#ggplot2 makes the distribution curve graphs
#not sure what car does but I think it works with lattices
## Loading required package: data.table
#splitstackshape is an easy package that can help you split columns that have delimiters,
#Original CSV file column labelled "Tray" had entries that needed to be split
#creates dataframe and reads in the CSV file for sizes
picsize6<-concat.split.multiple(picsize5, "Tray", " ")
#splits the Tray column into Tray_1 with Site Number and Tray_2 with Tray number
foys<-subset(picsize6, Date=="2/26/2014"& Site=="Oyster Bay")
#creates a subset data frame for just the size data from February 26th at Oyster Bay
ggplot(foys, aes(, colour=Tray_1, fill=Tray_1),alpha=0.3)

#creates distribution graph overlays for all populations in Feb at Oyster Bay. Looks cool.
fman<-subset(picsize6, Date=="2/26/2014"& Site=="Manchester")
ggplot(fman, aes(, colour=Tray_1, fill=Tray_1),alpha=0.3)

ffid<-subset(picsize6, Date=="2/28/2014"&Site=="Fidalgo")
ggplot(ffid, aes(, colour=Tray_1, fill=Tray_1),alpha=0.3)

#ffid and fman are just repeating the same subset dataframe command
#and then creating distribution overlay graphs for each site