RADseq day 5

After getting satisfactory Qubit results post-PCR, my final step in the ddRAD/EpiRAD library prep was to run the samples on the Agilent TapeStation to make sure fragments of correct and consistent size were selected earlier by the Pippin Prep.

1. Spin down samples and vortex

2. Obtain High Sensitivity D1000 Screentape and reagents. Spin down and vortex reagents. Note that ladder is in an extremely small volume.

3. Obtain 13 strip tubes (12 plus one for ladder) and place on a tube rack

4. Label 1st tube “L” for ladder, then 1-12 for each pool (only need to indicate order, not every tube)

5. Pipet 2 uL buffer into each tube

6. Pipet 2 uL ladder into “L” tube

7. Pipet 2 uL sample into each respective tube

8. Place caps on tubes, spin down, and vortex

9. Remove caps from tubes **Important – do not run TapeStation with lids on tubes

10. Place tubes in instrument, making sure ladder is in well position #1 (top left)

11. Place High Sensitivity D1000 Screentape in instrument with label facing towards the front of the instrument and the barcode facing right.


12. Ensure there are new pipet tips in machine and no used ones remaining

13. Open Agilent Tapestation Controller software

14. Select the tubes that will be used on the diagram


15. Rename the samples. These need to be the final names that will be sent to the sequencing facility. For example, my run was named JD001, and each pool was named A-L, such as JD001_A, JD001_B, and so on.

16. Press “START”

17. Save to JayDimond folder on desktop

18. When run is done, save output file as a MS Word document by creating a report under the file menu; click option to create thumbnail of each sample. This needs to be saved using the final plate name sending to the sequencing facility. For example, my file was named 2016-08-08_JD001_A-L.docx. If the run contains only part of a plate or parts of different plates name accordingly.

My results looked good, showing consistent size selection and quantities that matched well with the prior Qubit results. The fragment sizes were a bit larger than they should have been, averaging about 495 bp instead of 465 bp. If the resulting fragments are to be compared to fragments generated in another set of libraries, it is important that the fragment sizes are as consistent as possible, because the loci chosen will vary depending on their size. Thus it is particularly essential that the Pippin Prep settings are the same.


These libraries will be sent to UC Berkeley within the next two weeks or so along with Greg’s frog libraries. Once there, the facility will perform qPCR to ensure the libraries are combined in equimolar ratios in a single lane.

Library metadata:

