Category Archives: PROPS

DNase Treatment – Oyster RNA from yesterday

Yesterday’s qPCR indicated that all of the RNA still contained gDNA contamination. So, took 10ug of RNA from BB #1-10 and DH#1-10 (calcs/workup BB and DH) and brought the volumes up to 50uL with 0.1% DEPC-H2O. Processed the samples according to Ambion Tubrbo DNA-free protocol. Will proceed with qPCR immediately.

qPCR – DNased oyster RNA from earlier today

Performed qPCR on the DNased RNA to with Gigas_18s_F/R primers to verify removal of detectable gDNA in the samples. Plate layout/set up can be found here.

Results: All samples produced a signal. In retrospect, this is likely due to having too much RNA for the DNase treatment. I proceeded with the DNase treatment and qPCR prior to specing the samples. Spec revealed that most of them were highly concentrated; more than the Ambion protocol recommends. Will redo the DNase treatment on a subset of the samples using the appropriate quantity of RNA.