Ran the 400ppm library and the 1000ppm library preps on a DNA1000 Assay Chip (Agilent) on the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer.
Data File (XAD): 2100_expert_DNA_1000_DE72902486_2015-03-02_09-18-02.xad
Electropherogram overlay of both samples:
Red = 400ppm
Blue = 1000ppm
Measurement data and parameters are here: 20150302_Bioanalyzer_Cgigas_400_1000ppm_BS-Seq
Both libraries look good; no adaptor contamination (peak would be present at ~125bp), good library sizes.
Pooled equal quantities of each library, based off the concentration values above, to prepare the sample for sequencing.
Component | Volume (μL) | Quantity (ng) |
400ppm library | 10 | 14.7 |
1000ppm library | 1.09 | 14.7 |
Buffer EB | 7.81 | N/A |
1% Tween20 | 2.1 | N/A |
Total | 21 | N/A |
The pooled libraries will be submitted tomorrow to the Genomics Core Facility at the Univ. of Oregon for high-throughput sequencing (100bp, SE) on the HiSeq2500 (Illumina). Sample order #2212.