Prep No. Conc. post digestion (ng/ul) New Pool (column) Well enzymes Barcode Illumina Index Post Size Selection ng/ul Post PCR ng/ul Mean fragment size (bp) Library name
past_80 15.00 Pool 1 A PstI-HpaII TGCAT ATCACG
past_80 15.00 Pool 1 B PstI-MspI AAGGA ATCACG
116 15.00 Pool 1 C PstI-HpaII GCATG ATCACG
108 15.00 Pool 1 D PstI-HpaII AACCA ATCACG 0.264 1.93 502 JD001_A
past_98 15.00 Pool 1 E PstI-MspI CAACC ATCACG
past_82 15.00 Pool 1 F PstI-HpaII TCGAT ATCACG
116 15.00 Pool 1 G PstI-MspI CGATC ATCACG
102 15.00 Pool 1 H PstI-HpaII GGTTG ATCACG
past_84 15.00 Pool 2 A PstI-MspI TGCAT CGATGT
past_w1 15.00 Pool 2 B PstI-MspI AAGGA CGATGT
past_90 15.00 Pool 2 C PstI-MspI GCATG CGATGT
past_w1 15.00 Pool 2 D PstI-HpaII AACCA CGATGT 0.39 10.10 493 JD001_B
past_91 15.00 Pool 2 E PstI-HpaII CAACC CGATGT
past_88b 15.00 Pool 2 F PstI-MspI TCGAT CGATGT
past_90 15.00 Pool 2 G PstI-HpaII CGATC CGATGT
past_89 15.00 Pool 2 H PstI-HpaII GGTTG CGATGT
past_98 18.57 Pool 3 A PstI-HpaII TGCAT TTAGGC
127 18.06 Pool 3 B PstI-HpaII AAGGA TTAGGC
102 17.78 Pool 3 C PstI-MspI GCATG TTAGGC
past_84 17.02 Pool 3 D PstI-HpaII AACCA TTAGGC 0.411 5.18 498 JD001_C
past_w3 16.96 Pool 3 E PstI-HpaII CAACC TTAGGC
past_86 16.83 Pool 3 F PstI-MspI TCGAT TTAGGC
103 16.22 Pool 3 G PstI-HpaII CGATC TTAGGC
past_w3 16.15 Pool 3 H PstI-MspI GGTTG TTAGGC
106 15.90 Pool 4 A PstI-HpaII TGCAT TGACCA
114 15.31 Pool 4 B PstI-HpaII AAGGA TGACCA
past_91 15.28 Pool 4 C PstI-MspI GCATG TGACCA
past_85 15.22 Pool 4 D PstI-HpaII AACCA TGACCA 0.411 5.41 493 JD001_D
131 14.51 Pool 4 E PstI-HpaII CAACC TGACCA
115 14.24 Pool 4 F PstI-HpaII TCGAT TGACCA
past_95 14.10 Pool 4 G PstI-MspI CGATC TGACCA
past_86 13.98 Pool 4 H PstI-HpaII GGTTG TGACCA
128 13.94 Pool 5 A PstI-MspI TGCAT ACAGTG
121 13.78 Pool 5 B PstI-MspI AAGGA ACAGTG
past_87 13.73 Pool 5 C PstI-HpaII GCATG ACAGTG
111 13.54 Pool 5 D PstI-HpaII AACCA ACAGTG 0.35 5.29 494 JD001_E
129 13.39 Pool 5 E PstI-MspI CAACC ACAGTG
120 13.37 Pool 5 F PstI-HpaII TCGAT ACAGTG
123 13.37 Pool 5 G PstI-HpaII CGATC ACAGTG
118 13.06 Pool 5 H PstI-HpaII GGTTG ACAGTG
128 12.92 Pool 6 A PstI-HpaII TGCAT GCCAAT
131 12.83 Pool 6 B PstI-MspI AAGGA GCCAAT
past_87 12.71 Pool 6 C PstI-MspI GCATG GCCAAT
112 12.61 Pool 6 D PstI-MspI AACCA GCCAAT 0.321 8.44 496 JD001_F
122 12.56 Pool 6 E PstI-MspI CAACC GCCAAT
101 12.50 Pool 6 F PstI-MspI TCGAT GCCAAT
122 12.50 Pool 6 G PstI-HpaII CGATC GCCAAT
105 12.29 Pool 6 H PstI-HpaII GGTTG GCCAAT
101 12.22 Pool 7 A PstI-HpaII TGCAT CAGATC
past_85 12.19 Pool 7 B PstI-MspI AAGGA CAGATC
107 12.17 Pool 7 C PstI-MspI GCATG CAGATC
past_89 12.12 Pool 7 D PstI-MspI AACCA CAGATC 0.372 2.71 491 JD001_G
past_95 11.68 Pool 7 E PstI-HpaII CAACC CAGATC
125 11.56 Pool 7 F PstI-HpaII TCGAT CAGATC
105 11.50 Pool 7 G PstI-MspI CGATC CAGATC
past_96 11.43 Pool 7 H PstI-MspI GGTTG CAGATC
121 11.39 Pool 8 A PstI-HpaII TGCAT ACTTGA
past_88b 11.18 Pool 8 B PstI-HpaII AAGGA ACTTGA
123 11.11 Pool 8 C PstI-MspI GCATG ACTTGA
126 11.11 Pool 8 D PstI-MspI AACCA ACTTGA 0.302 5.04 500 JD001_H
120 10.83 Pool 8 E PstI-MspI CAACC ACTTGA
117 10.78 Pool 8 F PstI-MspI TCGAT ACTTGA
115 10.72 Pool 8 G PstI-MspI CGATC ACTTGA
past_96 10.68 Pool 8 H PstI-HpaII GGTTG ACTTGA
130 10.61 Pool 9 A PstI-MspI TGCAT GATCAG
111 10.56 Pool 9 B PstI-MspI AAGGA GATCAG
past_w11 10.50 Pool 9 C PstI-MspI GCATG GATCAG
125 10.44 Pool 9 D PstI-MspI AACCA GATCAG 0.42 3.57 503 JD001_I
112 10.35 Pool 9 E PstI-HpaII CAACC GATCAG
110 10.28 Pool 9 F PstI-HpaII TCGAT GATCAG
past_w11 10.25 Pool 9 G PstI-HpaII CGATC GATCAG
103 10.17 Pool 9 H PstI-MspI GGTTG GATCAG
117 9.97 Pool 10 A PstI-HpaII TGCAT TAGCTT
127 9.72 Pool 10 B PstI-MspI AAGGA TAGCTT
130 9.69 Pool 10 C PstI-HpaII GCATG TAGCTT
106 9.61 Pool 10 D PstI-MspI AACCA TAGCTT 0.358 3.38 498 JD001_J
124 9.51 Pool 10 E PstI-HpaII CAACC TAGCTT
114 9.06 Pool 10 F PstI-MspI TCGAT TAGCTT
109 8.89 Pool 10 G PstI-MspI CGATC TAGCTT
109 8.85 Pool 10 H PstI-HpaII GGTTG TAGCTT
126 8.85 Pool 11 A PstI-HpaII TGCAT GGCTAC
124 8.78 Pool 11 B PstI-MspI AAGGA GGCTAC
110 8.33 Pool 11 C PstI-MspI GCATG GGCTAC
107 8.30 Pool 11 D PstI-HpaII AACCA GGCTAC 0.236 2.15 501 JD001_K
129 7.99 Pool 11 E PstI-HpaII CAACC GGCTAC
past_99 7.58 Pool 11 F PstI-MspI TCGAT GGCTAC
past_99 7.58 Pool 11 G PstI-HpaII CGATC GGCTAC
108 6.94 Pool 11 H PstI-MspI GGTTG GGCTAC
118 6.56 Pool 12 A PstI-MspI TGCAT CTTGTA
104 6.06 Pool 12 B PstI-MspI AAGGA CTTGTA
past_81 5.78 Pool 12 C PstI-HpaII GCATG CTTGTA
past_81 4.97 Pool 12 D PstI-MspI AACCA CTTGTA 0.201 2.56 493 JD001_L
113 4.83 Pool 12 E PstI-HpaII CAACC CTTGTA
104 4.34 Pool 12 F PstI-HpaII TCGAT CTTGTA
113 1.33 Pool 12 G PstI-MspI CGATC CTTGTA
past_82 0.03 Pool 12 H PstI-MspI GGTTG CTTGTA

Note that two samples were compromised due to pipetting errors: sample 102, digested by PstI/MspI, pool 3, well C; and sample 120, digested by PstI/MspI, pool 8, well E. These samples were completely excluded early in the process and no sequences should be obtained from them.

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