #esummary_links_by_id #efetch #efetch_batch #efetch_links_by_id #elink #elink_history #elink_batch #elink_batch_to #elink_by_id #elink_by_id_to #elink_out #epost_uids #epost_file #epost_set #print_summary #print_links #print_link_summaries #get_uids #read_index #get_linknames #get_link_report #extract_links #get_ftp_file use LWP::Simple; use LWP::UserAgent; use Net::FTP; my $delay = 0; my $maxdelay = 3; my $base = "http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/"; #************************************************************* #** SCRIPT MAIN BODY ***************************************** $params{email} = ""; $params{db} = "nuccore"; $params{tool} = "ebot"; $params{id} = "Consensus_sequences_AllAbMappingToAb_rRNAonlyRefsUnmappedReadsBLASTnBLASTnGIs.txt"; %params = epost_file(%params); $params{retmode} = "text"; $params{outfile} = "Consensus_sequences_AllAbMappingToAb_rRNAonlyRefsUnmappedReadsBLASTnBLASTn.fa"; $params{rettype} = "fasta"; efetch_batch(%params); #** END SCRIPT MAIN BODY ************************************ #************************************************************ #** BEGIN NCBI_PowerScripting MODULE ROUTINES *************** #************************************************************* sub read_params { # Reads input parameters from file supplied on command line # Input file must have lines of the following format: # parameter|value # where parameter is the URL parameter name and value is the # value to be assigned to parameter # For ELink, the parameter "dbfrom" must be on a line before # the id parameters. This allows multiple &id parameters # Input: file named on command line # Output: %params; keys are parameter names, values are values # Example: $params{db} = 'nucleotide' # $params{id} is an array if "dbfrom" parameter is in input file my ($param, $value); my (@keys, @test); my %params; my %mark; my $dbfrom; #check for correct command line syntax if ($#ARGV != 0) { die "Usage: [eutil].pl input_file\n"; } #read input parameter file open(INPUT, "<$ARGV[0]") || die "Aborting. Can't open $ARGV[0]\n"; while () { chomp; ($param, $value) = split(/\|/); if ($param eq 'dbfrom') { $dbfrom = 1; } if (($param eq 'id') && ($dbfrom)) { push (@{$params{$param}}, $value); } else { $params{$param} = $value; } } close INPUT; return (%params); } #************************************************************************ sub egquery { # Performs EGQuery. # Input: %params: # $params{term} - Entrez query # $params{tool} - tool name # $params{email} - e-mail address # Output = %results; keys are databases, values are UID counts my %params = @_; my ($url, $raw); my @out; my $database; my %results; my ($begin, $end); sleep($delay); $url = $base . "egquery.fcgi?term=$params{term}"; $url .= "&tool=$params{tool}&email=$params{email}"; print "\n$url\n\n" if ($params{verbose}); $begin = time; $raw = get($url); @out = split(/^/, $raw); foreach (@out) { if (/(.*)<\/DbName>/) { $database = $1; } if (/(\d+)<\/Count>/) { $results{$database} = $1; } } $end = time; $delay = $maxdelay - ($end - $begin); if ($delay < 0) { $delay = 0; } return(%results); } #********************************************************************* sub esearch { # Performs ESearch. # Input: %params # $params{db} - database # $params{term} - Entrez query # $params{usehistory} (y/n) - flag for using the Entrez history server, default = y # $params{retstart} - first item in results list to display (default = 0) # $params{retmax} - number of items in results list to display (default = 20) # $params{WebEnv} - Web Environment for accessing existing data sets # $params{reldate} - relative date, days preceding current date # $params{mindate} - begin date of range # $params{maxdate} - end date of range # $params{datetype} - type of date limited by relate, mindate, maxdate (ie edat, mdat, pdat, cdat) # $params{sort} - sort key # $params{tool} - tool name # $params{email} - e-mail address # $params{verbose} - (y/n) - causes messages to be sent to STDOUT; default = y # $params{http} - 'get' - uses HTTP Get; otherwise uses HTTP Post # # Output: %results: keys are 'db', 'count', 'query_key', 'WebEnv', 'uids' # $results{uids} is an array my %params = @_; my ($url, $url_params, $raw, $raw_cont); my @out; my %results; my ($begin, $end); my @options = qw(usehistory WebEnv retstart retmax reldate mindate maxdate datetype sort tool email); $params{verbose} = 'y' unless ($params{verbose}); sleep($delay); $params{usehistory} = 'y'; $params{http} = '' unless ($params{http}); if ( ($params{db}) && ($params{term}) ) { $url_params = "db=$params{db}&term=$params{term}"; } else { print "\nWARNING: ESearch requires both &db and &term!\n\n"; } foreach my $opt (@options) { $url_params .= "&$opt=$params{$opt}" if ($params{$opt}); } if ($params{http} eq 'get') { # use HTTP Get $url = $base . "esearch.fcgi?$url_params"; $raw_cont = get($url); } else { # use HTTP Post $url = $base . "esearch.fcgi"; #create user agent my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; $ua->agent("esearch/1.0 " . $ua->agent); #create HTTP request object my $req = new HTTP::Request POST => "$url"; $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $req->content("$url_params"); $begin = time; #post the HTTP request $raw = $ua->request($req); #print "\n$url?$url_params\n\n" if ($params{verbose} eq 'y'); $raw_cont = $raw->content; } $raw_cont =~ /(\d+)<\/Count>/s; $results{count} = $1; $raw_cont =~ /(\d+)<\/QueryKey>.*(\S+)<\/WebEnv>/s; $results{query_key} = $1 if ($params{usehistory} eq 'y'); $results{WebEnv} = $2; $results{db} = $params{db}; $results{usehistory} = 'y' if ($params{usehistory} eq 'y'); @out = split(/^/, $raw_cont); foreach (@out) { if (/(\d+)<\/Id>/) { push (@{$results{uids}}, $1); } } $end = time; $delay = $maxdelay - ($end - $begin); if ($delay < 0) { $delay = 0; } if ( ($results{count} == 0) && ($params{verbose} eq 'y') ) { print "ALERT: ESearch found no records for this query:\n"; print "$params{term}\n"; } $results{email} = $params{email}; $results{tool} = $params{tool}; return(%results); } #**************************************************************** sub esearch_links { # Performs ESearch on the output of elink_by_id ONLY # Input: %params: # $params{db} - database # $params{term} - Entrez query, where # represents the query key from elink # $params{WebEnv} - Web Environment for input data set # $params{query_key} - query key for input data set # $params{linkfile} - index file (.idx) produced by elink_by_id # $params{infile} - same as linkfile to provide backward compatibility # $params{outfile} - index file (.idx) containing results of esearch for each UID # default = infile_search.idx # $params{tool} - tool name # $params{email} - e-mail address # # Output: one hash and one file: # %results: 'query_key', 'WebEnv', 'linkfile' # query_key and WEbEnv point to the whole set of limited UIDs # $results{linkfile} = name of output index file # outfile.idx - index file containing lines of the form # input UID in dbfrom:linked UIDs in db (comma-delimited list) my %params = @_; my (%results, %initial, %links, %output, %mark, %pparams); my (@uids, @init, @filt, @out, @diff); my ($uid, $final, $file, $uidlist); my @options = qw(tool email); # Run ESearch to get the set matching the limiting $term unless ( ($params{db}) && ($params{term}) && ($params{query_key}) && ($params{WebEnv}) ) { print "\nWARNING: esearch_links requires db, term, query_key and WebEnv in input hash!