Showing posts with label GOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLLLSSSSSS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLLLSSSSSS. Show all posts

Thursday, October 1, 2015

October 2015 Goals

It's the beginning of the month, so its time for GOOOOAAAAALLLLLLSSSSSSSS!!!!!

But first lets check in on last months goals.

September 2015 Goals

1.Complete Results, Chapter 2, Thesis
2. Sending Draft of thesis to committee (mid Sept)
3. Begin preparations for defense presentation
4. Find TAship/Start TAing
5. Attend PCSGA (Network, view other presentations, work on presentation)
6. Submit Chapter 1 to JSR
7. Go camping!

How I did:

1. DONE!
2. DONE!
3. DONE!
4. DONE!
5. DONE!
7. DONE!


Awesome lets see if I can beat that high score with this months goals. 

October 2015 Goals

1.  Complete Defense Presentation
2. Practice Defense Presentation
4. Work on thesis edits!
5. Work on Chapter 1 edits for resubmission!
6. Work on Chapter 2 edits for submission!
7. Turn 29!
8. Supply UW Bee Club with lots of beer!
9. Win Winter Warmer Competition!

Also if anyone is interested in watching my thesis defense it will be 

Wednesday October 14th
12:00 PM PST
FSH 203

You can view a live stream of it here:

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September 2015 Goals

Its September 1st, Time for GOALLLLLLLLSSSSSSSSS!!!!! Let's take a quick look at the goals for last month and what I accomplished of them.

August 2015 Goals

1.Complete Analysis of qPCR data
2. Write Results
3. Complete Chapter 2
4. Complete Thesis
5. Schedule New Defense Date
6. Get TA position for the fall
7. Drink some delicious Flying Bike beer. 

How I did:

1. I'm really close. We've got most if not all of the qPCR data that we're going to use for chapter 2. I have written an R script to run through the average Ct data and produce statistics and graphs for it. I'm tidying it up today so I can basically say this one is done. 

2. This will be done in the next two weeks now that the Analysis is basically done. 

3. This will be done in the next two weeks.

4. See 2 & 3.

5. New Defense date is October 14th at 11 am.

6. Still trying to find one. Waiting to hear about the Intro R TAship.

7. The brewery opened and the beer is delicious!

September 2015 Goals

1.Complete Results, Chapter 2, Thesis
2. Sending Draft of thesis to committee (mid Sept)
3. Begin preparations for defense presentation
4. Find TAship/Start TAing
5. Attend PCSGA (Network, view other presentations, work on presentation)
6. Submit Chapter 1 to JSR
7. Go camping!

Monday, August 3, 2015

August 2015 Goals

Since its the beginning of the month, its time for GOALS! Before I write this months goals, I need to see how I did on last months goals.

July Goals:
  1. Finalize analysis script for R to produce expression data and graphs. 
  2. Edit Mat/Meth
  3. Edit Chapter 1
  4. Produce Graphs 
  5. Re-run a host of qPCR with fine tuned protocol to produce consistent data. 
  6. Write Results
  7. Write Intro/Discussion
  8. Complete Thesis Rough Draft
How I did:

1. I didn't finalize the script but I did get it written and I'm improving it to better my analysis. 
2. Edited Mat/Meth but I am still writing it.
3. I edited Chapter 1
4. I produced some graphs but they need improvement
5.Re-ran a ton of qPCR as well as create a new Normalization primer
6.I haven't written the results because I don't have any
7.Intro/Discussion is on the back burner until I get the results
8.Thesis completion is on hold until Chapter 2 is completed

August 2015 Goals

1.Complete Analysis of qPCR data
2. Write Results
3. Complete Chapter 2
4. Complete Thesis
5. Schedule New Defense Date
6. Get TA position for the fall
7. Drink some delicious Flying Bike beer. 


Monday, July 6, 2015

July 2015 Goals

These are coming in a few days late due to the holiday. Before I get to what this month's goals are lets look at how I did last month.

June 2015 Goals
  1. Run qPCR tests with chosen flanking primers and sequence expression
  2. Run qPCR tests with chosen primers to reflect populations level differences
  3. Edit Materials/Methods
  4. Write Results
  5. Have committee meeting 
  6. Write Intro/Discussion
  7. Get Married!

How I did:

  1. I did run most of the flanking primers and sequenced them. Some of the sequencing failed so I had to re run them but I finished that as well. 
  2. I ran the qPCR with several chosen primers multiple times. The data hasn't been as solid as we would like so we are attempting to fine tune the qPCR process to get more consistent data. 
  3. I failed to really edit Materials/Methods
  4. I didn't have any solid results to write up
  5. I did however have a committee meeting where we discussed my defense date. It is tentatively set based on if I can produce useful results and write them up this month. 
  6. I didn't write an intro or discussion
  7. I did get married successfully. 
Overall I see that I got caught up on the lab work aspects of my goals. I was also consumed with figuring out the best way to analyze the data which took up a lot of time but its necessary to be able to write proper results. Overall I need to get my act together this month if I stand a chance of meeting my deadlines for next month. 

July 2015 Goals
  1. Finalize analysis script for R to produce expression data and graphs. 
    1. Due by 7/9
  2. Edit Mat/Meth
    1. Due by 7/13
  3. Edit Chapter 1
    1. Due by 7/15
  4. Produce Graphs 
    1. Due by 7/17
  5. Re-run a host of qPCR with fine tuned protocol to produce consistent data. 
    1. Due by 7/20
  6. Write Results
    1. Due by 7/20
  7. Write Intro/Discussion
    1. Due by 7/23
  8. Complete Thesis Rough Draft
    1. Due by 7/29

Monday, June 1, 2015

June 2015 Goals

So before I state what this month's goals are, I will briefly mention how I did on last months goals.

May 2015 Goals
  1. Process samples to produce cDNA for qPCR
  2. Run qPCR using primers for HSP70, Actin, and other interesting primers
  3. Edit the Materials and Methods section
  4. Write the Results sections of my next manuscript
  5. Begin writing the Intro/Discussion
  6. Prepare for my wedding

How I did May 2015:
1. I processed the 310 samples but Sam White processed my samples. There hasn't been cDNA made from all of them but that's okay cause I'm still testing primers.

2. I ran test qPCR's for HSP70, Actin, and the other primers I generated. Some worked, some didn't. I haven't been able to do the formal qPCR run due to some complications of population differences. 

3. I have made minor edits to the Materials and Methods but no where near what they should be. Will be work on that soon. 

4. I have no results as of yet. 

5. I cannot begin with Intro/Discussion

6. I have prepared a ton for the wedding. 

June 2015 Goals

Run qPCR tests with chosen flanking primers and sequence expression
Run qPCR tests with chosen primers to reflect populations level differences
Edit Materials/Methods
Write Results
Have committee meeting 
Write Intro/Discussion
Get Married!

Friday, May 1, 2015

May 2015 Goals

In an effort to keep myself on track to compete the SAFS masters program by later this year I am going to write monthly goals to complete for each month.

This month:

Process samples to produce cDNA for qPCR
Run qPCR using primers for HSP70, Actin, and other interesting primers
Edit the Materials and Methods section
Write the Results sections of my next manuscript
Begin writing the Intro/Discussion
Prepare for my wedding