%\VignetteIndexEntry{doBy: Groupwise computations and other utilities}
\def\shd#1{\footnote{SHD: #1}}
require( doBy )
prettyVersion <- packageDescription("doBy")$Version
prettyDate <- format(Sys.Date())
\title{Groupwise computations and other utilities in the \texttt{doBy} package}
\author{S{\o}ren H{\o}jsgaard}
\date{\pkg{doBy} version \Sexpr{prettyVersion} as of \Sexpr{prettyDate}}
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% \renewenvironment{Schunk}{\begin{center}
% \scriptsize
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% \end{boxedminipage}\end{center}}
oopt <- options()
options("digits"=4, "width"=80, "prompt"=" ", "continue"=" ")
@ %def
The \doby{} package contains a variety of utility functions. This
working document describes some of these functions. The
package originally grew out of a need to calculate groupwise summary
statistics (much in the spirit of \code{PROC SUMMARY} of the
\proglang{SAS} system), but today the package contains many different
% The \doby\ package (and this document as a .pdf file) is available
% from
% \url{http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/doBy/index.html}
%The package is loaded with:
@ %def
\section{Data used for illustration}
The description of the \code{doBy} package is based on the following
\paragraph{CO2 data}
The \code{CO2} data frame comes from an
experiment on the cold tolerance of the grass species {\em Echinochloa
To limit the amount of output we modify names and levels of variables
as follows
CO2 <- transform(CO2, Treat=Treatment, Treatment=NULL)
levels(CO2$Treat) <- c("nchil","chil")
levels(CO2$Type) <- c("Que","Mis")
CO2 <- subset(CO2, Plant %in% c("Qn1", "Qc1", "Mn1", "Mc1"))
@ %def
%Data is shown in Section~\ref{sec:appdata}.
\paragraph{Airquality data}
The \code{airquality}
dataset contains air quality measurements in New York, May to
September 1973. The months are coded as $5,\dots,9$.
To limit the output we only consider data for two months:
airquality <- subset(airquality, Month %in% c(5,6))
@ %def
%Data is shown in Section~\ref{sec:appdata}.
\paragraph{Dietox data}
The \code{dietox} data are provided in the \code{doBy} package and
result from a study of the effect of adding vitamin E and/or copper to
the feed of slaughter pigs.
\section{Working with groupwise data}
\subsection{The \code{summaryBy} function}
The \summaryby{} function is used for calculating quantities like
``the mean and variance of $x$ and $y$ for
each combination of two factors $A$ and $B$''. Examples are based on
the \code{CO2} data.
\subsubsection{Basic usage}
The mean and variance of \code{uptake} and
\code{conc} for each value of \code{Plant} is obtained by:
myfun1 <- function(x){c(m=mean(x), v=var(x))}
summaryBy( conc + uptake ~ Plant, data=CO2, FUN=myfun1)
@ %def
Above \code{myfun1()} is a function that returns a vector of named
values. Note that the values returned by the function has been named as
\code{m} and \code{v}. An alternative specification is:
summaryBy( list(c("conc","uptake"), "Plant"), data=CO2, FUN=myfun1)
@ %def
If the result of the function(s) are not named, then the names in the
output data in general become less intuitive:
myfun2 <- function(x){c(mean(x), var(x))}
summaryBy( conc + uptake ~ Plant, data=CO2, FUN=myfun2)
@ %def
Another usage is to specify a list of functions each of which returns
a single value:
summaryBy( conc + uptake ~ Plant, data=CO2, FUN=list( mean, var ) )
@ %def
Notice that if we specify a list of functions of which some returns a
vector with more than one element, then the proper names are not
summaryBy(uptake~Plant, data=CO2, FUN=list( mean, var, myfun1 ))
@ %def
One can ``hard code'' the function names into the output as
summaryBy(uptake~Plant, data=CO2, FUN=list( mean, var, myfun1 ),
@ %def
\subsubsection{Statistics on functions of data}
We may want to calculate the mean and variance for the logarithm of
\code{uptake}, for \code{uptake}+\code{conc} (not likely to be a
useful statistic) as well as for \code{uptake} and
\code{conc}. This can be achieved as:
summaryBy(log(uptake) + I(conc+uptake) + conc+uptake ~ Plant, data=CO2,
@ %def
The names of the variables become involved with this. The user may
control the names of the variables directly:
summaryBy(log(uptake) + I(conc+uptake) + conc + uptake ~ Plant, data=CO2,
FUN=myfun1, var.names=c("log.upt", "conc+upt", "conc", "upt"))
@ %def
If one does not want output variables to contain parentheses then
setting \code{p2d=TRUE} causes the parentheses to be replaced by dots
summaryBy(log(uptake)+I(conc+uptake)~Plant, data=CO2, p2d=TRUE,
@ %def
\subsubsection{Copying variables out with the \code{id} argument}
To get the value of the \code{Type} and \code{Treat} in the first row of the
groups (defined by the values of \code{Plant}) copied to the output