\n\n"; } unless ( ($params{linkfile}) || ($params{infile}) ) { print "WARNING: esearch_links requires linkfile in input hash!\n\n"; } foreach my $opt (@options) { $params{$opt} = '' unless ($params{$opt}); } $params{term} =~ s/#/%23$params{query_key}/; $params{linkfile} = $params{infile} if ( ($params{infile}) && (!$params{linkfile}) ); %results = esearch(%params); @uids = get_uids(%results); # Read input index file from elink_by_id %initial = read_index($params{linkfile}); # Write new index file if ($params{outfile}) { $file = $params{outfile}; } else { if ($params{linkfile} =~ /(\S+)\..*$/) { $file = $1; } else { $file = $params{linkfile} }; $file .= '_search.idx'; } open (OUTPUT, ">$file") || die "Can't open $file!\n"; @links{@uids} = (); foreach $uid (keys %initial) { undef @filt; @init = split(/,/, $initial{$uid}); foreach (@init) { push(@filt, $_) if exists $links{$_}; } $final = join(',', @filt); print OUTPUT "$uid:$final\n"; # make the final UID list non-redundant grep($mark{$_}++, @out); @diff = grep(!$mark{$_}, @filt); @out = (@out, @diff); } close OUTPUT; # post set of UIDs $uidlist = join(',', @out); $pparams{db} = $params{db}; $pparams{id} = $uidlist; %results = epost_set(%pparams); print "Wrote index file to $file.\n"; $results{linkfile} = $file; $results{email} = $params{email}; $results{tool} = $params{tool}; return %results; } #**************************************************************** sub esummary { # Performs ESummary. # Input: %params: # $params{db} - database # $params{id} - UID list (ignored if query_key exists) # $params{query_key} - query_key # $params{WebEnv} - web environment # $params{retstart} - first DocSum to retrieve # $params{retmax} - number of DocSums to retrieve # $params{outfile} - name of output file for XML (default = docsums) # $params{batch} - size of batch to retrieve (default = 50,000) # $params{tool} - tool name # $params{email} - e-mail address # # Output: XML written to $params{outfile} my %params = @_; my ($url, $raw, $done, $trial, $url_params); my @out; my $id; my %results; my ($begin, $end, $retmax, $tempfile, $limit, $expect, $c); my $batch = 10000; my @options = qw(retstart retmax tool email); sleep($delay); $params{outfile} = 'docsums' unless ($params{outfile}); $batch = $params{batch} if ($params{batch}); unless ( ($params{db}) && ( ($params{id}) || ( ($params{query_key}) && ($params{WebEnv}) ) ) ) { print "\nWARNING: ESummary requires &db and either &id or (&WebEnv, &query_key)!\n\n"; } foreach my $opt (@options) { $params{$opt} = '' unless ($params{$opt}); } #first use ESearch to determine the size of the dataset if ($params{retmax}) { $count = $params{retmax}; } elsif ($params{num}) { $count = $params{num}; } elsif ($params{query_key}) { $params{term} = "%23" . "$params{query_key}"; $params{usehistory} = 'y'; %results = esearch(%params); $count = $results{count}; } else { @out = split(/,/, $params{id}); $count = @out; } print "Retrieving "; print "no more than " if ($params{retmax}); print "$count DocSums from $params{db}...\n"; my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; $ua->agent("esummary/1.0 " . $ua->agent); $tempfile = $params{outfile} . "_temp"; $url = $base . "esummary.fcgi?db=$params{db}"; if ($params{query_key}) { $url .= "&query_key=$params{query_key}&WebEnv=$params{WebEnv}&tool=$params{tool}&email=$params{email}"; } else { $url = $base . "esummary.fcgi"; $url_params = "db=$params{db}&id=$params{id}&tool=$params{tool}&email=$params{email}"; } print "\n$url\n\n" if ($params{verbose}); $begin = time; if ($params{query_key}) { # This is the default routine that returns the XML Esummary output # set retstart/retmax to input values if they exist # Otherwise loop in batches to get entire set if ( ($params{retstart}) || ($params{retmax}) ) { $url .= "&retstart=$params{retstart}&retmax=$params{retmax}"; $raw = $ua->get($url, ':content_file' => $params{outfile}); } else { open (OUTFILE, ">$params{outfile}"); close OUTFILE; open (OUTFILE, ">>$params{outfile}"); for (my $retstart=1; $retstart <= $count; $retstart+=$batch) { if ($retstart+$batch > $count) { $limit = $count; } else { $limit = $retstart + $batch - 1; } $expect = $limit - $retstart + 1; $done = 0; $trial = 0; until ($done) { print "Retrieving records $retstart - $limit..."; $url = $base . "esummary.fcgi?db=$params{db}"; $url .= "&query_key=$params{query_key}&WebEnv=$params{WebEnv}"; $url .= "&retstart=$retstart&retmax=$batch"; $raw = $ua->get($url, ':content_file' => $tempfile); #count the number of DocSums retrieved $c = 0; open(TEMP, $tempfile); while () { $c++ if //; } close TEMP; print "$c records confirmed."; if ($c >= $expect) { $done = 1; print "\n"; } else { $trial++; if ($trial == 3) { $done = 1; print "Giving up!\n"; } else { print " Trying again...\n"; } } } open (TEMP, $tempfile); while () { print OUTFILE; } close TEMP; } close OUTFILE; unlink($tempfile); } } else { $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; $ua->agent("esummary/1.0 " . $ua->agent); #create HTTP request object my $req = new HTTP::Request POST => "$url"; $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $req->content("$url_params"); #post the HTTP request $raw = $ua->request($req); #print "\n$url?$url_params\n\n" if ($params{verbose} eq 'y'); open (OUTFILE, ">$params{outfile}"); print OUTFILE $raw->content; close OUTFILE; } $end = time; $delay = $maxdelay - ($end - $begin); if ($delay < 0) { $delay = 0; } print "Document summaries written to $params{outfile}.