#!/usr/bin/r -t
# Copyright (C) 2010 - 2014 Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Francois
# This file is part of Rcpp.
# Rcpp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Rcpp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Rcpp. If not, see .
.runThisTest <- Sys.getenv("RunAllRcppTests") == "yes"
if (.runThisTest) {
.setUp <- Rcpp:::unitTestSetup("as.cpp")
test.as.int <- function(){
checkEquals( as_int(10), 10L, msg = "as( REALSXP ) " )
checkEquals( as_int(10L), 10L, msg = "as( INTSXP ) " )
checkEquals( as_int(as.raw(10L)), 10L, msg = "as( RAWSXP ) " )
checkEquals( as_int(TRUE), 1L, msg = "as( LGLSXP ) " )
test.as.double <- function(){
checkEquals( as_double(10), 10.0, msg = "as( REALSXP ) " )
checkEquals( as_double(10L), 10.0, msg = "as( INTSXP ) " )
checkEquals( as_double(as.raw(10L)), 10.0, msg = "as( RAWSXP ) " )
checkEquals( as_double(TRUE), 1.0, msg = "as( LGLSXP ) " )
test.as.raw <- function(){
checkEquals( as_raw(10), as.raw(10), msg = "as( REALSXP ) " )
checkEquals( as_raw(10L), as.raw(10), msg = "as( INTSXP ) " )
checkEquals( as_raw(as.raw(10L)), as.raw(10), msg = "as( RAWSXP ) " )
checkEquals( as_raw(TRUE), as.raw(1), msg = "as( LGLSXP ) " )
test.as.bool <- function(){
checkEquals( as_bool(10), as.logical(10), msg = "as( REALSXP ) " )
checkEquals( as_bool(10L), as.logical(10), msg = "as( INTSXP ) " )
checkEquals( as_bool(as.raw(10L)), as.logical(10), msg = "as( RAWSXP ) " )
checkEquals( as_bool(TRUE), as.logical(1), msg = "as( LGLSXP ) " )
test.as.string <- function(){
checkEquals( as_string("foo"), "foo", msg = "as( STRSXP ) " )
test.as.vector.int <- function(){
checkEquals( as_vector_int(1:10), 1:10 , msg = "as>( INTSXP ) " )
checkEquals( as_vector_int(as.numeric(1:10)), 1:10 , msg = "as>( REALSXP ) " )
checkEquals( as_vector_int(as.raw(1:10)), 1:10 , msg = "as>( RAWSXP ) " )
checkEquals( as_vector_int(c(TRUE,FALSE)), 1:0 , msg = "as>( LGLSXP ) " )
test.as.vector.double <- function(){
checkEquals( as_vector_double(1:10), as.numeric(1:10) , msg = "as>( INTSXP ) " )
checkEquals( as_vector_double(as.numeric(1:10)), as.numeric(1:10) , msg = "as>( REALSXP ) " )
checkEquals( as_vector_double(as.raw(1:10)), as.numeric(1:10), msg = "as>( RAWSXP ) " )
checkEquals( as_vector_double(c(TRUE,FALSE)), c(1.0, 0.0) , msg = "as>( LGLSXP ) " )
test.as.vector.raw <- function(){
checkEquals( as_vector_raw(1:10), as.raw(1:10) , msg = "as>( INTSXP ) " )
checkEquals( as_vector_raw(as.numeric(1:10)), as.raw(1:10) , msg = "as>( REALSXP ) " )
checkEquals( as_vector_raw(as.raw(1:10)), as.raw(1:10) , msg = "as>( RAWSXP ) " )
checkEquals( as_vector_raw(c(TRUE,FALSE)), as.raw(1:0) , msg = "as>( LGLSXP ) " )
test.as.vector.bool <- function(){
checkEquals( as_vector_bool(0:10), as.logical(0:10) , msg = "as>( INTSXP ) " )
checkEquals( as_vector_bool(as.numeric(0:10)), as.logical(0:10) , msg = "as>( REALSXP ) " )
checkEquals( as_vector_bool(as.raw(0:10)), as.logical(0:10) , msg = "as>( RAWSXP ) " )
checkEquals( as_vector_bool(c(TRUE,FALSE)), as.logical(1:0) , msg = "as>( LGLSXP ) " )
test.as.vector.string <- function(){
checkEquals( as_vector_string(letters), letters , msg = "as>( STRSXP ) " )
test.as.deque.int <- function(){
checkEquals( as_deque_int(1:10), 1:10 , msg = "as>( INTSXP ) " )
test.as.list.int <- function(){
checkEquals( as_list_int(1:10), 1:10 , msg = "as>( INTSXP ) " )