Welcome to the advanced guide to trinity. You are probably reading this because you want to better understand what all those zillions of output files and output directories correspond to, and how you can attempt to troubleshoot certain processes. We aim to provide much of that information here.

Below, the individual Trinity processes (Inchworm, Chrysalis, and then Butterfly) are described, including their expected output files and data formats. In the case of Butterfly, additional options are presented for being able to explore transcript graphs and tracking the progress of butterfly as it works its way through these graphs.

Trinity was written as a collective effort by three individuals (Inchworm by Brian Haas, Chrysalis by Manfred Grabherr, and Butterfly by Moran Yassour). In addition to each tool being engineered separately, they each use different code-bases, Inchworm and Chrysalis were written in C++, and Butterfly was written in Java. They interact only through well-defined file formats for intermediate products used as inputs by downstream processes.

The Trinity assembly algorithm involves the following steps, each of which are described in more detail below, with respect to inputs and outputs generated at each stage.

FASTQ to FASTA conversion

Trinity uses Francesco Strozzi's Fastool software to efficiently convert FASTQ-formatted reads to FASTA format. If the reads are specified as generated from strand-specific RNA-sequencing, then those reads (left or right fragments) indicated to match the reverse-complement of the transcript's sense strand are first reverse complemented before written to the FASTA file. Hence, all reads in the resulting trinity_out_dir/both.fa file should be in the sense orientation in the case of strand-specific RNA-Seq processing.

Kmer Abundance Catalog Construction

Originally, extracting the kmers from the reads and computing their abundance values was a function of Inchworm. Since the first release of Trinity, we've become aware of faster kmer abundance catalog-generating tools, and have incorporated these as alternatives to Inchworm for this step.

As of the 2012-06-08 Trinity release, Jellyfish is used exclusively for building the kmer catalog.

In the context of strand-specific RNA-Seq data, only the sense-strand kmers are cataloged. Otherwise, both strands are analyed, and forward and reverse-complement kmers are considered equivalent.

Inchworm assembly of contigs via greedy K-mer extension

Inchworm reads the kmer abundance catalog and stores the pair(kmer, count) in memory in the form of a hash table. The key-value pairs are the k-mers as keys and the abundance of the corresponding k-mer as the value. The k-mer is stored as a 2-bit encoded unsigned integer, and with 64-bit architectures, allows for k-mers up to 32-mers to be stored. We find that 25-mers work very well for both highly and lowly expressed transcripts, and so we leverage 25-mers as a fixed option with Trinity. If you should run Inchworm separately, you can use any length k-mer up to 32-mers, but only the 25-mers are currently compatible with the Trinity package.

When using strand-specific RNA-Seq data, inchworm is run in strand-specific mode, and retains the original k-mer orientation throughout. Resulting inchworm contigs are then provided in the sense-orientation.

The Inchworm-assembled contigs are reported as the file trinity_out_dir/inchworm.K25.L48.fa, with the name of the file indicating that a k-mer of 25 was used, and contigs at least 48 long were reported. If strand-specific rna-seq data was not used, the filename will include DS to indicate double-stranded. The fasta sequence accession for each contig contains information that is used by Chrysalis in the next step. For example, the following header for an Inchworm fasta assembly:

>a1;142 K: 25 length: 3697

indicates that the sequence entry a1;142 has an average k-mer abundance value of 142. This value is a proxy for transcript expression.

Inchworm does a very good job at reconstructing full-length transcripts from RNA-Seq data, but since it leverages only unique k-mers for contig construction, it can only report the parts of alternatively spliced isoforms that are unique. Subsequent Trinity steps reconstruct the full-length alternatively spliced transcripts.