\n"; } #**************************************************************** sub efetch { # Performs EFetch. # Input: %params: # $params{db} - database # $params{id} - UID list (ignored if query_key exists) # $params{query_key} - query key # $params{WebEnv} - web environment # $params{retmode} - output data format # $params{rettype} - output data record type # $params{retstart} - first record in set to retrieve # $params{retmax} - number of records to retrieve # $params{seq_start} - retrieve sequence starting at this position # $params{seq_stop} - retrieve sequence until this position # $params{strand} - which DNA strand to retrieve (1=plus, 2=minus) # $params{complexity} - determines what data object to retrieve # $params{report} - report format for db=taxonomy and snp # $params{tool} - tool name # $params{email} - e-mail address # # Output: $raw; raw EFetch output my %params = @_; my ($url, $raw); my ($begin, $end); my @options = qw(retmode rettype retstart retmax seq_start seq_stop strand complexity report tool email verbose); sleep($delay); unless ( ($params{db}) && ( ($params{id}) || ( ($params{query_key}) && ($params{WebEnv}) ) ) ) { print "\nWARNING: EFetch requires &db and either &id or (&WebEnv, &query_key)!\n\n"; } foreach my $opt (@options) { $params{$opt} = '' unless ($params{$opt}); } $url = $base . "efetch.fcgi?db=$params{db}"; if ($params{query_key}) { $url .= "&query_key=$params{query_key}&WebEnv=$params{WebEnv}"; } else { $url .= "&id=$params{id}"; } if (($params{report}) && ($params{db} eq 'taxonomy') ) { $url .= "&report=$params{report}&retmode=text"; } elsif ( ($params{report}) && ($params{db} eq 'snp') ) { $url .= "&report=$params{report}&retmode=$params{retmode}"; } else { $url .= "&retmode=$params{retmode}&rettype=$params{rettype}"; } $url .= "&retstart=$params{retstart}&retmax=$params{retmax}"; $url .= "&seq_start=$params{seq_start}&seq_stop=$params{seq_stop}"; $url .= "&strand=$params{strand}&complexity=$params{complexity}"; $url .= "&tool=$params{tool}&email=$params{email}"; print "\n$url\n\n" if ($params{verbose}); $begin = time; $raw = get($url); $end = time; $delay = $maxdelay - ($end - $begin); if ($delay < 0) { $delay = 0; } return($raw); } #**************************************************************** sub efetch_batch { # Uses efetch to download a large data set in 500 record batches # The data set must be stored on the History server # The output is sent to a file named $params{outfile} # Input: %params: # $params{db} - link to database # $params{query_key} - query key # $params{WebEnv} - web environment # $params{retmode} - output data format # $params{rettype} - output data record type # $params{seq_start} - retrieve sequence starting at this position # $params{seq_stop} - retrieve sequence until this position # $params{strand} - which DNA strand to retrieve (1=plus, 2=minus) # $params{complexity} - determines what data object to retrieve # $params{tool} - tool name # $params{email} - e-mail address # $params{outfile} - name of output file # $params{report} - report format for db=taxonomy # $params{batch} - number of records retreived with each efetch URL (default = 500) # setting 'batch' = -1 sets $retmax to null # # Output: nothing returned; raw EFetch output sent to $params{outfile} # default file name - fetch.out # Other output: periodic status messages sent to standard output my %params = @_; my ($url, $raw); my ($begin, $end); my %results; my ($count, $first, $last); my ($retstart, $retmax); my @options = qw(retmode rettype seq_start seq_stop strand complexity report tool email); unless ( ($params{db}) && ( ($params{id}) || ( ($params{query_key}) && ($params{WebEnv}) ) ) ) { print "\nWARNING: EFetch requires &db and either &id or (&WebEnv, &query_key)!\n\n"; } foreach my $opt (@options) { $params{$opt} = '' unless ($params{$opt}); } $params{outfile} = 'fetch.out' unless ($params{outfile}); $params{batch} = 0 unless ($params{batch}); if ($params{batch} == -1) { $retmax = ''; } elsif ($params{batch}) { $retmax = $params{batch}; } else { $retmax = 500; } if ($params{retmax}) { $count = $params{retmax}; $retmax = $count if ($count < $retmax); } #first use ESearch to determine the size of the dataset if ($params{num}) { $count = $params{num}; } else { $params{term} = "%23" . "$params{query_key}"; $params{usehistory} = 'y'; %results = esearch(%params); $count = $results{count} unless ($count); } $params{retmax} = $retmax; print "Retrieving $count records from $params{db}...\n"; open (OUT, ">$params{outfile}") || die "Aborting. Can't open $params{outfile}\n"; if ($retmax) { # retrieve the data set in batches for ($retstart = 0; $retstart < $count; $retstart += $retmax) { sleep($delay); $params{retstart} = $retstart; $begin = time; $raw = efetch(%params); print OUT $raw; if ($retstart + $retmax > $count) { $last = $count; } else { $last = $retstart + $retmax; } $first = $retstart + 1; print "Received records $first - $last.\n"; $end = time; $delay = $maxdelay - ($end - $begin); if ($delay < 0) { $delay = 0; } } } else { # retrieve the data set in one URL sleep($delay); $begin = time; $raw = efetch(%params); print OUT $raw; print "Received records 1 - $count.\n"; $end = time; $delay = $maxdelay - ($end - $begin); if ($delay < 0) { $delay = 0; } } close OUT; print "Wrote data to $params{outfile}.\n"; } #**************************************************************** sub elink { # Performs ELink. # Input: %params: # $params{dbfrom} - link from database # $params{db} - link to database # $params{id} - array of UID lists (ignored if query_key exists) # $params{query_key} - query key # $params{WebEnv} - web environment) # $params{term} - Entrez term used to limit link results # $params{linkname} - Linkname to be returned (optional) # $params{tool} - tool name # $params{email} - e-mail address # # Output: %links: # @{$links{from}{$set}} = array of input UIDs in set $set # @{$links{to}{$linkname}{$set}} = array of linked UIDs in $db in set $set # @{$links{score}{$linkname}{$set}} = array of similarity scores for linked UIDs in $db in set $set # $links{db}{$linkname} = db name for $linkname links # where $set = integer corresponding to one &id parameter # value in the ELink URL my %params = @_; my ($url, $url_params, $raw, $out); my ($line, $getdata, $getid, $link, $id, $set, $name); my @out; my @link_ids; my $ids; my %results; my $db; my ($begin, $end); my $giveup = 3; my $ua; my @options = qw(term linkname tool email); sleep($delay); $set = 0; $url = $base . "elink.fcgi"; unless ( ($params{dbfrom}) && ($params{db}) ) { print "\nWARNING: ELink requires both &dbfrom and &db!