50uL of RNA from each of the following were precipitated O/N @ -20C:
2L HKOD09 – 2.157 ug/uL x 50uL = 107.85ug
4L HTOG09 – 2.089 ug/uL x 50uL = 104.45ug
3L HSITK09 – 1.089 ug/uL x 50uL = 54.45ug
6L HPWS09 – 1.703 ug/uL x 50uL = 85.15ug
0.1 volumes (5uL) of 3M NaOAc ph = 5.2 was added to each sample. Then 2 volumes (110uL) of 100% EtOH was added. Samples were vortexed and incubated O/N @ -20C.