Isolated gDNA from two C.gigas larvae samples (stored in RNA Later) from Katie Latterhos:
B4 400 D05
B6 400 D03
and two samples from Emma:
Emma’s samples were in her -80C box (in rack #2): C.gigas larvae – NOAA O.A. September 2010 Emma
Note: No visible larvae present in either of Katie Latterhos samples. Easily visible larvae in each of Emma’s samples.
DNA was isolated using the Quick-gDNA MicroPrep Kit (ZymoResearch) according to the manufacturer’s protocol for Cell Suspensions and Proteinase K Digested Samples.
Samples were eluted with 10uL of elution buffer and spec’d on a NanoDrop1000 (ThermoFisher). The 2uL used for each sample were recovered from the NanoDrop.
Not surprisingly, the samples from Katie Latterhos yielded, essentially, no gDNA. Will discuss with Steven.
*UPDATE 20141030*
Steven sent me this screen cap of Emma’s notebook so we could track where the samples originated from