\n\n"; } unless ( ($params{id}) || ( ($params{WebEnv}) && ($params{query_key}) ) ) { print "\nWARNING: ELink requires either &id or (&WebEnv, &query_key)!\n\n"; } foreach my $opt (@options) { $params{$opt} = '' unless ($params{$opt}); } if ($params{query_key}) { # use HTTP Get $url .= "?dbfrom=$params{dbfrom}&db=$params{db}&term=$params{term}"; $url .= "&query_key=$params{query_key}&WebEnv=$params{WebEnv}"; $url .= "&linkname=$params{linkname}&tool=$params{tool}&email=$params{email}"; print "\n$url\n\n" if ($params{verbose}); $begin = time; $trial = 0; $failure = 1; while (($failure) && ($trial < $giveup)) { $raw = get($url); if ( ($raw =~ /ERROR/) || ($raw =~ /Error/) || ($raw !~ //) ) { # print "Links failed. Trying again...\n"; } else { $failure = 0; } $trial++; } $end = time; print "Links failed after $giveup trials. Giving up!\n" if ($failure); } else { # use HTTP Post $url_params = "dbfrom=$params{dbfrom}&db=$params{db}&term=$params{term}"; $url_params .= "&linkname=$params{linkname}&tool=$params{tool}&email=$params{email}"; foreach $ids (@{$params{id}}) { $url_params .= "&id=$ids"; } $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; $ua->agent("elink/1.0 " . $ua->agent); #create HTTP request object my $req = new HTTP::Request POST => "$url"; $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $req->content("$url_params"); #post the HTTP request $begin = time; $out = $ua->request($req); $end = time; $raw = $out->content; } # parse output XML @out = split(/^/,$raw); $getdata = 0; $set = 0; while ($raw =~ /(.*?)<\/LinkSet>/sg) { $linkset = $1; if ($linkset =~ /(.*?)<\/IdList>/sg) { $ids = $1; while ($ids =~ /(\d+)<\/Id>/sg) { push (@{$results{from}{$set}}, $1); } } while ($linkset =~ /(.*?)<\/LinkSetDb>/sg) { $linksetdb = $1; if ($linksetdb =~ /(.*)<\/LinkName>/) { $linkname = $1; $results{db}{$linkname} = $1 if ($linksetdb =~ /(.*)<\/DbTo>/); while ($linksetdb =~ /(.*?)<\/Link>/sg) { $link = $1; push (@{$results{to}{$linkname}{$set}}, $1) if ($link =~ /(\d+)<\/Id>/); push (@{$results{score}{$linkname}{$set}}, $1) if ($link =~ /(\d+)<\/Score>/); } } } $set++; } $delay = $maxdelay - ($end - $begin); if ($delay < 0) { $delay = 0; } return(%results); } #************************************************************ sub elink_history { # Uses ELink with &cmd=neighbor_history to post ELink results # on the History server # Input: %params: # $params{dbfrom} - link from database # $params{db} - link to database # $params{id} - array of UID lists (ignored if query_key exists) # $params{query_key} - query key # $params{WebEnv} - web environment # $params{term} - Entrez term used to limit link results # $params{linkname} - Linkname to be returned (optional) # $params{tool} - tool name # $params{email} - e-mail address # # Output: %links: # @{$links{from}{$set}} = array of input UIDs in set $set # $links{to}{$linkname}{$set}{query_key} = query_key of $linkname links in set $set # $links{db}{$linkname} = db name for $linkname links # $links{WebEnv} = Web Environment of linked UID sets # where $set = integer corresponding to one &id parameter # value in the ELink URL # NOTE: If no links are found, query_key will be set to -1 my %params = @_; my ($url, $url_params, $raw); my ($line, $getdata, $getid, $link, $id, $set, $name); my @out; my @link_ids; my $ids; my %results; my $db; my ($begin, $end); my @options = qw(term linkname tool email); sleep($delay); unless ( ($params{dbfrom}) && ($params{db}) ) { print "\nWARNING: ELink requires both &dbfrom and &db!\n\n"; } unless ( ($params{id}) || ( ($params{WebEnv}) && ($params{query_key}) ) ) { print "\nWARNING: ELink requires either &id or (&WebEnv, &query_key)!\n\n"; } foreach my $opt (@options) { $params{$opt} = '' unless ($params{$opt}); } $set = 0; $url = $base . "elink.fcgi"; $url_params = "dbfrom=$params{dbfrom}&db=$params{db}"; $url_params .= "&cmd=neighbor_history&term=$params{term}"; if ($params{query_key}) { $url_params .= "&query_key=$params{query_key}&WebEnv=$params{WebEnv}"; } else { foreach $ids (@{$params{id}}) { $url_params .= "&id=$ids"; } } $url_params .= "&linkname=$params{linkname}&tool=$params{tool}&email=$params{email}"; print "\n$url_params\n\n" if ($params{verbose}); #create user agent my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; $ua->agent("elink/1.0 " . $ua->agent); #create HTTP request object my $req = new HTTP::Request POST => "$url"; $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $req->content("$url_params"); $begin = time; #post the HTTP request $raw = $ua->request($req); #print "\n$url?$url_params\n\n" if ($params{verbose} eq 'y'); $raw_cont = $raw->content; #print $raw_cont; #$begin = time; #$raw = get($url); #parse XML output $set = 0; while ($raw_cont =~ /(.*?)<\/LinkSet>/sg) { $linkset = $1; if ($linkset =~ /(.*?)<\/IdList>/sg) { $ids = $1; while ($ids =~ /(\d+)<\/Id>/sg) { push (@{$results{from}{$set}}, $1); } } while ($linkset =~ /(.*?)<\/LinkSetDbHistory>/sg) { $linksetdb = $1; if ($linksetdb =~ /(.*)<\/LinkName>/) { $linkname = $1; $results{to}{$linkname}{$set}{query_key} = $1 if ($linksetdb =~ /(.*)<\/QueryKey>/); $results{db}{$linkname} = $1 if ($linksetdb =~ /(.*)<\/DbTo>/); } } $results{WebEnv} = $1 if ($linkset =~ /(.*)<\/WebEnv>/); $set++; } $end = time; $delay = $maxdelay - ($end - $begin); if ($delay < 0) { $delay = 0; } return(%results); } #******************************************************************** sub elink_batch { # Produces links for a single set of records posted on the history server # from dbfrom to db. The routine segments the set in batches of size $batch # and then produces a non-redundant set of links for the entire set. #input hash: {WebEnv} = web environment of input set # {query_key} = query key of input set # {id} = list of UIDs (ignored if query_key exists) # {dbfrom} = database of input set, source db # {db} = destination db for elink # {term} = term parameter for elink # {linkname} = name of desired link; if set, output hash is one-dimensional # {http} - 'get' - HTTP Get; otherwise HTTP Post # {tool} - tool name # {email} - e-mail address #output: if {linkname} is NOT set: # %links{$linkname}{query_key} - query key for unique linkname links # {$linkname}{WebEnv} - web environment for unique linkname links # {$linkname}{db} - database containing $linkname links # # if (linkname} is set: # %links{query_key} - query key for links # {WebEnv} - web environment for links # {db} - database containing links my %params = @_; my $batch = 10000; my $giveup = 3; my ($retstart, $first, $last, $max, $trial, $failure, $name, $cur); my (%sparams, %lparams, %ct, %pparams, %posted, %iparams); my (%sresults, %lresults, %presults); my (%links, %count, %foundnames); my %output; my @new; my @options = qw(term linkname http tool email); unless ( ($params{dbfrom}) && ($params{db}) ) { print "\nWARNING: ELink requires both &dbfrom and &db!