Used up the remainder of the one positive control gDNA that worked with all the primers in yesterday’s reaction (H.crach_h-1fg_intron, H.iris_actin_intron, H.crach_16s), so need to find a new set of gDNA to use for future positive controls. qPCR plate layout/set up is here. Anneal temp 50C. Used the following gDNA with :
06:50-9 – This was the good gDNA used as previous controls. Added 10uL of H2O to the tube in hopes of getting more useable DNA.
06:4-7 – No date/info available on tube.
07:12-15 – No date/info available on tube.
Results: Got decent signals with the H.crach_h-1fg primers for two of the three gDNAs. Will use the 07:12-15 gDNA as a positive control for tomorrow’s qPCR.