Shortish list

Posted by & filed under Ostrea lurida.

In selecting qPCR targets from the Oly transcriptome (version 3) I came up with the following list. In general this was done by first focusing on stress response GO slim terms, followed by simple word searches. The table is available for download here The next step would be some joining & file converting to pull… Read more »

A short sequence on short sequence

Posted by & filed under Tutorial.

A quick tutorial to check out primers on NCBI to see what the product size should be and how specific they are. Old school way is just take the primer with NNNs in the middle and blast. TATTCGTTGGAGACTTTATAACCCTNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNAAGGCTTAGAATTGCAAGGTCTATA You will get an output as such…. Scroll down to the alignments…. And look at the coordinates……. Read more »