\n\n"; } unless ( ($params{id}) || ( ($params{WebEnv}) && ($params{query_key}) ) ) { print "\nWARNING: ELink requires either &id or (&WebEnv, &query_key)!\n\n"; } foreach my $opt (@options) { $params{$opt} = '' unless ($params{$opt}); } if ( ($params{id}) && (!$params{query_key}) ) { # input data set is NOT on the history, so put it there with epost if ($params{id}[0]) { $params{id} = join(',',@{$params{id}}); } $iparams{db} = $params{dbfrom}; $iparams{id} = $params{id}; $iparams{http} = $params{http}; %iparams = epost_set(%iparams); $params{query_key} = $iparams{query_key}; $params{WebEnv} = $iparams{WebEnv}; } # use smaller batches for computational neighbors $batch = 50 if ($params{dbfrom} eq $params{db}); # use esearch to determine the size of the input data set $sparams{db} = $params{dbfrom}; $sparams{term} = "%23$params{query_key}"; $sparams{retmax} = $batch; $sparams{WebEnv} = $params{WebEnv}; $sparams{usehistory} = 'y'; %sresults = esearch(%sparams); $max = $sresults{count}; if ($params{linkname}) { print "Finding links named $params{linkname} for $max $params{dbfrom} records...\n"; } else { print "Finding all links from $max $params{dbfrom} records to $params{db}...\n"; } $lparams{dbfrom} = $params{dbfrom}; $lparams{db} = $params{db}; $lparams{term} = $params{term}; $lparams{linkname} = $params{linkname}; $hparams{usehistory} = 'y'; $hparams{db} = $params{db}; $pparams{db} = $params{db}; #batch elink from dbfrom to db for ($retstart=0; $retstart < $max; $retstart += $batch) { if (($retstart + $batch) > $max) { $last = $max; } else { $last = $retstart + $batch; } $first = $retstart + 1; # use esearch to retrieve each batch of input UIDs, and then use elink_history $sparams{retstart} = $retstart; %sresults = esearch(%sparams); $lparams{id}[0] = join(',', @{$sresults{uids}}); $trial = 0; $failure = 1; while (($failure) && ($trial < $giveup)) { %lresults = elink_history(%lparams); foreach $name (keys %{$lresults{to}}) { if ($lresults{to}{$name}{0}{query_key} > 0) { $failure = 0; } elsif ($lresults{to}{$name}{0}{query_key} == -1) { print "No links found with name $name.\n"; $failure = 0; } } if ($failure) { if ( $trial < $giveup - 1 ) { # print "Links failed. Trying again...\n"; } else { print "No links found for records $first - $last.\n"; } } $trial++; } foreach $key (keys %{$lresults{to}}) { $foundnames{$key}{ct}++; $foundnames{$key}{db} = $lresults{db}{$key}; } # for each linkname found, add the new links for the current batch to the links found # for previous batches and then non-redundify this set # store the resulting set in @{$links{$linkname}} unless ($failure) { foreach $name (keys %foundnames) { undef %ct; if (exists($links{$name})) { $cur = @{$links{$name}} } else { $cur = 0; } if ($cur > 0) { foreach (@{$links{$name}}) { $ct{$_}++; } } if ($lresults{to}{$name}{0}{query_key}) { $pparams{db} = $lresults{db}{$name}; $pparams{query_key} = $lresults{to}{$name}{0}{query_key}; $pparams{WebEnv} = $lresults{WebEnv}; @new = get_uids(%pparams); foreach (@new) { $ct{$_}++; } } @{$links{$name}} = keys %ct; $count{$name} = @{$links{$name}}; } print "Links complete for records $first - $last.\n"; foreach (keys %count) { print "So far, $count{$_} unique links for $_.\n"; } } } #end of batch loop foreach $name (keys %links) { $pparams{id} = join(',', @{$links{$name}}); $pparams{db} = $foundnames{$name}{db}; $pparams{http} = $params{http}; %{$output{$name}} = epost_set(%pparams); $output{$name}{email} = $params{email}; $output{$name}{tool} = $params{tool}; } %output = extract_links($params{linkname}, %output) if ($params{linkname}); return %output; } #********************************************************************* sub elink_batch_to { # Runs elink_batch using a universal hash, with the destination db defined # by the $dbto parameter my ($dbto, %params) = @_; $params{dbfrom} = $params{db}; $params{db} = $dbto; %params = elink_batch(%params); return(%params); } #********************************************************************* sub elink_by_id { # Produces links for each member of a set of records posted on the history server # from dbfrom to db. The routine segments the set in batches of size $batch # and then produces a set of links for each UID in the set and places these on the # history using elink_history. #input hash: {WebEnv} = web environment of input set # {query_key} = query key of input set # {id} = list of UIDs (ignored if query_key exists) # {dbfrom} = database of input set, source db # {db} = destination db for elink # {term} = term parameter for elink # {linkname} = name of desired link; if set, output hash is one-dimensional # {outfile} = name of index file if get_uids is not 'n' # default = dbfrom_db.idx # {scorefile} = name of index file containing similarity scores if db=dbfrom # default = db.sco # {http} - 'get' - use HTTP Get; otherwise use HTTP Post #output: one hash and one file # if {linkname} is NOT set: # %links: # $links{$linkname}{query_key} # $links{$linkname}{WebEnv} # $links{$linkname}{db} # $links{$linkname}{linkfile} # $links{$linkname}{scorefile} # # if {linkname} is set: # %links: # $links{query_key} # $links{WebEnv} # $links{db} # $links{linkfile} # $links{scorefile} # Output WebEnv and querykey point to a non-redundant list of UIDs in db linked to all UIDs in dbfrom # NOTE: If no links are found, query_key will be set to -1 # outfile.idx - index file containing lines of the form # input UID in dbfrom:linked UIDs in db (comma-delimited list) my %params = @_; my $batch = 5000; my $giveup = 3; my ($retstart, $max, $trial, $failure, $set, $first, $last); my ($uid, $file, $num, $expect, $scorefile, $getscore, $name); my (@input, @diff, @uids, @temp); my (%sparams, %lparams, %iparams, %iresults); my (%sresults, %links, %mark, %output, %foundnames); my @options = qw(term linkname http outfile scorefile tool email); unless ( ($params{dbfrom}) && ($params{db}) ) { print "\nWARNING: ELink requires both &dbfrom and &db!\n\n"; } unless ( ($params{id}) || ( ($params{WebEnv}) && ($params{query_key}) ) ) { print "\nWARNING: ELink requires either &id or (&WebEnv, &query_key)!