Since Inchworm puts all kmers into memory, it is a memory-intensive step, and is currently perhaps THE memory-limiting step of Trinity. In the case of hundreds of millions of RNA-Seq reads, you can lower memory consumption by setting a minimum kmer threshold abundance, such as 2 (the default is 1 — so all kmers). Error-containing kmers will be greatly enriched within the low-abundance kmer counts and can be excluded with minimal loss is transcript reconstruction sensitivity. Set Trinity.pl —min_kmer_cov 2 to reduce memory requirements with large read sets.

Chrysalis clustering of inchworm contigs based on shared subsequences (k-1mers) and read support

Inchworm contigs are generated by the greedy extension of kmers according to abundance values. No two inchworm contigs, by definition, can share a k-mer. Hence, alternatively spliced isoforms and paralogs that share sequences in common cannot be fully represented by inchworm contigs. However, such related transcripts will contain (k-1)mers in common, and given common k-1mers as seeds, Chrysalis can determine if there are reads in the original RNA-Seq data that further support junctions between inchworm contigs. The GraphFromFasta utility of Chrysalis performs pairwise comparisons among the inchworm contigs, and determines the number of reads that support junctions. Junction support requires a (k-1)mer in common and half a k-mer on each flank of the junction to exist within the reads. Full transitive closure (single-linkage clustering) of inchworm contigs based on satisfied junction support defines the inchworm bundles.

Trinity parameters that influence inchworm contig clustering include:

#  --min_glue <int>               :min number of reads needed to glue two inchworm contigs
#                                  together. (default: 2)
#  --min_iso_ratio <float>        :min fraction of average kmer coverage between two iworm contigs
#                                  required for gluing.  (default: 0.05)
#  --glue_factor <float>          :fraction of max (iworm pair coverage) for read glue support (default: 0.05)

The bundled inchworm contigs are written as trinity_out_dir/chrysalis/bundled.fasta. The inchworm contig sequences in a single bundle are described as a concatenated string with each contig delimited by an X character.

Each bundle of sequences corresponds to an individual Chrysalis component. The Chrysalis component definitions are written to trinity_out_dir/chrysalis/GraphFromIwormFasta.out, and looks like so:

>Component_0 9 0 [iworm>a1;142_K:_25_length:_3697]
 ... many more seq lines
>Component_0 9 24 [iworm>a25;13_K:_25_length:_85]
>Component_0 9 29 [iworm>a30;8_K:_25_length:_49]

The header line indicates that (COMPONENT 0) is being described and that it contains 3 inchworm contig entries. Each inchworm contig that exists as part of that component is then described.

Each component-specific bundle of inchworm contigs is written as a separate file for subsequent parallel processing:

ex.  chrysalis/RawComps.0/comp0.iworm_bundle

Chrysalis construction of deBruijn graphs

Chrysalis constructs a deBruijn graph from each of the compX.iworm_bundle files using the FastaToDeBruijn utility, generating files:

ex. chrysalis/RawComps.0/comp0.raw.graph  :de Bruijn graph based on Inchworm contigs only

with format like so:

Component 0
1       -1      1       GGAGCTGGAGGCCCCCAGGCAACT        1
2       1       1       GAGCTGGAGGCCCCCAGGCAACTA        1
3       2       1       AGCTGGAGGCCCCCAGGCAACTAC        1
4       3       1       GCTGGAGGCCCCCAGGCAACTACA        1
5       4       1       CTGGAGGCCCCCAGGCAACTACAC        1
6       5       1       TGGAGGCCCCCAGGCAACTACACC        1
and column headings:
id     prev     1       kmer                            1

(ignore the 1 columns for now, since they're just placeholders).

Node identifier -1 is a start node with no k-mer sequence.

In the case of strand-specific data, the deBruijn graph is constructed in a strand-specific way. For non-strand-specific data, a non-redundant deBruijn graph is presented, which can represent transcripts in either (or both, including antisense) orientation.