dataframe we use the \code{id} argument in one of the following forms:
summaryBy(conc+uptake~Plant, data=CO2, FUN=myfun1, id=~Type+Treat)
summaryBy(conc+uptake~Plant, data=CO2, FUN=myfun1, id=c("Type","Treat"))
@ %def
\subsubsection{Using '.' on the left hand side of a formula}
It is possible to use the dot (".") on the left hand side of
the formula. The dot means "all numerical variables which do not
appear elsewhere" (i.e.\ on the right hand side of the formula and in
the \code{id} statement):
summaryBy(log(uptake)+I(conc+uptake)+. ~Plant, data=CO2, FUN=myfun1)
@ %def
\subsubsection{Using '.' on the right hand side of a formula}
The dot (".") can also be used on the right hand side of the formula
where it refers to "all non--numerical variables which are not
specified elsewhere":
summaryBy(log(uptake) ~Plant+., data=CO2, FUN=myfun1)
@ %def
\subsubsection{Using '1' on the right hand side of the formula}
Using 1 on the
right hand side means no grouping:
summaryBy(log(uptake) ~ 1, data=CO2, FUN=myfun1)
@ %def
\subsubsection{Preserving names of variables using \code{keep.names}}
If the function applied to data only returns one value, it is possible
to force that the summary variables retain the original names by
setting \code{keep.names=TRUE}. A
typical use of this could be
data=CO2, FUN=mean, id=~Type+Treat, keep.names=TRUE)
@ %def
\subsection{The \code{orderBy} function}
Ordering (or sorting) a data frame is possible with the \code{orderBy}
Suppose we want to order the rows of the the \code{airquality} data by \code{Temp} and by
\code{Month} (within \code{Temp}). This can be achieved by:
x<-orderBy(~Temp+Month, data=airquality)
@ %def
The first lines of the result are:
@ %def
If we want the ordering to be by decreasing values of one of the
variables, we change the sign, e.g.
x<-orderBy(~-Temp+Month, data=airquality)
@ %def
\subsection{The \code{splitBy} function}
Suppose we want to split the \code{airquality} data into a list of dataframes, e.g.\ one
dataframe for each month. This can be achieved by:
x<-splitBy(~Month, data=airquality)
@ %def
Hence for month 5, the relevant entry-name in the list is '5' and this
part of data can
be extracted as
@ %def
Information about the grouping is stored as a dataframe
in an attribute called \code{groupid} and can be retrieved with:
@ %def
\subsection{The \code{sampleBy} function}
Suppose we want a random sample of 50 \% of the observations from a
dataframe. This can be achieved with:
sampleBy(~1, frac=0.5, data=airquality)
@ %def
Suppose instead that we want a systematic sample of every fifth
observation within each month. This is achieved with:
sampleBy(~Month, frac=0.2, data=airquality,systematic=T)
@ %def
\subsection{The \code{subsetBy} function}
Suppose we want to select those rows within each month for which the the
wind speed is larger than the mean wind speed (within the month). This
is achieved by:
subsetBy(~Month, subset=Wind>mean(Wind), data=airquality)
@ %def
Note that the statement \code{Wind>mean(Wind)} is evaluated within
each month.
\subsection{The \code{transformBy} function}
The \code{transformBy} function is analogous to the \code{transform}
function except that it works within groups. For example:
transformBy(~Month, data=airquality, minW=min(Wind), maxW=max(Wind),
@ %def
\subsection{The \code{lapplyBy} function}
This \code{lapplyBy} function is a wrapper for first splitting data
into a list according to the formula (using splitBy) and then applying
a function to each element of the list (using apply).
Suppose we want to calculate the weekwise feed efficiency of the pigs
in the \code{dietox} data, i.e. weight gain divided by feed intake.
dietox <- orderBy(~Pig+Time, data=dietox)
FEfun <- function(d){c(NA, diff(d$Weight)/diff(d$Feed))}
v <- lapplyBy(~Pig, data=dietox, FEfun)
dietox$FE <- unlist(v)
@ %def
Technically, the above is the same as
dietox <- orderBy(~Pig+Time, data=dietox)
wdata <- splitBy(~Pig, data=dietox)
v <- lapply(wdata, FEfun)
dietox$FE <- unlist(v)
@ %def
\subsection{The \code{scaleBy} function}
Standardize the \code{iris} data within each value of \code{"Species"}:
x<-scaleBy( list(c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width"),
"Species"), data=iris)
@ %def
\section{Create By--functions on the fly}
Create a function for creating groupwise t-tests
mydata <- data.frame(y=rnorm(32), x=rnorm(32),
g1=factor(rep(c(1,2),each=16)), g2=factor(rep(c(1,2), each=8)),
@ %def
## Based on the formula interface to t.test
t.testBy1 <- function(formula, group, data, ...){
formulaFunBy(formula, group, data, FUN=t.test, class="t.testBy1", ...)
## Based on the default interface to t.test
t.testBy2 <- function(formula, group, data, ...){
xyFunBy(formula, group, data, FUN=t.test, class="t.testBy1", ...)