\n\n"; } foreach my $opt (@options) { $params{$opt} = '' unless ($params{$opt}); } if ( ($params{id}) && (!$params{query_key}) ) { if ($params{id}[0]) { $params{id} = join(',',@{$params{id}}); } $iparams{db} = $params{dbfrom}; $iparams{id} = $params{id}; $iparams{http} = $params{http}; %iresults = epost_set(%iparams); $params{query_key} = $iresults{query_key}; $params{WebEnv} = $iresults{WebEnv}; } if ($params{dbfrom} eq $params{db}) { $batch = 50; $getscore = 1; } $sparams{db} = $params{dbfrom}; $sparams{query_key} = $params{query_key}; $sparams{WebEnv} = $params{WebEnv}; @input = get_uids(%sparams); $lparams{dbfrom} = $params{dbfrom}; $lparams{db} = $params{db}; $lparams{term} = $params{term}; $lparams{linkname} = $params{linkname}; $max = @input; if ($params{linkname}) { print "Finding links named $params{linkname} for $max records...\n"; } else { print "Finding all links from $max $params{dbfrom} records to $params{db}...\n"; } #batch elink from dbfrom to db for ($retstart=0; $retstart < $max; $retstart += $batch) { if (($retstart + $batch) > $max) { $last = $max; $expect = $last - $retstart; } else { $last = $retstart + $batch; $expect = $batch; } $first = $retstart + 1; @{$lparams{id}} = @input[$retstart..$last-1]; #put UIDs into arrays $trial = 0; $num = 0; %lresults = elink(%lparams); foreach $key (keys %{$lresults{to}}) { $foundnames{$key}++; } foreach $key (sort keys %{$lresults{from}}) { $uid = $lresults{from}{$key}[0]; # remove self-hit from list of computational links foreach $name (keys %{$lresults{to}}) { if ($getscore) { @temp = @{$lresults{to}{$name}{$key}}; $links{$uid}{$name} = join(',', @temp[1..$#temp] ); @temp = @{$lresults{score}{$name}{$key}}; $links{$uid}{score}{$name} = join(',', @temp[1..$#temp] ); } elsif ($lresults{to}{$name}{$key}) { $links{$uid}{$name} = join(',', @{$lresults{to}{$name}{$key}} ); } } } @temp = keys %{$lresults{from}}; $num = @temp; if ($num == $expect) { print "Links found for records $first - $last.\n"; } else { print "WARNING: For records $first - $last, found links for $num out of $expect UIDs.\n"; } } if ($params{get_uids} ne 'n') { foreach $name (keys %foundnames) { # write index file and combine UIDs if ($params{outfile}) { $file = $params{outfile} . "_$name.idx"; } else { $file = $name . '.idx'; } if ($params{scorefile}) { $scorefile = $params{scorefile} . "_$name.sco"; } else { $scorefile = $name . '.sco'; } open (OUTPUT, ">$file") || die "Can't open $file!\n"; if ($getscore) { open (SCORES, ">$scorefile") || die "Can't open $scorefile!\n"; } undef @uids; undef %mark; foreach $key (keys %links) { if ($links{$key}{$name}) { print OUTPUT "$key:$links{$key}{$name}\n"; @temp = split(/,/, $links{$key}{$name}); } else { @temp = (); } print SCORES "$key:$links{$key}{score}{$name}\n" if ( ($getscore) && ($links{$key}{score}{$name}) ); # make the final UID list non-redundant grep($mark{$_}++, @uids); @diff = grep(!$mark{$_}, @temp); @uids = (@uids, @diff); } close OUTPUT; close SCORES if ($getscore); print "Wrote link index file to $file.\n"; print "Wrote scores to $scorefile.\n" if ($getscore); # post set of UIDs $pparams{db} = $lresults{db}{$name}; $uidlist = join(',', @uids); $pparams{id} = $uidlist; $pparams{http} = $params{http}; %{$output{$name}} = epost_set(%pparams); $output{$name}{linkfile} = $file; $output{$name}{scorefile} = $scorefile if ($scorefile); $output{$name}{tool} = $params{tool}; $output{$name}{email} = $params{email}; } } %output = extract_links($params{linkname}, %output) if ($params{linkname}); return %output; } #********************************************************************* sub elink_by_id_to { # Runs elink_by_id using a universal hash, with the destination db defined # by the $dbto parameter # $params{get_uids} is forced to null # {http} - 'get' - use HTTP Get; otherwise use HTTP Post my ($dbto, %params) = @_; $params{dbfrom} = $params{db}; $params{db} = $dbto; $params{get_uids} = ''; %params = elink_by_id(%params); return(%params); } #********************************************************************* sub elink_out { # Performs ELink to find LinkOut data for records on the input # history set. The routine uses only cmd=llinks, llinkslib, and prlinks. # The input UIDs are processed in batches of size $batch (default = 100) #input hash: {WebEnv} = web environment of input set # {query_key} = query key of input set # {id} = list of UIDs (ignored if query_key exists) # {db} = dbfrom for elink # {cmd} = cmd parameter for elink: llinks (default), llinkslib, or prlinks # {holding} = string to search for holding provider # {outfile} = name of output file to write (default = $db_linkout) # {html} = if 'y' will produce an HTML output file in addition to raw XML #No output is produced except the file my %params = @_; my (%iparams, %sparams, %lparams, %sresults); my ($linkouts, $linkurl, $initial, $final, $middle, $tempfile); my $batch = 500; my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; $ua->agent("elink/1.0 " . $ua->agent); #sanity check input unless ( ($params{db}) && ( ($params{id}) || ( ($params{WebEnv}) && ($params{query_key}) ) ) ) { print "\nWARNING: ELink requires either &id or (&WebEnv, &query_key)!\n\n"; } foreach my $opt (@options) { $params{$opt} = '' unless ($params{$opt}); } unless ( ($params{cmd} eq 'llinks') || ($params{cmd} eq 'llinkslib') || ($params{cmd} eq 'prlinks') || ($params{cmd} eq '') ) { print "\nWARNING: Invalid Elink LinkOut command mode: $params{cmd}\n"; print "Use either llinks, llinkslib, or prlinks.\n"; print "For the moment, llinks will be used.\n\n"; $params{cmd} = 'llinks'; } if ( ($params{holding}) && ($params{cmd} eq 'prlinks') ) { print "\nWARNING: The holding parameter cannot be used with cmd=prlinks.\n"; print "Continuing with cmd=llinks.\n\n"; $params{cmd} = 'llinks'; } $params{cmd} = 'llinks' unless ($params{cmd}); $params{outfile} = "$params{db}_linkout" unless ($params{outfile}); $tempfile = $params{outfile} . ".temp"; $params{html} = '' unless ($params{html}); if ( ($params{id}) && (!$params{query_key}) ) { # input data set is NOT on the history, so put it there with epost if ($params{id}[0]) { $params{id} = join(',',@{$params{id}}); } $iparams{db} = $params{dbfrom}; $iparams{id} = $params{id}; %iparams = epost_set(%iparams); $params{query_key} = $iparams{query_key}; $params{WebEnv} = $iparams{WebEnv}; } # use esearch to determine the size of the input data set $sparams{db} = $params{db}; $sparams{term} = "%23$params{query_key}"; $sparams{retmax} = $batch; $sparams{WebEnv} = $params{WebEnv}; $sparams{usehistory} = 'y'; %sresults = esearch(%sparams); $max = $sresults{count}; print "Finding LinkOut data for $max records in $params{db}...