Tag Archives: DNazol

DNA Isolation – Claire’s C.gigas Female Gonad for Illumina Bisulfite Sequencing

Due to poor “tag counts” from the initial sequencing (DATE) and the re-sequencing (20131127) of this sample, the HTGU facility has concluded that the library is probably at fault. They will make a new library and do a quality control run on the new library. However, they have insufficient gDNA left to make a new library.

Isolated gDNA from Claire’s sample following the DNAzol protocol.

Transferred ~300uL of female C.gigas gonad from the source tube (ethanol-preserved) to a clean tube. Pelleted gonadal material by spinning 10,000g, 30seconds, @ RT. Decanted residual ethanol. Resuspended tissue in 500uL of DNAzol + 100ug of Proteinase K (Fermentas; 18.5mg/mL). Incubated on a rotator for ~6hrs. Proceeded according to DNAzol protocol. Resuspended final pellet in 100uL of Elution Buffer (Qiagen; EB). After resuspension, pelleted remaining debris 16,000g, 30seconds, @ RT. Transferred supernatant to clean tube and quantified on NanoDrop 1000.

CgF – 403.2ng/uL

Will bring tube to sequencing facility tomorrow morning.

DNA Isolation – C.gigas Larvae from Emma OA Experiments

Isolated gDNA using DNazol from the following larval samples for potential MBD selection and bisulfite sequencing:

– Added 500uL of DNAzol to each tube, transferred to 1.5mL tube and homogenized with disposable pestles

– Added additional 500uL DNAzol to each homogenized sample and mixed by inversion.

– Incubated 10mins at RT

– Pelleted debris by spinning 10,000g, 10mins, @ RT

– Transferred supes to new tubes

– Added 500uL of 100% EtOH to each; mixed by inversion; incubated 10mins @ RT

– Pelleted DNA by spinning 5,000g, 4mins, @ RT

– Discarded supes

– Washed DNA with 1mL 70% DNAzol/30% EtOH solution

– Spun 1000g, 1min, @ RT

– Discard supes

– Washed DNA with 1mL 75% EtOH

– Spun 1000g, 1min, @ RT

– Discarded supes

– Spun 1000g, 1min, @ RT

– Removed residual EtOH with pipette; air dried samples for 5mins @ RT

– Added 20uL of Trish-HCl (pH = 8.0) to each sample; incubated 10mins @ RT; flicked tubes to help dissolve

– Spun 12,000g, 10mins, @ RT

– Transferred supes to new tubes

– Spec’d on NanoDrop 1000 (ThermoFisher) and recovered solution from each sample due to limited sample volume


DNA Isolation – Mackenzie’s C.gigas EE2 Gonad Samples

Isolated DNA from the following samples, provided by Mackenzie:

  • EE2v2, 22.go
  • EE2v2, 20.go
  • EE2v2, 28.go
  • EE2v2, 29.go
  • EE2v2, 16.go
  • EE2v2, 32.go
  • EE2v2, 24.go
  • EE2v2, 33.go

Samples were suspended in 500uL of DNazol (Molecular Research Center), 5uL of PolyAcryl Carrier (Molecular Research Center), 2.75uL Proteinase K (Fermentas; 18.5mg/mL stock), briefly vortexed and incubated 24hrs at RT on rotator. Samples were briefly vortexed and insoluble material was pelleted 10,000g, 10mins, RT. Supe was transferred to fresh tube, mixed with 250uL of 100% EtOH, incubated at RT 5mins, and DNA was pelleted by spinning samples 5,000g, 5mins, RT. Supe was discarded, pellets washed with 1mL of 70% DNazol/30% EtOH solution. Supe was discarded and pellets were washed with 1mL 70% EtOH. Pellets were stored @ -20C under 95% EtOH over the weekend. Supe was discarded and pellets were washed with 70% EtOH. This step was repeated 2 more times. Supe was discarded and pellets were resuspended in Low TE Buffer, spec’d on NanoDrop1000 and run on a gel (10uL of each sample).


Yields look good and OD260/280 values look excellent. Most of the OD260/230 values aren’t good, but they rarely are.

