This was repeated to generate more PCR product for sequencing purposes. PCR master mix calcs and cycling params are here. Master mixes 04 and 05 (MM04 and MM05) were repeated to gain more PCR product from the faint 550bp & 1500bp bands(MM04) and 5000bp band (MM05).
MM04 – Cg_COX_982_F (SR ID: 1151) + Cg_COX_1545_R (SR ID: 1148) Band size w/o intron = ~550bp
MM05 – Cg_COX_982_F (SR ID: 1151) + Cg_COX_2138_R (SR ID: 1149) Band size w/o intron = ~1130bp
Gel was run on 20110203
Samples on the left portion of the gel are from the MM04 primer combo and those on the right are from the MM05. Boxed bands were excised, purified using Millipore Ultra DA-free spin columns and stored @ -20C in Sam’s “Misc. -20C Box.”
Interestingly in the MM05 set, inconsistent, faint bands of ~400-500bp are visible. These were not visible the first time this PCR was conducted (see 20110118), but the exposure of the gel image wasn’t turned up as high as in this image. Due to their inconsistency and extremely low yield, these bands were not excised.