@ %def
Notice: The optional \code{class} argument will facilitate that you
create your own print / summary methods etc.
t.testBy1(y~g1, ~g2, data=mydata)
t.testBy2(y~x, ~g2, data=mydata)
@ %def
ff <- function(a,b=2,c=4){a+b+c}
ff1 <- specialize(ff, arglist=list(a=1, b=7, yy=123))
gg <- rnorm
gg1 <- specialize(gg, list(n=10))
@ %def
Notice that this result is absurd:
f <- function(a) {a <- a + 1; a}
f1 <- specialize(f, list(a = 10))
@ %def
\subsection{The \code{firstobs()} / \code{lastobs()} function}
To obtain the indices of the first/last occurences of an item in a
vector do:
x <- c(1,1,1,2,2,2,1,1,1,3)
@ %def
The same can be done on a data frame, e.g.
firstobs(~Plant, data=CO2)
lastobs(~Plant, data=CO2)
@ %def
\subsection{The \code{which.maxn()} and \code{which.minn()} functions}
The location of the $n$ largest / smallest entries in a numeric vector
can be obtained with
x <- c(1:4,0:5,11,NA,NA)
@ %def
\subsection{Subsequences - \code{subSeq()}}
Find (sub) sequences in a vector:
x <- c(1,1,2,2,2,1,1,3,3,3,3,1,1,1)
subSeq(x, item=1)
@ %def
\subsection{Recoding values of a vector - \code{recodeVar()}}
x <- c("dec","jan","feb","mar","apr","may")
src1 <- list(c("dec","jan","feb"), c("mar","apr","may"))
tgt1 <- list("winter","spring")
@ %def
\subsection{Renaming columns of a dataframe or matrix -- \code{renameCol()}}
head(renameCol(CO2, 1:2, c("kk","ll")))
head(renameCol(CO2, c("Plant","Type"), c("kk","ll")))
@ %def
\subsection{Time since an event - \code{timeSinceEvent()}}
Consider the vector
yvar <- c(0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0)
@ %def
Imagine that "1" indicates an event of some kind which takes place
at a certain time point. By default time points are assumed
equidistant but for illustration we define time time variable
tvar <- seq_along(yvar) + c(0.1,0.2)
@ %def
Now we find time since event as
tse<- timeSinceEvent(yvar,tvar)
@ %def
The output reads as follows:
\item \verb'abs.tse': Absolute time since (nearest) event.
\item \verb'sign.tse': Signed time since (nearest) event.
\item \verb'ewin': Event window: Gives a symmetric window around each event.
\item \verb'run': The value of \verb'run' is set to $1$ when the first
event occurs and is increased by $1$ at each subsequent event.
\item \verb'tae': Time after event.
\item \verb'tbe': Time before event.
plot(sign.tse~tvar, data=tse, type="b")
rug(tse$tvar[tse$yvar==1], col='blue',lwd=4)
points(scale(tse$run), col=tse$run, lwd=2)
lines(abs.tse+.2~tvar, data=tse, type="b",col=3)
@ %def
plot(tae~tvar, data=tse, ylim=c(-6,6),type="b")
lines(tbe~tvar, data=tse, type="b", col='red')
rug(tse$tvar[tse$yvar==1], col='blue',lwd=4)
lines(run~tvar, data=tse, col='cyan',lwd=2)
@ %def
plot(ewin~tvar, data=tse,ylim=c(1,4))
rug(tse$tvar[tse$yvar==1], col='blue',lwd=4)
lines(run~tvar, data=tse,col='red')
@ %def
We may now find times for which time since an event is at most 1 as
@ %def
\subsection{Example: Using \code{subSeq()} and \code{timeSinceEvent()}}
Consider the \verb|lynx| data:
lynx <- as.numeric(lynx)
tvar <- 1821:1934
@ %def
Suppose we want to estimate the cycle lengths. One way of doing this
is as follows:
yyy <- lynx>mean(lynx)
sss <- subSeq(yyy,TRUE)
@ %def
@ %def
Create the 'event vector'
yvar <- rep(0,length(lynx))
yvar[sss$midpoint] <- 1
@ %def
tse <- timeSinceEvent(yvar,tvar)
@ %def
We get two different (not that different) estimates of period
len1 <- tapply(tse$ewin, tse$ewin, length)
len2 <- tapply(tse$run, tse$run, length)
@ %def
We can overlay the cycles as:
tse$lynx <- lynx
tse2 <- na.omit(tse)
plot(lynx~tae, data=tse2)
@ %def
mm <- lm(lynx~tae+I(tae^2)+I(tae^3), data=tse2)
lines(fitted(mm)~tvar, data=tse2, col='red')
@ %def
Credit is due to
Dennis Chabot, Gabor Grothendieck, Paul Murrell, Jim Robison-Cox and Erik J{\o}rgensen for
reporting various bugs and making various suggestions to the
functionality in the \doby{} package.
@ %def
\section{The data}
The reduced \code{C02} are:
@ %def
The reduced \code{airquality} data are:
head(airquality, n=20)
@ %def