Chrysalis mapping of reads to Inchworm contig bundles

The Chrysalis ReadsToTranscripts utility maps each of the original RNA-Seq reads to the inchworm bundle containing the largest number of kmers in common. ReadsToTranscripts reads the trinity_out_dir/both.fa reads fasta file and the trinity_out_dir/chrysalis/bundled.fasta file, streaming the Trinity.pl —max_reads_per_loop reads at a time and writing to component-specific read files:

ex.  trinity_out_dir/chrysalis/RawComps.0/comp0.raw.fasta

Chrysalis incorporation of reads into deBruijn graphs

The Chrysalis QuantifyGraph utility incorporates the component-mapped reads into the context of the deBruijn graph, and in doing so, weights the kmer edges by the read support. Files generated include:

ex.  chrysalis/RawComps.0/comp2.out :the de Bruijn graph with edge weights incorporating the mapped reads
     chrysalis/RawComps.0/comp2.reads :the read sequences and anchor points within the above graph
Component 2
1       -1      0       CGGCGTGTGACGCAGTCAGGCCTC        0
2       1       2       GGCGTGTGACGCAGTCAGGCCTCT        0
3       2       3       GCGTGTGACGCAGTCAGGCCTCTG        0
4       3       3       CGTGTGACGCAGTCAGGCCTCTGC        0
5       4       3       GTGTGACGCAGTCAGGCCTCTGCG        0
6       5       4       TGTGACGCAGTCAGGCCTCTGCGC        0
7       6       4       GTGACGCAGTCAGGCCTCTGCGCG        0
8       7       4       TGACGCAGTCAGGCCTCTGCGCGC        0
9       8       4       GACGCAGTCAGGCCTCTGCGCGCT        0
10      9       4       ACGCAGTCAGGCCTCTGCGCGCTG        0
11      10      4       CGCAGTCAGGCCTCTGCGCGCTGC        0
12      11      6       GCAGTCAGGCCTCTGCGCGCTGCG        0

The format of the .reads file is like so:

Component 2
with fields: read_accession, start_in_read, start_node_id, end_in_read, end_node_id, read_sequence, read_orientation_in_graph

(examples shown for formatting information only; they don't match up to each other here. Explore the sample data for synchronized examples).

Butterfly reconstruction of transcripts including alternatively spliced isoforms

When Chrysalis completes, it creates a file called trinity_out_dir/chrysalis/butterfly_commands that contains the minimal command string to execute Butterfly on these components. The Trinity.pl wrapper modifies these commands to include Java settings (such as heap size intialization and any butterfly parameters set at runtime). The modified command file butterfly_commands.adj contains the butterfly commands that should be executed.

Butterfly consumes the deBruijn .out and read-map .reads files for each corresponding Chrysalis component. Butterfly traces the paths that reads and pairs of reads take within the graph and reports the most probable transcripts as a fasta file.

The resulting Butterfly assembly file for component 2 would exist as: comp2_allProbPaths.fasta. The format of the fasta file is like so:

>comp2_c0_seq1 len=2364 path=[0:0-587 588:588-1076 1146:1077-2363]

The accession of each fasta entry is bundled with information, and is broken down like so:

>comp2_c0_seq1 len=2364 path=[0:0-587 588:588-1076 1146:1077-2363]
comp2: contig is derived from Chrysalis component # 2
c0: contig also corresponds to Butterfly sub-component # 0  (during graph compaction and pruning, some components are partitioned into disconnected subcomponents).
seq1: contig sequence count from chrysalis component 2, butterfly subcomponent zero.  If this subcomponent yields multiple sequences, these will have different seq numbers.
len:  length of the transcript contig
path: list of vertices in the compacted graph that represent the final transcript sequence and the range within the given assembled sequence that those nodes corresond to.  For example, node:0 spans from position 0-587, and then connects to node 588: which extends from position 588-1076 within the transcript, and so on. It's coincidental in this case that the node identifier matches up with the start position within the sequence; it's not always the case, as shown by the third node of this sequence path.

