This is a repeat of yesterday’s PCR due to the presence of bands in the water-only samples. Will use reagents and universal 16s bacterial primers (27F & 1492R) provide by the Horner-Devine lab in hopes of: 1) getting this two work and, 2) figuring out the source of the contamination.
All rxns were prepared sterily and all instruments, racks, tubes, tips and water were UV-sterilized for ~45mins in the biological hood. Rxns were prepared in the biological hood. PCR setups are here. Anneal 60C. Cycling params same as yesterday.
Lane 1 – 100bp ladder
Lane 2 – DNA (HD Rxn 1)
Lane 2 – H2O (HD Rxn 1)
Lane 3 – H2O (HD Rxn 1)
Lane 4 – DNA (HD Rxn 2)
Lane 5 – H2O (HD Rxn 2)
Lane 6 – H2O (HD Rxn 2)
Lane 7 – DNA (SR Rxn)
Lane 8 – H2O (SR Rxn)
Lane 9 – H2O (SR Rxn)
Lane 10 – 100bp ladder
Results: Well, we got our band and NO contamination in any H2O lanes. The super-bright, 1500bp band will be excised and purified using Millipore spin columns and submitted for sequencing. However, this gel is interesting because the primers provided by Mike (used in HD Rxn 1 and SR Rxn) did not amplify anything…