Gylcogen Assay – Emma’s C.gigas Whole Body Samples (continued from yesterday)

Samples from yesterday were centrifuged 30mins, 4000g, 4C (fixed angle rotor).

Supernatant was removed and pellets were dried (inverted tubes for 30mins).

Pellets were resuspended in 200uL H2O.

Data spreadsheet is here: 20131125 – Oyster Glycogen Assay

Gylcogen Assay – Emma’s C.gigas Whole Body Samples

Finally located the remaining half of Emma’s samples. These had already been freeze dried AND pulverized! So, I just had to weigh out ~half of each sample for the glycogen assay.

Glycogen Assay:

Samples were placed in 3mL of 15% trichloracetic acid (TCA), vortexed and incubated for 1hr @ 4C.

Samples were spun 10mins, 3,000g, at 4C (in bucket rotor).

500uL of supernatant was transferred to 4mL of 100% EtOH, vortexed and incubated O/N @ 4C.

Will continue processing tomorrow.

Data spreadsheet is here: 20131125 – Oyster Glycogen Assay

Gylcogen & Carboyhydrate Assays – Emma’s C.gigas Whole Body Samples (continued from yesterday)

Samples from yesterday were centrifuged 30mins, 4000g, 4C (fixed angle rotor).

Supernatant was removed and pellets were dried (inverted tubes for 30mins).

Pellets were resuspended in 200uL H2O and stored @ -20C.

Data spreadsheet is here: 20131125 – Oyster Glycogen Assay

Gylcogen and Carboyhydrate Assays – Emma’s C.gigas Whole Body Samples

Samples were previously freeze dried overnight and stored @ -20C. To maximize sample homogeneity and, thus, increase accuracy of both assays, all samples were mechanically pulverized in their existing tubes. Approximately half of each sample was weighed and used for the glycogen assay. The remainder of each sample was stored @ -20C.

Glycogen Assay:

Samples were placed in 3mL of 15% trichloracetic acid (TCA), vortexed and incubated for 1hr @ 4C.

Samples were spun 10mins, 3,000g, at 4C (in bucket rotor).

500uL of supernatant was transferred to 4mL of 100% EtOH, vortexed and incubated O/N @ 4C.

Will continue processing tomorrow.

Data spreadsheet is here: 20131125 – Oyster Glycogen Assay

PCR – Lake Trout C1q

Ran PCR on lake trout DNA and lake trout bisulfite-converted DNA. Used primers SRIDs: 1551 and 1552. DNA was isolated by Caroline Storer on 4/4/2011 and bisulfite converted on 4/7/2011. Master mix and cycling params are here:


Lake Trout Lean_6 Liver

Lake Trout Lean_7 Liver

Lake Trout Siscowet_6 Liver

Lake Trout Siscowet_7 Liver

Bisulfite converted DNA from the four samples listed above.


Lane 1: Hyperladder II (Bioline)

Lane 2: Lean6

Lane 3: Lean6 BS

Lane 4: Lean7

Lane 5: Lean7 BS

Lane 6: Siscowet6

Lane 7: Siscowet6 BS

Lane 8: Siscowet7

Lane 9: Siscowet7 BS

All the non-BS converted samples amplified as expected, producing a band of ~560bp. However, none of the BS-converted DNA produced any amplification. It is likely an issue with the primer sequences and the resulting conversion of the gDNA.

Will look at Caroline Storer’s notebook entries for her work on this and try to evaluate what has already been done.

PCR – Hexokinase and Partial Exon #1

Performed PCR using newly designed primers to amplify the C. gigas hexokinase “promoter” (-2059bp from start) along with a portion of the first exon.

Primers used were Cg_Hk_Prom_pBAD_-2059 (SRID: 1518) and Cg_HK_Exon1_R (SRID: 1520).

Template used was C.gigas gDNA BB15 (from 20090519; 0.4216ug/uL). Master mix calcs are here. Cycling params are the same used on 20130227.

Samples were run in duplicate.


Lane 1: Hyperladder II (Bioline)

Lanes 2-3: C.gigas gDNA

Lanes 4-5: NTCs

We see a band of >2000bp (that’s the maximum on the molecular weight marker). The bands from each replicate were excised, purified using Ultrafree-DA columns (Millipore) and stored at 4C.