Gel Loading:

Lane 1 – Hyperladder I (Bioline)

Lane 2 – EV2 16.go

Lane 3 – EV2 20.go

Lane 4 – EV2 22.go

Lane 5 – EV2 24.go

Lane 6 – EV2 28.go

Lane 7 – EV2 29.go

Lane 8 – EV2 32.go

Lane 9 – EV2 33.go

Lane10- Hyperladder I (Bioline)

All samples (excluding EV2 22.go) look pretty good, with minimal smearing. All samples exhibit low molecular weight smear which is either degraded DNA or residual RNA carryover. EV2 22.go had very little tissue, so yields were expected to be extremely low. However, I was anticipating to be able to visualize it on the gel (loaded 10uL = ~90ug).

DNA Isolation – Claire’s C.gigas Female Gonad

Trying this sample again(!!), but will now use TE for pellet resuspension to prevent sample degradation. Incubated sample RT on rotator in 500uL of DNazol + 2.7uL of Proteinase K (Fermentas; Stock 18.5mg/mL) for 5hrs. Added additional 500uL of DNazol, mixed gently and followed DNazol manufacturer’s protocol. Performed first pellet was with 70% DNazol/ 30% EtOH solution. Resuspended pellet in 200uL of TE and spec’d on NanoDrop1000.


Yield is good. 260/280 value is good. 260/230 value is poor. Will run on gel to evaluate integrity.

Loaded 10uL (~830ng) on 1.0% agarose 1x modified TAE gel stained with EtBr.

Gel Loading Guide:

Lane 1 – Hyperladder I (Bioline)

Lane 2 – C.gigas female gonad gDNA (CgF)

Well, this certainly looks much better than previous preparations, in that there is an obvious high molecular weight band present (previously, this had been absent). The low molecular weight bands/smears are possibly RNA carryover and/or degraded DNA. Will discuss with Steven and then, most likely, bring downtown for Illumina sequencing.

UPDATE 20140508: Downtown sequencing facility says there’s only ~800ng of DNA! This is a far cry from the minimum amount needed for sequencing (6ug). Looking at the gel above and comparing sample band intensity to the ladder band intensities suggests that the downtown sequencing facility is correct. I loaded 10uL of DNA on the gel and the intensity of the high molecular weight band is similar to the 400bp band intensity. This corresponds to 40ng of DNA. That means the CgF gDNA band is 40ng/10uL = 4ng/uL. I resuspended the gDNA pellet in 200uL of TE, so 200uL x 4ng/uL = 800ng; exactly what the sequencing facility says they measured…

I’m not entirely sure what is happening here. Until very recently, there were almost never such egregious differences between the NanoDrop measurements and what they were measuring downtown at the sequencing facility. It seems as though they have changed the way they quantify samples (possibly using an Agilent Bioanalyzer instead of the Life Technologies Qubit fluorometer?), but this doesn’t mean their measurements are incorrect. However, I’m starting to suspect that the reason the initial sequencing of this sample was due to an overestimation of the quantity of input DNA (since I believe they were still using the fluorometer back then).

As such, it’s become clear that C.gigas gonad samples seem to yield poor quantities of gDNA, relative to the amount of input material. Additionally, there may be insufficient sample left to generate a useable quantity of gDNA to complete this resequencing effort.

DNA Isolation – Test Sample

Due to the recent poor quality gDNA that has been isolated from C.gigas gonad, I decided to do a quick test using TE for DNA pellet resuspension in hopes that old Buffer EB (Qiagen) or old nuclease-free H2O (Promega) are to blame for the apparent, rapid degradation that I’ve experienced.

Isolated gDNA from a C.gigas female gonad sample (EV2 141 go) provided by Mac. Isolated gDNA using DNazol (Molecular Research Center):

  1. Incubated ~25mg of tissue O/N @ RT in 500uL of DNazol + 100ug/mL Proteniase K (2.7uL of 18.5mg/mL Fermentas stock) on rotator.