The operations of butterfly can become more transparent if you execute the Butterfly command with a verbose setting of at least 5, in which case, in addition to yielding the most probably transcript contigs, it will report the underlying compacted graph structure, and describe the vertices that are being visited during transcript reconstruction. For example, the following Butterfly command reports:

RUNNING: java -Xmx1000M -jar /Users/bhaas/sVN/trinityrnaseq/Butterfly/Butterfly.jar -N 28363 -L 305 -F 280 -C chrysalis/RawComps.0/comp25 --edge-thr=0.05 --stderr -V 5
method: combineSimilarPathsThatEndAtV(-1)
method: combineSimilarPathsThatEndAtV(-1)
method: combineSimilarPathsThatEndAtV(-1)
method: combineSimilarPathsThatEndAtV(256)
method: combineSimilarPathsThatEndAtV(256)
method: combineSimilarPathsThatEndAtV(0)
method: combineSimilarPathsThatEndAtV(0)
method: combineSimilarPathsThatEndAtV(73)
method: combineSimilarPathsThatEndAtV(73)
method: combineSimilarPathsThatEndAtV(73)
method: combineSimilarPathsThatEndAtV(247)
method: combineSimilarPathsThatEndAtV(247)
method: combineSimilarPathsThatEndAtV(100)
method: combineSimilarPathsThatEndAtV(100)
method: combineSimilarPathsThatEndAtV(109)
method: combineSimilarPathsThatEndAtV(109)
method: combineSimilarPathsThatEndAtV(-2)

The graph vertices that are being visited are provided in the parenthesis above, starting with (-1), which is the start node that all initial vertices link to, and ending at (-2), which is a final sink node.

Butterfly, given the -V 5 setting, creates a file called comp25_justBeforeFindingPaths.dot that represents the structure of the compacted graph. This graph can be viewed using GraphViz. The graph can be exported in pdf format for searching (not sure why graphviz doesn't have a search function). The Preview software on Mac OSX works well for this (acroread doesn't for some unknown reason). In the pdf-formatted file, you can search for node identifiers and find the corresponding vertex in the graph. The graph nodes are formatted like so: TTTACCTCAC…GATGGCTCAG\:1\(0)\[73], with the trailing three numbers corresponding to: average_node_coverage, node_id, sequence_length.

If you have very complex graphs that are taking an exceedingly long time to process (more than a day), you can consider increasing the —edge-thr Butterfly threshold to further simplify the graph before transcript reconstruction. Hopefully, this should not happen. Be sure to send us any ultra-long-running graphs so we can explore more efficient ways of processing them in Butterfly.

Important Butterfly parameters accessible via Trinity.pl include:

#  --max_number_of_paths_per_node <int>  :only most supported (N) paths are extended from node A->B,
#                                         mitigating combinatoric path explorations. (default: 10)
#  --group_pairs_distance <int>    :maximum length expected between fragment pairs (default: 500)
#  --path_reinforcement_distance <int>   :minimum overlap of reads with growing transcript
#                                        path (default: 75)
#  --lenient_path_extension        :require minimal read overlap to allow for path extensions.
#                                   (equivalent to --path_reinforcement_distance=1)

A little more information on some of these parameters:

The —group_pairs_distance defines the longest distance acceptable between two paired reads whereby they'll be grouped into a pair-path in the context of the deBruijn graph. If pairs exist outside of this distance, then each read will be treated as if it's a single read rather than a connected pair.

The —path_reinforcement_distance specifies the amount of overlap support required for a read (or pair) path to extend a growing transcript path witin the graph. Setting this value to a large number of bases relative to your expected fragment length will increase the specificity of the resulting transcript reconstructions, but could lead to more highly fragmented transcripts where coverage is low or uneven. Setting the value too low will decrease the specificity of the reconstruction, allowing for weakly supported transcript extensions, but should enrich for more full-length transcripts where coverage is low. Eventually, this parameter may be set dynamically by Butterfly, but for now it's constant across a given run.