Monthly Archives: March 2016

DNA quality check

Today I continued my assessment of DNA quality for P. astreoides samples extracted earlier this winter by running them on a gel (using this protocol). Here is the gel:


Again, quite a range of quality. I now have looked at nearly all samples and here is my assessment (this data can also be found in this spreadsheet):

Sample # Qubit conc. (ng/ul) Sample volume Total DNA quantity (ng) run on gel? high MW DNA present? relative quality score (1 = low)
past_87 45.6 50 2280 y yes – very good 5
past_89 48 50 2400 y some – w/ smearing 3
past_85 143 50 7150 y yes – very good 5
past_88b 121 50 6050 y yes – very good 5
past_84 188 50 9400 y some – w/ smearing 3
past_91 194 50 9700 y yes – ok 4
past_88a 182 50 9100 y yes – ok 4
past_86 234 50 11700 y yes – ok 4
past_90 218 50 10900 y yes – very good 5
past_83 194 50 9700 y little – poor 1
past_15 5.92 200 1184 y yes – ok 4
past_16 3.46 200 692 n nd nd
past_96 6.82 200 1364 y some – w/ smearing 3
past_19 5.4 200 1080 y some – mostly low MW 2
Past_14 3.92 200 784 n nd nd
past_82 7.38 200 1476 y yes – very good 5
past_98 7.92 200 1584 y yes – very good 5
past_13 10.4 200 2080 y yes – ok 4
past_12 3.1 200 620 n nd nd
past_18 5.88 200 1176 y some – w/ smearing 3
past_99 5.16 200 1032 y some – w/ smearing 3
past_17 10 200 2000 y yes – ok 4
past_95 5.88 200 1176 y some – mostly low MW 2
past_11 10.4 200 2080 y yes – very good 5
past_80 10.8 200 2160 y yes – ok 4
past_81 8.82 200 1764 y some – w/ smearing 3
past_100 2.28 200 456 n nd nd
past_1 11.3 200 2260 y yes – very good 5
past_10 20 200 4000 y yes – very good 5
past_97 too low 200 nd n nd nd
past_10-2 nd 200 nd n nd nd
past_1-2 nd 200 nd n nd nd
past_97-2 nd 200 nd n nd nd
past_100-2 nd 200 nd n nd nd
past_w11 35.2 50 1760 y some – mostly low MW 2
past_3 36.6 50 1830 y some – w/ smearing 3
past_2 99.4 50 4970 y yes – ok 4
past_w1 330 50 16500 y yes – ok 4
past_4 47.2 50 2360 y band too faint
past_w3 172 50 8600 y yes – ok 4
past_5 77 50 3850 y yes – ok 4
past_6 66.2 50 3310 y some – w/ smearing 3
past_7 27.4 50 1370 y some – mostly low MW 2
past_9 244 50 12200 y some – w/ smearing 3
past_8 37.6 50 1880 y yes – very good 5
past_12 18.2 50 910 y yes – ok 4
ppor_2 91.4 50 4570 y yes – ok 4
ppor_6 60 50 3000 y yes – ok 4
ppor_10 122 50 6100 y yes – ok 4
ppor_3 142 50 7100 y yes – ok 4
ppor_7 132 50 6600 y yes – very good 5
ppor_8 102 50 5100 y yes – very good 5
ppor_4 69.8 50 3490 y yes – very good 5
ppor_9 114 50 5700 n nd nd