  2. Added additional 500uL of DNazol and briefly disrupted remaining tissue with a few pipette strokes.

  3. Pelleted debris by spinning 10mins, 10,000g @ RT.

  4. Transferred supe to new tube and repeated Steps 3 & 4 one time.

  5. Added 500uL of 100% EtOH; mixed by inversion.

NOTE: Despite initial appearance of white cloudy appearance after EtOH addition, cloudiness dispersed upon inversion and no visible DNA strands were present

  1. Pelleted DNA by spinning 5000g 5mins @ RT.

  2. Removed supe and washed pellet with 1mL of a 70% DNazol+30% EtOH solution.

  3. Removed supe and washed pellet with 1mL 70% EtOH.

  4. Repeated Step 8 two times.

  5. Discarded supe, quick spun tube to pool residual EtOH. Removed all residual EtOH.

  6. Resuspended in 200uL of TE (pH = 8.0) and incubated at RT for 5mins.

  7. Pelleted insoluble material 12,000g 10mins @ RT.

  8. Transferred supe to clean tube.

  9. Spec’d on NanoDrop1000.

  10. Ran ~500ng on 1.0% agaroase 1x modified TAE gel to evaluate integrity.


260/280 value looks excellent, but, as always seems to be the case with DNazol/TriReagent, the 260/230 value looks crappy. Will investigate gDNA integrity on agarose gel.

Gel Loading:

Lane 1 – Hyperladder I (Bioline)

Lane 2 – EV2 141 go C.gigas female gonad gDNA

Well, look at that! A nice, clear, high molecular weight band! It looks like my Buffer EB and/or nuclease-free water are is contaminated. Have discarded both. Will re-isolated Claire and Mac’s gDNA.

DNA Isolation – Claire’s C.gigas Female Gonad and Mac’s C.gigas Gonad

Due to the poor quality DNA yielded by the DNeasy Kit (Qiagen; see 20140404), I am re-isolating these samples using DNazol (Molecular Research Center). Weighed tissue from each frozen sample:

Claire’s (Female DNA; 5/6/2013) – 0.022g

Mac’s (EV2 9.g) – 0.017g

Incubated samples in 500uL of DNazol + 100ug/mL Proteinase K (2.7uL of 18.5mg/mL stock) O/N at RT on rotator. An additional 500uL of DNazol was added, mixed by pipetting to break up remaining tissues clumps. Manufacturer’s protocol was followed, substituting the first EtOH wash with a wash of 70% DNazol, 30% 100% EtOH. Samples were resuspended in 100uL Buffer EB (Qiagen) and spec’d on a NanoDrop1000.

NOTE: Mac’s sample seemed to get “chunky”/cloudy during the precipitation portion of the procedure. Claire’s remained clear. Although not noted, Mac’s sample behaved in a similar fashion when adding Buffer AL to the sample when using the Qiagen DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit. Finally, Mac has previously mentioned this behavior to me as well.


Suprisingly high yields from Mac’s sample.

Both samples exhibit poor 260/230 ratios and high absorbance at 230nm is evident in both samples. Mac’s sample may benefit from

Ran ~600ng of each sample on a 0.8% 1x modified TAE agarose gel to visually assess sample quality.

Gel Loading (from left to right):

  1. Hyperladder II (Bioline)

  2. Claire’s Female DNA

  3. Mac’s gonad (EV2 9.go)

I knew the ladder was of little use due to high molecular weight of gDNA, but it still serves as a bit of a reference. Highest molecular weight band is 2000bp.

Claire’s sample looks pretty good, in relation to the lack of smearing. A single, high molecular weight band is present (albeit, faint) with almost no smearing. However, I’m disappointed by the lack of definition in the band. I fully expected a sharper, more defined band.

Mac’s sample shows a high molecular weight band and significant smearing. Smearing could be indicative of either DNA degradation or high amounts of RNA carryover. If the latter, could explain the high yield.

