Tuesday, August 11, 2015

8 5 2015 PGEEP4 2 rep qPCR

In an effort to improve replicates performance I ran several target genes again. This time I ran two reps of each target on the sample plate and used the multichannel pipetter to pipette equal volumes of master mix. This post covers the runs of PGEEP4. I ran NTCs on a separate plate using the same reaction volume and 9 ul of PCR water.


1638PGE/EP4_FWDACAGCGACGGACGATTTTCTJH5/21/20152055O.luridaProstaglandin E2 receptor EP4 subtype (PGE receptor EP4 subtype) (PGE2 receptor EP4 subtype) (Prostanoid EP4 receptor)P32240
1637PGE/EP4_REVATGGCAGACGTTACCCAACAJH5/21/20152055O.luridaProstaglandin E2 receptor EP4 subtype (PGE receptor EP4 subtype) (PGE2 receptor EP4 subtype) (Prostanoid EP4 receptor)P32240
Reagent Table:

VolumeReactions X116
Ssofast Evagreen MM101160
FWD Primer0.558
REV Primer0.558
1:9 cDNA9
  1. Added reagents from greatest to least volume
  2. Vortexed
  3. Centrifuged briefly
  4. Pipetted 11 ul Master Mix to each tube using a 12 shot multichannel pipetter
  5. Pipetted 9 ul of 1:9 cDNA each column using a channel pipetter
  6. Centrifuged plate at 2000 rpm for 1 minute
  7. Ran Program Below
Initiation95 C10 min
Elongation95 C30 sec
60 C1 min
72 C30 sec
Repeat Elongation 39 times
Termination95 C1 min
55 C1 sec
Melt Curve Manual ramp 0.2C per sec Read 0.5 C55 - 95 C30 sec
21 C10 min

Plate Layout:
DNased 42215 HC1DNased 42215 NC1DNased 42215 SC1DNased 42215 HT1 1DNased 42215 NT1 1DNased 42215 ST1 1DNased 42215 HC1DNased 42215 NC1DNased 42215 SC1DNased 42215 HT1 1DNased 42215 NT1 1DNased 42215 ST1 1
DNased 42215 HC2DNased 42215 NC2DNased 42215 SC2DNased 42215 HT1 2DNased 42215 NT1 2DNased 42215 ST1 2DNased 42215 HC2DNased 42215 NC2DNased 42215 SC2DNased 42215 HT1 2DNased 42215 NT1 2DNased 42215 ST1 2
DNased 42215 HC3DNased 42215 NC3DNased 42215 SC3DNased 42215 HT1 3DNased 42215 NT1 3DNased 42215 ST1 3DNased 42215 HC3DNased 42215 NC3DNased 42215 SC3DNased 42215 HT1 3DNased 42215 NT1 3DNased 42215 ST1 3
DNased 42215 HC4DNased 42215 NC4DNased 42215 SC4DNased 42215 HT1 4DNased 42215 NT1 4DNased 42215 ST1 4DNased 42215 HC4DNased 42215 NC4DNased 42215 SC4DNased 42215 HT1 4DNased 42215 NT1 4DNased 42215 ST1 4
DNased 42215 HC5DNased 42215 NC5DNased 42215 SC5DNased 42215 HT1 5DNased 42215 NT1 5DNased 42215 ST1 5DNased 42215 HC5DNased 42215 NC5DNased 42215 SC5DNased 42215 HT1 5DNased 42215 NT1 5DNased 42215 ST1 5
DNased 42215 HC6DNased 42215 NC6DNased 42215 SC6DNased 42215 HT1 6DNased 42215 NT1 6DNased 42215 ST1 6DNased 42215 HC6DNased 42215 NC6DNased 42215 SC6DNased 42215 HT1 6DNased 42215 NT1 6DNased 42215 ST1 6
DNased 42215 HC7DNased 42215 NC7DNased 42215 SC7DNased 42215 HT1 7DNased 42215 NT1 7DNased 42215 ST1 7DNased 42215 HC7DNased 42215 NC7DNased 42215 SC7DNased 42215 HT1 7DNased 42215 NT1 7DNased 42215 ST1 7
DNased 42215 HC8DNased 42215 NC8DNased 42215 SC8DNased 42215 HT1 8DNased 42215 NT1 8DNased 42215 ST1 8DNased 42215 HC8DNased 42215 NC8DNased 42215 SC8DNased 42215 HT1 8DNased 42215 NT1 8DNased 42215 ST1 8

Melt Curve

The amplification and melt curves look great. Theres no amplification in the NTCs. The ct values generated by the CFX program were added to a spreadsheet to compare the reps. 

You can see the raw sample data here and NTC here

8 5 2015 GRB2 2 rep qPCR

In an effort to improve replicates performance I ran several target genes again. This time I ran two reps of each target on the sample plate and used the multichannel pipetter to pipette equal volumes of master mix. This post covers the runs of GRB2. I ran NTCs on a separate plate using the same reaction volume and 9 ul of PCR water.


