## Loading required package: ggplot2
## Loading required package: plyr
## Loading required package: splitstackshape
## Loading required package: data.table
#creates dataframe and reads in the CSV file for sizes
#check data
y1size$Date<-as.Date(y1size$Date, "%m/%d/%Y")
#make R understand dates
y1meansize<-ddply(y1size,.(Date,Site,Pop),summarise, mean_size=mean(,na.rm=T))
#create table of ave size for outplant and year one for each pop at each site
#print it out
## Date Site Pop mean_size
## 1 2013-08-16 Fidalgo 2H 10.67
## 2 2013-08-16 Fidalgo 2N 11.60
## 3 2013-08-16 Fidalgo 2S 11.25
## 4 2013-08-16 Manchester 4H 10.53
## 5 2013-08-16 Manchester 4N 13.40
## 6 2013-08-16 Manchester 4S 11.30
## 7 2013-08-16 Oyster Bay 1H 10.49
## 8 2013-08-16 Oyster Bay 1N 10.90
## 9 2013-08-16 Oyster Bay 1S 12.15
## 10 2014-09-19 Oyster Bay 1H 27.96
## 11 2014-09-19 Oyster Bay 1N 35.81
## 12 2014-09-19 Oyster Bay 1S 27.98
## 13 2014-10-17 Fidalgo 2H 24.40
## 14 2014-10-17 Fidalgo 2N 29.10
## 15 2014-10-17 Fidalgo 2S 28.91
## 16 2014-10-24 Manchester 4H 21.49
## 17 2014-10-24 Manchester 4N 24.37
## 18 2014-10-24 Manchester 4S 23.99
#now we need to create subsets for each site for out plant and end of year 1
outoysy1<-ddply(y1size,.(,Pop,Tray,Sample,Area),subset,Date=="2013-08-16"&Site=="Oyster Bay")
endoysy1<-ddply(y1size,.(,Pop,Tray,Sample,Area),subset,Date=="2014-09-19"&Site=="Oyster Bay")
#Plot the distributions of the sizes for each pop at each site for outplant and end of year 1.
#This allows us to visualize differences in populations.
ggtitle("Size Comparison\nAugust 2013 vs. October 2014")

ggtitle("Size Comparison\nAugust 2013 vs. October 2014")

ggtitle("Size Comparison\nAugust 2013 vs. September 2014")