Will attempt to clean up both samples (RNase and/or do a chloroform clean up).

gDNA Isolation – C.gigas Larvae from Taylor Summer 2011

Samples that had been split from earlier today (see the RNA Isolation below) were resuspended in 1mL of DNAzol (MRC). 100ug of Proteinase K (Fermentas) was added to each sample. Samples were incubated at RT, O/N on a rotator. On 20120427 samples were pelleted 10mins, 10,000g, and supe transferred to fresh tube. DNA was precipitated with 0.5mL of 100% EtOH, mixed gently and pelleted 5mins, 5000g. Supe was discarded, pellets were washed with 1mL 75% EtOH, re-pelleted at same speed as previous step, supe discarded and pellets were resuspended in NanoPure H2O. Samples were spec’d on the Roberts Lab NanoDrop1000.


Report on the NanoDrop software wouldn’t display, so I’ve entered the concentration of each sample in the table below.

SampleID ng/uL
201 1364
280 131.7
314 710.3
342 539.4
434 274.4
552 334.8
605 369.7


gDNA Isolation – Various gigas samples (continued from yesterday)

Pelleted residual tissue 10mins @ 10,000g @ RT. Transferred supe to new tubes. Precipitated DNA with 0.25mL 100% EtOH. Incubated 3mins @ RT. DNA was pelleted 5mins @ 5000g @ RT. Supe was removed, pellets were washed with 1mL 75% EtOH (x2). Supe was fully removed and the DNAs were resuspended in 300uL 8mM NaOH (made 7/9/10 SJW).

1M HEPES (provided with DNAzol) was added at a 1:100 dilution to achieve a pH = 8.0. This was based on the DNAzol protocol calculations (For 1mL of 8mM NaOH, use 101uL of 0.1M HEPES = pH 8.0).

Samples were spec’d on NanoDrop 1000. Used a sample with 8mM NaOH and 1M HEPES as a blank to match the pH = 8.0 of the samples.


260/280 ratios look good for all samples. Most of the samples have mediocre 260/230 ratios. Yields are excellent for all samples.

gDNA Isolation – Various gigas samples

Placed ~20mg fragments of tissue in 250uL DNAzol. Added 1.35uL of Proteinase K (Fermentas; 18.5mg/mL) to reach a final concentration of 100ug/mL. Incubated RT, O/N, end-over-end rotation. Will complete DNA isolation tomorrow.

Sample List:

Vt Gigas Live #3 Gill 24E (from 20080828; Tatyana’s notebook)

Gigas Control #2 Gill 24E (from 20080828; Tatyana’s notebook)

NB-1209-10 (RNA Later)

SB-1209-14 (RNA Later)

WB-1209-09 (RNA Later)

0629 gill 5aza

0629 gonad 5aza

0629 mantle 5aza

gDNA Isolation – Mac gigas larvae samples: control larvae 6.7.10 and 5-aza tr larvae 6.7.10

Continued gDNA isolation of the above mentioned larvae samples that was started by Mac yesterday. Amount of larvae in tubes looked disproportionately large, relative to the amount of DNAzol used in the O/N Proteinase K digestion(~500uL) so I added and additional 500uL of DNAzol to each of the two samples and gently pipetted a few times to mix.

Pelleted residual tissue 10mins @ 10,000g @ RT. Transferred supe to new tubes. Precipitated DNA with 0.25mL 100% EtOH. Incubated 3mins @ RT. DNA was pelleted 5mins @ 5000g @ RT. Supe was removed, pellets were washed with 1mL 75% EtOH (x2). Supe was fully removed and the DNAs were resuspended in 800uL 8mM NaOH (made by Amanda Davis 5/20/10).

1M HEPES (provided with DNAzol) was added at a 1:100 dilution to achieve a pH = 8.0. This was based on the DNAzol protocol calculations (For 1mL of 8mM NaOH, use 101uL of 0.1M HEPES = pH 8.0).

Samples were spec’d on NanoDrop 1000 on 20100607. Used a sample with 8mM NaOH and 1M HEPES to match the pH = 8.0 of the samples.


Yields are very good and the 260/280 ratios are pretty good. The 260/230 ratios are very poor and is likely due to the large amount of larvae used in the procedure. Will run samples on a gel to evaluate DNA integrity. UDPATE: Mac ran these samples on 6/9/10 (see her notebook on that date) and they look perfect.