qPCR – Re-DNased abalone Dg RNA from earlier today

Done to verify removal of gDNA from RNA. Used H.crach_16s_syb_f/r primers. PCR workup/plate layout is here.

Results: Still f’ing gDNA! I’m pretty convinced that this is indeed due to the Ambion kit I’m using being old. Got mixed up with a newer kit, but neither had dates. Mac is going to be running a qPCR later today on DNased RNA that used the other Ambion kit. I will wait until the results of her qPCR to proceed.

PCR – C.pugetti DNA from 20090513 & 20090526

This is a repeat of yesterday’s PCR with a fresh working stock in hopes of eliminating the source of contamination seen in the negative control yesterday.

Lane 1 – 100bp ladder

Lane 2 – 5/13 DNA

Lane 3 – 5/26 DNA

Lane 4 – Empty

Lane 5 – H2O

Results: Same problem as yesterday. Water sample is contaminated. This suggests that the primer stocks are contaminated. Likely due to the use of non-sterile, “old” TE for reconstitution of the primer stocks. Will re-order them and reconstitute them sterily.

RNA Isolation – Abalone Dg Project

Isolated RNA using the MoBio RNA PowerSoil Kit according to protocol from the following samples:









Results: RNA looks fabulous (as always from the PowerSoil kit). Will DNase treat the samples tomorrow.

PCR – C.pugetti DNA from 20090513 & 20090526

Performed PCR as set up here using universal bacterial 16s primers (sequences provided by Sara Kelly).

Lane 1 – 100bp ladder

Lane 2- 5/13 DNA

Lane 3 – 5/26 DNA

Lane 4 – H2O

Results: Contamination in the water sample. Hopefully this is just bad technique (never thought I’d say that about myself) and not general, bacterial contamination in the primer stocks, since the stocks (nor the PCR rxns) were prepared steriley. Will repeat.