Soon after Ensenada I went to Chili, SICB, and PAG (in that order). The new year is often of time to let go of lingering projects, and likely I will be doing that soon. But to bring a few pending efforts to the forefront, so that I can analyze etc here is a bit of… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Cgigas DNA Methylation
Re-Reproducing differential methylation analyses, again
Having just given a talk on reproducibility, I am in the midst of responding to reviewer comments about what we did (12 months ago!) and boy can I say every minute of putting this notebook together was worth it. I even found where we ran the entire notebook, so all result files are easily accessible…. Read more »
Alternative splicing and germline methylation
One of the premises related to germline methylation in oysters is that genes with limited methylation will have more alternatively spliced products. One of our most robust identification of alternatively spliced genes is from the heat shock experiment, however methylation was assessed with array to ID DMRs. In order to gauge the relationship of germline… Read more »
There is something about TEs
For purposes of proposaling and reports, I have gone back to look at a small project done in collaboration with scientist at IFREMER looking at pesticide exposure on oyster larvae methylation. The control library had limited yield so the number of loci with data from the treated and the control library was restricted. However using… Read more »
Heat Stress DDMRs
Here is a summary of 10 Dramatically Differentially Methylated Regions (DDMRs), that is, those covered in this post that are found across a majority of the oysters exposed to acute heat shock. —
A closer look at DMRs
A detailed look at DMRs that hold true across oysters exposed to heat shock. Updated July 6, 2015 – added three more DMRs (at bottom of post) Going down the list, scaffold418_576986 is a feature that overlaps gene EKC36328, Bromodomain-containing protein 8. Specifically the location is in the intron between exon 18 and 19 (total… Read more »
Side track with tracks
Today working on our paper looking at heat stress and DNA methylation I dived deeper into the array data in the search for what should be called a DMR. As a refresher we have tracks from the core that have 1.8+ fold difference (sig) and complementary tracks where there are three adjacents (3plusAdjacent). I made… Read more »
First steps at an aggregated view of all DNA methylation data (updated)
Seems like I have gotten close (see here) but do not have a canonical IGV session that has all of our DNA methylation data. The goal here is to generate such a product (and publish, so I do not lose it). All data is publicly available at see also data on Figshare Updates July… Read more »
Wayback to just-MBD
Prior to bisulfite sequencing we did do a couple of MBD enrichment libraries to describe DNA methylation in oysters. Results even were snuck into this perspective. While I am sure there are genome tracks around, I am ending up #doingitagain. In short I took the raw Solid reads, align to Crassostrea_gigas.GCA_000297895.1.26.dna.genome in CLC, exported bam,… Read more »
Stranded, sex, and arms still flailing
Normally I would not consider a week in review post, but so little progress was made (better than nothing) I thought I would give it a shot. Monday and Tuesday was in Oregon giving a seminar “Genomics on the Half Shell: Environmental Epigenetics, Open Science, and the Oyster“. (Yes, I will use that as an… Read more »
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