\n"; $lparams{dbfrom} = $params{db}; $lparams{cmd} = $params{cmd}; $lparams{holding} = $params{holding}; #batch elink from dbfrom open (OUTPUT, ">$params{outfile}") || die "Can't open $params{outfile}: $!\n"; for ($retstart=0; $retstart < $max; $retstart += $batch) { $initial = $final = $middle = 0; if ($max > $batch) { if ($retstart == 0) { $initial = 1; } elsif ( ($retstart + $batch) >= $max ) { $final = 1; } else { $middle = 1; } } if (($retstart + $batch) > $max) { $last = $max; } else { $last = $retstart + $batch; } $first = $retstart + 1; # use esearch to retrieve each batch of input UIDs, and then use elink_history $sparams{retstart} = $retstart; %sresults = esearch(%sparams); $lparams{id} = join(',', @{$sresults{uids}}); $linkurl = $base . "elink.fcgi?dbfrom=$lparams{dbfrom}&cmd=$lparams{cmd}&id=$lparams{id}&holding=$params{holding}"; #post the HTTP request $raw = $ua->get($linkurl, ':content_file' => $tempfile); open (TEMP, "$tempfile"); # merge the batched XML documents into one large XML document by removing opening/closing lines as appropriate while () { if ( (/<\?xml version/) || (/<\!DOCTYPE/) || (//) || (//) || (//) || (//) ) { print OUTPUT unless ( ($middle) || ($final) ); } elsif ( (/<\/LinkSet>/) || (/<\/eLinkResult>/) || (/IdUrlList>/) ) { print OUTPUT unless ( ($initial) || ($middle) ); } else { print OUTPUT; } } print "Links complete for records $first - $last.\n"; close TEMP; } #end of batch loop close OUTPUT; unlink $tempfile; # Optional HTML output if ($params{html} eq 'y') { my ($data, $id, $prov, $provname, $provurl, $provgif, $provset, $provlink, $cur); my @list; my $htmlfile = $params{outfile} . ".html"; open (TEMP, ">$tempfile") || die "Can't open $tempfile: $!\n"; $/ = ""; open (IN, "$params{outfile}") || die "Can't open $params{outfile}!: $!\n"; while () { $data = $_; $id = $1 if ($data =~ /(\d+)<\/Id>/); push (@list, $id) if ($data =~ //); # print TEMP "$id\t"; while ($data =~ /(.*?)<\/ObjUrl>/sg) { $provurl = $provgif = $provlink = ''; $prov = $1; $provurl = $1 if ($prov =~ /(.*)<\/Url>/); $provgif = $1 if ($prov =~ /(.*)<\/IconUrl>/); $provlink = $1 if ($prov =~ /(.*)<\/LinkName>/); $prov =~ /(.*)<\/Provider>/s; $provset = $1; $provname = $1 if ($provset =~ /(.*)<\/Name>/); $provurl =~ s/\&/\&/g; if ($provurl =~ /^\/entrez/) { $provurl = 'http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov' . $provurl; } print TEMP "$id\t$provname\t$provlink\t$provurl\t$provgif\n"; } } close IN; close TEMP; $/ = "\n"; #print HTML open (OUT, ">$htmlfile"); print OUT "LinkOuts\n"; print OUT "\n"; print OUT "

LinkOut Results

\n"; foreach (@list) { print OUT "$_
\n"; } open (IN, "$tempfile"); while () { chomp; ($id, $provname, $provlink, $provurl, $provgif) = split("\t", $_); if ($id ne $cur) { print OUT "

LinkOuts for UID "; print OUT "$id  "; print OUT "Top

\n"; $cur = $id; } print OUT "$provname "; print OUT "($provlink)" if ($provlink); print OUT " "; print OUT "" if ($provgif); print OUT "
\n"; } print OUT ""; close OUT; close IN; unlink $tempfile; } } #********************************************************************* sub epost_uids { # Performs EPost, placing UIDs in the URL. # Input: %params: # $params{db} - database # $params{id} - list of UIDs # $params{WebEnv} - Web environment for existing history sets # $params{tool} - tool name # $params{email} - e-mail address # #Output: %results: keys are 'WebEnv' and 'query_key' my %params = @_; my ($url, $raw); my ($begin, $end); sleep($delay); $url = $base . "epost.fcgi?db=$params{db}&id=$params{id}"; $url .= "&WebEnv=$params{WebEnv}"; $url .= "&tool=$params{tool}&email=$params{email}"; print "\n$url\n\n" if ($params{verbose}); $begin = time; $raw = get($url); $raw =~ /(\d+)<\/QueryKey>.*(\S+)<\/WebEnv>/s; $results{query_key} = $1; $results{WebEnv} = $2; $end = time; $delay = $maxdelay - ($end - $begin); if ($delay < 0) { $delay = 0; } return(%results); } #********************************************************************* sub epost_file { # Performs EPost, accepts input from file. # Input file must have one UID per line. # Input: %params: # $params{db} - database # $params{id} - filename containing a list of UIDs # $params{WebEnv} - Web environment for existing history sets # $params{tool} - tool name # $params{email} - e-mail address # # Output: %results: keys are 'WebEnv' and 'query_key'; # num - number of records in input file my %params = @_; my ($uids, $id); my @list; my ($begin, $end, $count); my (%results, %current); my @options = qw(WebEnv tool email); sleep($delay); unless ( ($params{db}) && ($params{id}) ) { print "\nWARNING: EPost requires both &db and &id!\n\n"; } foreach my $opt (@options) { $params{$opt} = '' unless ($params{$opt}); } #read input file of UIDs, one per line open (INPUT, "$params{id}") || die "Can't open $params{id}\n"; while () { if (/^(\d+)\r*\n*$/) { $id = $1; push (@list, $id); } else { print "ALERT: Found invalid uid in input file: $_\n"; } } $params{id} = join (',', @list); $begin = time; %results = epost_set(%params); %current = %results; $count = @list; print "Posted $count records to $params{db}.\n"; $results{num} = $count; $current{term} = "%23$results{query_key}"; %current = esearch(%current); $current{count} = 0 unless ($current{count}); print "ALERT: Only $current{count} records are current!\n" if ($count != $current{count}); $end = time; $delay = $maxdelay - ($end - $begin); if ($delay < 0) { $delay = 0; } return(%results); } #*********************************************************** sub epost_set { # Uses EPost to post a set of UIDs using the POST method # Useful for large sets of UIDs not from a disk file # Accepts a comma-delimited list of UIDs in $params{id} # $params{WebEnv} - Web environment for existing history sets # $params{http} - 'get' - uses HTTP Get; otherwise uses HTTP Post # Output: $results{query_key}, $results{WebEnv} # $results{num} - number of records in input set my (%params) = @_; my ($url_params, $raw, $url, $raw_cont); my ($begin, $end); my %results; my @options = qw(WebEnv tool email http); unless ( ($params{db}) && ($params{id}) ) { print "\nWARNING: EPost requires both &db and &id!\n\n"; } foreach my $opt (@options) { $params{$opt} = '' unless ($params{$opt}); } $url_params = "db=$params{db}&id=$params{id}"; $url_params .