1612GRB2_FWDAACTTTGTCCACCCAGACGGJH5/21/20152055O.luridaGrowth factor receptor-bound protein 2 (Adapter protein GRB2) (Protein Ash) (SH2/SH3 adapter GRB2)P62994
1611GRB2_REVCCAGTTGCAGTCCACTTCCTJH5/21/20152055O.luridaGrowth factor receptor-bound protein 2 (Adapter protein GRB2) (Protein Ash) (SH2/SH3 adapter GRB2)P62994

Reagent Table:

VolumeReactions X116
Ssofast Evagreen MM101160
FWD Primer0.558
REV Primer0.558
1:9 cDNA9
  1. Added reagents from greatest to least volume
  2. Vortexed
  3. Centrifuged briefly
  4. Pipetted 11 ul Master Mix to each tube using a 12 shot multichannel pipetter
  5. Pipetted 9 ul of 1:9 cDNA each column using a channel pipetter
  6. Centrifuged plate at 2000 rpm for 1 minute
  7. Ran Program Below
Initiation95 C10 min
Elongation95 C30 sec
60 C1 min
72 C30 sec
Repeat Elongation 39 times
Termination95 C1 min
55 C1 sec
Melt Curve Manual ramp 0.2C per sec Read 0.5 C55 - 95 C30 sec
21 C10 min

Plate Layout:
DNased 42215 HC1DNased 42215 NC1DNased 42215 SC1DNased 42215 HT1 1DNased 42215 NT1 1DNased 42215 ST1 1DNased 42215 HC1DNased 42215 NC1DNased 42215 SC1DNased 42215 HT1 1DNased 42215 NT1 1DNased 42215 ST1 1
DNased 42215 HC2DNased 42215 NC2DNased 42215 SC2DNased 42215 HT1 2DNased 42215 NT1 2DNased 42215 ST1 2DNased 42215 HC2DNased 42215 NC2DNased 42215 SC2DNased 42215 HT1 2DNased 42215 NT1 2DNased 42215 ST1 2
DNased 42215 HC3DNased 42215 NC3DNased 42215 SC3DNased 42215 HT1 3DNased 42215 NT1 3DNased 42215 ST1 3DNased 42215 HC3DNased 42215 NC3DNased 42215 SC3DNased 42215 HT1 3DNased 42215 NT1 3DNased 42215 ST1 3
DNased 42215 HC4DNased 42215 NC4DNased 42215 SC4DNased 42215 HT1 4DNased 42215 NT1 4DNased 42215 ST1 4DNased 42215 HC4DNased 42215 NC4DNased 42215 SC4DNased 42215 HT1 4DNased 42215 NT1 4DNased 42215 ST1 4
DNased 42215 HC5DNased 42215 NC5DNased 42215 SC5DNased 42215 HT1 5DNased 42215 NT1 5DNased 42215 ST1 5DNased 42215 HC5DNased 42215 NC5DNased 42215 SC5DNased 42215 HT1 5DNased 42215 NT1 5DNased 42215 ST1 5
DNased 42215 HC6DNased 42215 NC6DNased 42215 SC6DNased 42215 HT1 6DNased 42215 NT1 6DNased 42215 ST1 6DNased 42215 HC6DNased 42215 NC6DNased 42215 SC6DNased 42215 HT1 6DNased 42215 NT1 6DNased 42215 ST1 6
DNased 42215 HC7DNased 42215 NC7DNased 42215 SC7DNased 42215 HT1 7DNased 42215 NT1 7DNased 42215 ST1 7DNased 42215 HC7DNased 42215 NC7DNased 42215 SC7DNased 42215 HT1 7DNased 42215 NT1 7DNased 42215 ST1 7
DNased 42215 HC8DNased 42215 NC8DNased 42215 SC8DNased 42215 HT1 8DNased 42215 NT1 8DNased 42215 ST1 8DNased 42215 HC8DNased 42215 NC8DNased 42215 SC8DNased 42215 HT1 8DNased 42215 NT1 8DNased 42215 ST1 8


Melt Curve

The amplification looks good and there's nothing in the NTCs so I believe this looks great. I added the ct values generated by the CFX to a rep comparison spreadsheet to better understand how it all works together. 

You can see the raw sample data here and NTCs here.

8 5 2015 BMP2 2 reps qPCR

In an effort to improve replicates performance I ran several target genes again. This time I ran two reps of each target on the sample plate and used the multichannel pipetter to pipette equal volumes of master mix. This post covers the runs of BMP2. I ran NTCs on a separate plate using the same reaction volume and 9 ul of PCR water.