#Now we need to do some anovas as we assume the data is normally distributed.
#First we have to create a column of pop labels that don't have the site designation in them
#Here we subset the data set to only include data from the end of year 1
#Run the ANOVA comparing site,pop, and site:pop to show significant differences
## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## endy1$Site 2 14168 7084 263.5 <2e-16 ***
## endy1$Pop2 2 8254 4127 153.5 <2e-16 ***
## endy1$Site:endy1$Pop2 4 3368 842 31.3 <2e-16 ***
## Residuals 2283 61368 27
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#Everything is significantly different. YAY!
#Time to do a Tukey test to illucidate what is different from what exactly.
## Tukey multiple comparisons of means
## 95% family-wise confidence level
## Fit: aov(formula = endy1$ ~ endy1$Site + endy1$Pop2 + endy1$Site:endy1$Pop2, data = endy1)
## $`endy1$Site`
## diff lwr upr p adj
## Manchester-Fidalgo -4.281 -4.862 -3.701 0
## Oyster Bay-Fidalgo 2.451 1.772 3.129 0
## Oyster Bay-Manchester 6.732 6.000 7.463 0
## $`endy1$Pop2`
## diff lwr upr p adj
## N-H 4.545 3.922 5.1683 0
## S-H 2.975 2.358 3.5911 0
## S-N -1.571 -2.198 -0.9432 0
## $`endy1$Site:endy1$Pop2`
## diff lwr upr p adj
## Manchester:H-Fidalgo:H -2.90887 -4.2476 -1.5702 0.0000
## Oyster Bay:H-Fidalgo:H 3.55552 2.1100 5.0010 0.0000
## Fidalgo:N-Fidalgo:H 4.69502 3.5223 5.8677 0.0000
## Manchester:N-Fidalgo:H -0.02951 -1.4073 1.3483 1.0000
## Oyster Bay:N-Fidalgo:H 11.40509 9.6848 13.1254 0.0000
## Fidalgo:S-Fidalgo:H 4.50490 3.3091 5.7007 0.0000
## Manchester:S-Fidalgo:H -0.41572 -1.7355 0.9041 0.9879
## Oyster Bay:S-Fidalgo:H 3.58281 1.9898 5.1758 0.0000
## Oyster Bay:H-Manchester:H 6.46439 4.9055 8.0232 0.0000
## Fidalgo:N-Manchester:H 7.60389 6.2941 8.9137 0.0000
## Manchester:N-Manchester:H 2.87936 1.3831 4.3756 0.0000
## Oyster Bay:N-Manchester:H 14.31397 12.4974 16.1306 0.0000
## Fidalgo:S-Manchester:H 7.41377 6.0832 8.7443 0.0000
## Manchester:S-Manchester:H 2.49316 1.0501 3.9362 0.0000
## Oyster Bay:S-Manchester:H 6.49168 4.7951 8.1882 0.0000
## Fidalgo:N-Oyster Bay:H 1.13950 -0.2793 2.5583 0.2355
## Manchester:N-Oyster Bay:H -3.58503 -5.1776 -1.9925 0.0000
## Oyster Bay:N-Oyster Bay:H 7.84957 5.9529 9.7463 0.0000
## Fidalgo:S-Oyster Bay:H 0.94938 -0.4886 2.3874 0.5085
## Manchester:S-Oyster Bay:H -3.97124 -5.5139 -2.4286 0.0000
## Oyster Bay:S-Oyster Bay:H 0.02729 -1.7548 1.8093 1.0000
## Manchester:N-Fidalgo:N -4.72453 -6.0743 -3.3748 0.0000
## Oyster Bay:N-Fidalgo:N 6.71007 5.0121 8.4080 0.0000
## Fidalgo:S-Fidalgo:N -0.19012 -1.3535 0.9733 0.9999
## Manchester:S-Fidalgo:N -5.11074 -6.4013 -3.8202 0.0000
## Oyster Bay:S-Fidalgo:N -1.11221 -2.6811 0.4567 0.4052
## Oyster Bay:N-Manchester:N 11.43460 9.5890 13.2802 0.0000
## Fidalgo:S-Manchester:N 4.53441 3.1645 5.9043 0.0000
## Manchester:S-Manchester:N -0.38621 -1.8656 1.0932 0.9966
## Oyster Bay:S-Manchester:N 3.61232 1.8848 5.3399 0.0000
## Fidalgo:S-Oyster Bay:N -6.90020 -8.6142 -5.1862 0.0000
## Manchester:S-Oyster Bay:N -11.82081 -13.6235 -10.0181 0.0000
## Oyster Bay:S-Oyster Bay:N -7.82228 -9.8337 -5.8109 0.0000
## Manchester:S-Fidalgo:S -4.92061 -6.2322 -3.6090 0.0000
## Oyster Bay:S-Fidalgo:S -0.92209 -2.5083 0.6641 0.6791
## Oyster Bay:S-Manchester:S 3.99853 2.3168 5.6802 0.0000
#WOW That's a lot of differences. It would be easier to say what isn't significantly different.
#Manchester Fid Pop is not sig diff from Fidalgo Dabob pop
#Manchester Oys pop is not sig diff from Fidalgo Dabob pop
#Fidalgo Fid pop is not sig diff from Oyster Bay Dabob pop
#Fidalgo Oys pop is not sig diff from Oyster Bay Dabob pop
#Oyster Bay Oys pop is essentially equivalent to Oyster Bay Dabob pop
#Fidalgo Oys pop is not sig diff from Fidalgo Fid pop
#Oyster Bay Oys pop is not sig diff from Fidalgo Fid pop
#Manchester Oys pop is not sig diff from Manchester Fid pop
#Oyster Bay Oys pop is not sig diff from Fidalgo Oys Pop
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