= "&WebEnv=$params{WebEnv}"; $url_params .= "&tool=$params{tool}&email=$params{email}"; $url = $base . "epost.fcgi"; @list = split(/,/, $params{id}); $len = @list; if ($params{http} eq 'get') { $url .= "?$url_params"; $raw_cont = get($url); } else { #create user agent my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; $ua->agent("epost_file/1.0 " . $ua->agent); #create HTTP request object my $req = new HTTP::Request POST => "$url"; $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $req->content("$url_params"); $begin = time; #post the HTTP request $raw = $ua->request($req); $raw_cont = $raw->content; } $raw_cont =~ /(\d+)<\/QueryKey>.*(\S+)<\/WebEnv>/s; $results{query_key} = $1; $results{WebEnv} = $2; $results{db} = $params{db}; $results{tool} = $params{tool}; $results{email} = $params{email}; $results{num} = $len; $end = time; $delay = $maxdelay - ($end - $begin); if ($delay < 0) { $delay = 0; } return (%results); } #*********************************************************** sub print_summary { # Input: %results output from sub esummary my %results = @_; my ($id, $count, $i); my (@a, @b, @c); $count = 0; if ($results{homologene} eq 'y') { @a = sort keys %results; @b = sort keys %{$results{$a[0]}}; foreach (@b) { @c = @{$results{$a[0]}{$_}}; $count = $#c if ($count < $#c); } foreach $id (sort keys %results) { unless ($id eq 'homologene') { print "\nID $id:\n"; for ($i=0; $i <= $count; $i++) { foreach (sort keys %{$results{$id}}) { print "$_: $results{$id}{$_}[$i]\n" if ($results{$id}{$_}[$i]); } print "\n"; } } } } else { foreach $id (sort keys %results) { print "\nID $id:\n"; foreach (sort keys %{$results{$id}}) { print "$_: $results{$id}{$_}\n"; } } } } #*********************************************************** sub print_links { # Input: %results output from sub elink my %results = @_; my ($key, $db); foreach $key (sort keys %{$results{from}}) { print "Links from: "; foreach (@{$results{from}{$key}}) { print "$_ "; } foreach $db (keys %{$results{to}}) { print "\nto $db:"; foreach (@{$results{to}{$db}{$key}}) { print "$_ "; } } print "\n***\n"; } } #********************************************************** sub print_link_summaries { # Input: %results output from sub link_history # Output: Docsums for linked records arranged by input UID # set and linked database my %results = @_; my (%params,%docsums); my ($db, $set); foreach $set ( sort keys %{$results{to}} ) { print "Links from set $set\n"; foreach $db (keys %{$results{to}{$set}} ) { $params{db} = $db; $params{WebEnv} = $results{WebEnv}; $params{query_key} = $results{to}{$set}{$db}{query_key}; %docsums = esummary(%params); print "$db\n\n"; print_summary(%docsums); print "\n"; } } } #********************************************************** sub get_uids { # Retrieves all UIDs from an Entrez history set # Input: %params: # $params{WebEnv} - web environment # $params{query_key} - query_key # $params{db} - database # $params{verbose} - prints output message # Output: array containing UIDs my %params = @_; my %results; my $num; unless ( ($params{db}) && ($params{WebEnv}) && ($params{query_key}) ) { print "\nWARNING: get_uids requires db, query_key and WebEnv keys in input hash!\n"; } $params{verbose} = '' unless ($params{verbose}); $params{usehistory} = 'y'; $params{term} = "%23$params{query_key}"; $params{retmax} = 100000000; %results = esearch(%params); $num = @{$results{uids}}; print "Retrieved $num UIDs from query key $params{query_key}.\n" if ($params{verbose} eq 'y'); return @{$results{uids}}; } #********************************************************* sub read_index { # reads index file (.idx) or score file (.sco) produced by elink_by_id or search_links # Output: hash %index: $index{id} = comma-delimited list of linked UIDs or scores my $file = $_[0]; my %index; my ($key, $list); open (INPUT, "$file") || die "Can't open $file!\n"; while () { chomp; ($key, $list) = split(/:/, $_); $index{$key} = $list; } close INPUT; return %index; } #********************************************************* sub get_linknames { # Using EInfo, collects available link names for given initial and destination databases # Input: $dbfrom, $db # Output: @linknames - array of link names my ($dbfrom, $db) = @_; my ($url, $out, $rec); my @linknames; $url = $base . "einfo.fcgi?db=$dbfrom"; $out = get($url); while ($out =~ /(.*?)<\/Link>/sg) { $rec = $1; $rec =~ /(.*)<\/Name>/; $rec = $1; push (@linknames, $rec) if ($rec =~ /$db/); } return @linknames; } #********************************************************* sub get_link_report { # Prints a summary report of links found, given an output hash from elink_batch_to or elink_by_id_to # Input: %links # Output: @linknames - array of link names found my %links = @_; my %sparams; my @linknames; my ($link, $word); foreach $link (keys %links) { $sparams{db} = $links{$link}{db}; $sparams{term} = "%23$links{$link}{query_key}"; $sparams{WebEnv} = $links{$link}{WebEnv}; %sparams = esearch(%sparams); if ($sparams{count} == 1) { $word = 'link'; } else { $word = 'links'; } print "$link: $sparams{count} $word\n"; push (@linknames, $link); } return (@linknames); } #******************************************************** sub extract_links { # Creates a universal hash (db,query_key,WebEnv) from %links hash (output of elink_batch_to or # elink_by_id_to) for linkname # Input: $linkname, %links # Output: %dblinks my ($linkname, %links) = @_; my %dblinks; if ($links{$linkname}) { %dblinks = %{$links{$linkname}}; } else { print "WARNING: No link $linkname in input links hash!\n"; } return %dblinks; } #********************************************************* sub get_ftp_file { # Retrieves an ftp url and writes file to $outfile # Any file extensions in the original ftp file and added to # $outfile to complete the file name # Input: $url, $outfile; # Output: file $outfile (plus file extensions) my ($url, $outfile) = @_; my ($server, $path, $ftp); my (@dirs, @parts); $url =~ /ftp:\/\/(.*?)\/(.*)/; $server = $1; $path = $2; @dirs = split(/\//, $path); $file = pop(@dirs); @parts = split(/\./, $file); $outfile = 'pubchem' unless ($outfile); shift(@parts); $file = join('.', @parts); $file = $outfile . '.' . $file; $ftp = Net::FTP->new("$server") || die "Can't connect: $@\n"; $ftp->login("anonymous", "powerscripting") || die "Can't authenticate!\n"; $ftp->binary; $ftp->get($path, $file) || die "Can't fetch $path: $!\n"; $ftp->quit(); print "Data written to $file\n"; }