1640BMP-2_FWDTGAAGGAACGACCAAAGCCAJH5/21/20152055O.luridaBone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2) (Bone morphogenetic protein 2A) (BMP-2A)P12643
1639BMP-2_REVTCCGGTTGAAGAACCTCGTGJH5/21/20152055O.luridaBone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2) (Bone morphogenetic protein 2A) (BMP-2A)P12643
Reagent Table:

VolumeReactions X116
Ssofast Evagreen MM101160
FWD Primer0.558
REV Primer0.558
1:9 cDNA9
  1. Added reagents from greatest to least volume
  2. Vortexed
  3. Centrifuged briefly
  4. Pipetted 11 ul Master Mix to each tube using a 12 shot multichannel pipetter
  5. Pipetted 9 ul of 1:9 cDNA each column using a channel pipetter
  6. Centrifuged plate at 2000 rpm for 1 minute
  7. Ran Program Below
Initiation95 C10 min
Elongation95 C30 sec
60 C1 min
72 C30 sec
Repeat Elongation 39 times
Termination95 C1 min
55 C1 sec
Melt Curve Manual ramp 0.2C per sec Read 0.5 C55 - 95 C30 sec
21 C10 min

Plate Layout:
DNased 42215 HC1DNased 42215 NC1DNased 42215 SC1DNased 42215 HT1 1DNased 42215 NT1 1DNased 42215 ST1 1DNased 42215 HC1DNased 42215 NC1DNased 42215 SC1DNased 42215 HT1 1DNased 42215 NT1 1DNased 42215 ST1 1
DNased 42215 HC2DNased 42215 NC2DNased 42215 SC2DNased 42215 HT1 2DNased 42215 NT1 2DNased 42215 ST1 2DNased 42215 HC2DNased 42215 NC2DNased 42215 SC2DNased 42215 HT1 2DNased 42215 NT1 2DNased 42215 ST1 2
DNased 42215 HC3DNased 42215 NC3DNased 42215 SC3DNased 42215 HT1 3DNased 42215 NT1 3DNased 42215 ST1 3DNased 42215 HC3DNased 42215 NC3DNased 42215 SC3DNased 42215 HT1 3DNased 42215 NT1 3DNased 42215 ST1 3
DNased 42215 HC4DNased 42215 NC4DNased 42215 SC4DNased 42215 HT1 4DNased 42215 NT1 4DNased 42215 ST1 4DNased 42215 HC4DNased 42215 NC4DNased 42215 SC4DNased 42215 HT1 4DNased 42215 NT1 4DNased 42215 ST1 4
DNased 42215 HC5DNased 42215 NC5DNased 42215 SC5DNased 42215 HT1 5DNased 42215 NT1 5DNased 42215 ST1 5DNased 42215 HC5DNased 42215 NC5DNased 42215 SC5DNased 42215 HT1 5DNased 42215 NT1 5DNased 42215 ST1 5
DNased 42215 HC6DNased 42215 NC6DNased 42215 SC6DNased 42215 HT1 6DNased 42215 NT1 6DNased 42215 ST1 6DNased 42215 HC6DNased 42215 NC6DNased 42215 SC6DNased 42215 HT1 6DNased 42215 NT1 6DNased 42215 ST1 6
DNased 42215 HC7DNased 42215 NC7DNased 42215 SC7DNased 42215 HT1 7DNased 42215 NT1 7DNased 42215 ST1 7DNased 42215 HC7DNased 42215 NC7DNased 42215 SC7DNased 42215 HT1 7DNased 42215 NT1 7DNased 42215 ST1 7
DNased 42215 HC8DNased 42215 NC8DNased 42215 SC8DNased 42215 HT1 8DNased 42215 NT1 8DNased 42215 ST1 8DNased 42215 HC8DNased 42215 NC8DNased 42215 SC8DNased 42215 HT1 8DNased 42215 NT1 8DNased 42215 ST1 8
Melt Curve
Melt Curve

The amplification curves look good. There's minor amplification in the NTCs but its a primer dimer. Melt curve still isn't great but still pretty strong. 

The reps I added to the comparison spreadsheet and we're working on determining their value. 

You can see the raw sample data here and NTC data here

Monday, August 3, 2015

August 2015 Goals

Since its the beginning of the month, its time for GOALS! Before I write this months goals, I need to see how I did on last months goals.

July Goals:
  1. Finalize analysis script for R to produce expression data and graphs. 
  2. Edit Mat/Meth
  3. Edit Chapter 1
  4. Produce Graphs 
  5. Re-run a host of qPCR with fine tuned protocol to produce consistent data. 
  6. Write Results
  7. Write Intro/Discussion
  8. Complete Thesis Rough Draft
How I did:

1. I didn't finalize the script but I did get it written and I'm improving it to better my analysis. 
2. Edited Mat/Meth but I am still writing it.
3. I edited Chapter 1
4. I produced some graphs but they need improvement
5.Re-ran a ton of qPCR as well as create a new Normalization primer
6.I haven't written the results because I don't have any
7.Intro/Discussion is on the back burner until I get the results
8.Thesis completion is on hold until Chapter 2 is completed

August 2015 Goals

1.Complete Analysis of qPCR data
2. Write Results
3. Complete Chapter 2
4. Complete Thesis
5. Schedule New Defense Date
6. Get TA position for the fall
7. Drink some delicious Flying Bike beer.