The level of review is indicated by three degrees of descriptors: quality vlues, quality flags, and level of quality control. Data Quality Values Value Definition Description 0      NONE Quality not yet determined 1      BAD Data is bad 2      SUSPECT Quality might be bad: needs review before release 3    UNKNOWN Quality indescribable; neither good nor suspect 4      GOOD Data is acceptable for distribution 8    REPLACED With data of a higher quality control level -9     MISSING The data has been reported as missing Data Quality Flags Value Definition Description 2° Description 1 OK valid Data is acceptable 2 3 INV invalid Data has been manually marked as bad 4 SUSPECT data presumed invalid data has been marked as suspect and is being investigated 5 6 UNK unknown problem Data could be suspect due to a programming, analysis, recording error, or gap in documentation 7 NULL null data Data missing, lost or null 8 9 10 FAULTY instrument failure/drift Instrument failure or drift has been indicated for this data 11 OOR out of range Data exceeds engineering range specified for instrument, valid range for datatype or range that calculation should allow 12 13 14 CLIM climatology Data outside of reasonable range based on climatology Data Quality Control Value Definition Description 0 NONE No quality control done 1 PROCESSED Automated quality control done and initial value 2 REVIEWED Manually reviewed; suspect data marked as good or bad. 3 POST-PROCESSED Additional review performed. 4 FINAL Post-processed review final, error estimates unavailable. 5 FINAL Post-processed, post-calibrated or adjustment review complete, QC error estimate available.