Diverse basic statistical and graphical functions

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Documentation for package ‘RVAideMemoire’ version 0.9-40

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RVAideMemoire-package Diverse basic statistical and graphical functions
Anova.clm Anova Tables for Cumulative Link (Mixed) Models
Anova.clmm Anova Tables for Cumulative Link (Mixed) Models
bootstrap Bootstrap
byf.hist Histogram for factor levels
byf.mqqnorm QQ-plot for factor levels
byf.mshapiro Shapiro-Wilk test for factor levels
byf.normhist Histogram and normal distribution for factor levels
byf.qqnorm QQ-plot for factor levels
byf.shapiro Shapiro-Wilk test for factor levels
chisq.bintest Pearson's Chi-squared test or Fisher's exact test for binary variables
chisq.exp Expected counts for comparison of proportions to given values
chisq.multcomp Pairwise comparisons after a chi-squared goodness-of-fit test
chisq.theo.multcomp Pairwise comparisons after a chi-squared test for given probabilities
cochran.qtest Cochran's Q test
cor.2comp Comparison of 2 Pearson's linear correlation coefficients
cor.conf Equality of a Pearson's linear correlation coefficient to a given value
cor.multcomp Comparison of several Pearson's linear correlation coefficients
cor.sparse Correlation between variables and components in sparse multivariate analyses
cox.resid Martingale residuals of a Cox model
cramer.test Cramer's association coefficient
cv Coefficient of variation
DA.confusion Classification error rate of a Discriminant Analysis
DA.valid Cross-validation in Discriminant Analysis
DA.var Explained variance in Discriminant Analysis
dendro.gp Dendrogram and number of groups to be chosen
fc.multcomp Pairwise comparisons for the interaction between a factor and a covariate
fisher.multcomp Pairwise comparisons after a test for independence of 2 categorical variables
friedman.rating.test Friedman rank sum test for ratings
friedman.rating.test.default Friedman rank sum test for ratings
friedman.rating.test.formula Friedman rank sum test for ratings
G.multcomp Pairwise comparisons after a G-test
G.test G-test
G.theo.multcomp Pairwise comparisons after a G-test for given probabilities
ind.contrib Individual contributions in regression
kruskal.rating.test Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test for ratings
kruskal.rating.test.default Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test for ratings
kruskal.rating.test.formula Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test for ratings
LDA.format Re-formating LDA data
least.rect Least rectangles linear regression
logis.fit Graphical adujstment of a simple binary logistic regression to data
logis.noise Creating a nls model for logistic regression from fitted values of a glm model
mod Mode
mqqnorm Multivariate normality QQ-Plot
mshapiro.test Shapiro-Wilk multivariate normality test
MVA.synt Synthesis quality of multivariate analyses
overdisp.glmer Estimation of overdispersion with 'glmer' models
pairwise.G.test Pairwise comparisons for proportions using G-tests
pairwise.manova Pairwise MANOVAs
pairwise.perm.t.test Pairwise permutational t tests
pairwise.wilcox.rating.test Pairwise comparisons for ratings using Wilcoxon rank sum tests
perm.anova Permutational Analysis of Variance
perm.bartlett.test Permutational Bartlett's test of homogeneity of variances
perm.cor.test Permutational Pearson's correlation test
perm.t.test Permutational Student's t-test
perm.var.test Permutational F test to compare two variances
plot1comp.ind Plot of indiviuals and their class on a single axis (component)
plot1comp.var Plot of correlation between predictor variables and a single component
plotresid Simple analysis of model residuals
plotsurvivors Survivor curve
PLSDA.ncomp Graphical help to number of components selection in PLS-DA
PLSDA.test Permutational test for the discriminant ability of the factor in PLS-DA
PLSDA.VIP Variable Importance in the Projection (VIP)
prop.multcomp Pairwise comparisons after a test for given proportions
rating.lsmeans LSMeans for Cumulative Link (Mixed) Models
rating.prob Observed rating frequencies
reg.ci Confidence intervals of a simple linear regression
RVAideMemoire Diverse basic statistical and graphical functions
s.corcircle2 Plot of the factorial maps of a correlation circle
scat.mix.categorical Representation of qualitative variables in Hill and Smith mix analysis
scat.mix.numeric Representation of numeric variables in Hill and Smith mix analysis
scatter.coa2 Plot of the factorial maps for a correspondence analysis
se Standard error of the mean
seq2 Sequence generation
spearman.ci Confidence interval of a Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
user.cont User defined contrasts for LSMeans
wald.ptheo.test Wald test for comparison of a proportion to a theoretical value
wilcox.paired.multcomp Non parametric pairwise comparisons for paired data
wilcox.paired.rating.multcomp Non parametric pairwise comparisons for paired ratings
wilcox.rating.signtest Wilcoxon sign test for ratings
wilcox.rating.test Wilcoxon rank sum and signed rank tests for ratings
wilcox.rating.test.default Wilcoxon rank sum and signed rank tests for ratings
wilcox.rating.test.formula Wilcoxon rank sum and signed rank tests for ratings
wilcox.signtest Wilcoxon sign test