Tag Archives: Gigas_18s_F/R

qPCR – DNased MV hemocyte RNA from earlier today AND Turbo kit test

qPCR set up/plate layout is here. Used Cv_18s_F/R primers for the MV hemocyte RNA and Gigas_18s_F/R primers for the Turbo kit test. Anneal 55C.

Results: DNase treatment worked on all but the following samples: B23, B14, A21. However, these three samples were slightly below the initial, background fluorescence in each sample. The Turbo kit test indicates that all three kits are working perfectly and all can/should be used with confidence for treating samples.

qPCR – Mac’s gigas DNased RNA from earlier today

Performed qPCR on the DNased oyster RNA from earlier today with Gigas_18s_F/R primers to verify removal of detectable gDNA in the samples, since the qPCR from 20090508 indicated residual gDNA was still present in some of the DNase treated RNA. Plate layout/set up is here.

Results: Samples BB# 2, 5, 6, 15 still came up as positive for gDNA contamination. These will NOT be used to make cDNA for subsequent qPCRs.

qPCR – Re-DNased oyster RNA from today

Performed qPCR on the re-DNased oyster RNA from earlier today with Gigas_18s_F/R primers to verify removal of detectable gDNA in the samples, since the initial qPCR from yesterday indicated residual gDNA was still present in the DNase treated RNA. Plate layout/set up can be found here.

Results: About 4 samples in each site set are NEGATIVE for gDNA. That means the remainder still have detectable levels of gDNA. Boo.

qPCR – DNased oyster RNA from earlier today

Performed qPCR on the DNased RNA to with Gigas_18s_F/R primers to verify removal of detectable gDNA in the samples. Plate layout/set up can be found here.

Results: All samples produced a signal. In retrospect, this is likely due to having too much RNA for the DNase treatment. I proceeded with the DNase treatment and qPCR prior to specing the samples. Spec revealed that most of them were highly concentrated; more than the Ambion protocol recommends. Will redo the DNase treatment on a subset of the samples using the appropriate quantity of RNA.