Since yesterday’s DNA isolation failed to yield sufficient quantity of DNA from the ethanol-fixed samples, I isolated additional DNA from the same samples.
Isolated gDNA from 6 geoduck siphon samples provided by Brent using the Qiagen DNeasy Spin Kit. Samples were as follows:
- Langley 006
- Langley 007
- Langley 008
- Langley 009
The Langley samples were fixed in ethanol in 2006. Geoduck 01/02 were fresh geoduck siphon samples, taken from two live, juvenile geoduck (the rest of the bodies were frozen at -80C).
The samples were processed according to the Qiagen protocol (but utilized an overnight incubation at 56C with Proteinase K), eluted in 50uL of Buffer AE, combined with the corresponding DNA from yesterday, mixed throughly and spec’d on a NanoDrop1000.
Now have sufficient quantity of DNA for all four of these samples. Will contact Axa (the person who this DNA is intended for) to see if he requires a specific concentration/volume.