PCR – Colony PCR on Restreaked PGS2 Clones from 20110707

Ran a colony PCR at the same time that I inoculated liquid cultures, using M13 primers.

Cycling params:

  • 94C – 10m

40 cycles of:

  • 94C – 1m
  • 50C – 1m
  • 72C – 2m


Lane 1: Hyperladder I

Lane 2: PGS Lo 1

Lane 3: PGS Hi 3

Lane 4: PGS Hi 4

Lane 5: Neg. Control

The only colony with an insert is PGS Hi 4. Will run a plasmid prep. However, this is the same sample that was sent for sequencing that produced nothing but vector sequence…

Clone Restreaking – PGS2 Hi/Lo Clones (from 20110421)

Sequencing of the PGS2/COX2 clone failed (was empty vector). Restreaked bacterial clones on to a Kan50 plate (made 20110413 by SJW) from a plate that Caroline Storer had created from cloning colony selection on 20110421. Samples were labeled as PGS Lo 1 & 2 and PGS Hi 3 & 4. Additionally, there were red numbers on the plate associated with these four samples. They were 42 – 45, respectively. PGS Hi 4 (#45) was previously grown up and sequenced. This sample is what produced vector only sequence. Incubated O/N @ 37C. Hopefully we’ll bacteria is still viable and will have samples to grow up for miniprep, plamsid iso and sequencing.


Limited growth in all after O/N incubation. Will leave plate on bench over the weekend and hope to get more growth.

After the weekend on the bench, have growth in all but PGS Lo 2. Will inoculate liquid cultures for plasmid preps.

qPCR – C.gigas GAPDH second rep on V.vulnificus exposure cDNA (from 20110311) and standard curves for COX1, COX2, GAPDH

Ran a qPCR on all cDNA samples. Created a standard curve to possibly allow for use of the BioRad software for gene expression analysis. Standard curve was created from pooled cDNA (1uL from each individual sample). Master mix calcs are here.


qPCR Data File (BioRad CFX96)

qPCR Report (PDF)

Standard curves aren’t that good. Will not use them. Will analyze data using PCR Miner.

qPCR – C.gigas actin and GAPDH on V.vulnificus exposure cDNA (from 20110311)

Ran a qPCR on all cDNA samples from the V.vulnificus exposure experiment from 20110111. This qPCR was to test 2 of 4 potential normalizing genes to evaluate which genes show the least amount of effect from the treatments in this experiment. Primers for actin used were Cg_Actin_306_F (SR ID: 1170), Cg_Actin_408_R (SR ID: 1171). Samples were run in duplicate. Master mix calcs are here. The master mix info is the same that was used earlier today, but with the primers noted above, not those listed on the calcs page. Plate layout, cycling params, etc., can be seen in the qPCR Report (see Results).


qPCR Data File (BioRad CFX96)

qPCR Report (PDF)

Actin: Average Cq = 20.21, Standard Deviation = 1.22

GAPDH: Average Cq = 24.42, Standard Deviation = 0.519

Based on the results from the 4 normalizing genes examined, I will use GAPDH as the normalizing gene due to it having the lowest standard deviation of the 4 normalizing genes. Will perform another qPCR to run a duplicate of GAPDH so that we have a second rep.

qPCR – C.gigas 18s and EF1a on V.vulnificus exposure cDNA (from 20110311)

Ran a qPCR on all cDNA samples from the V.vulnificus exposure experiment from 20110111. This qPCR was to test 2 of 4 potential normalizing genes to evaluate which genes show the least amount of effect from the treatments in this experiment. Primers for 18s used were Cg_18s_1644_F (SR ID: 1168), Cg_18s_1750_R (SR ID: 1169). Primers for EF1a used were EF1_qPCR_5′ (SR ID: 309), EF1_qPCR_3′ (SR ID: 310)Samples were run in duplicate. Master mix calcs are here. The master mix info is the same that was used earlier today, but with the primers noted above, not those listed on the calcs page. Plate layout, cycling params, etc., can be seen in the qPCR Report (see Results).


qPCR Data File (BioRad CFX96)

qPCR Report (PDF)

18s: Average Cq = 22.39, Standard Deviation = 0.905

EF1a: Average Cq = 20.59, Standard Deviation = 0.658

qPCR – C.gigas COX2 on V.vulnificus exposure cDNA (from 20110311)

Ran a qPCR on all cDNA samples from the V.vulnificus exposure experiment from 20110111. Primers used were Cg_COX1/2_qPCR_F (SR ID: 1192) & Cg_COX2_454align1_R (SR ID: 1190). Samples were run in duplicate. Master mix calcs are here. The master mix info is the same that was used earlier today, but with the primers noted above, not those listed on the calcs page. Plate layout, cycling params, etc., can be seen in the qPCR Report (see Results).


qPCR Data File (BioRad CFX96)

qPCR Report (PDF)

Data looks good (e.g. the replicates are all very close, with the largest Cq Std. Deviation = 1.227, although this does appear to be an anomaly as the next highest Cq Std. Deviation in any of the reps is 0.633), nothing in the NTCs, & the melt curves look good. Will eventually normalize the data and then perform a complete analysis.

qPCR – C.gigas COX1 on V.vulnificus exposure cDNA (from 20110311)

Ran a qPCR on all cDNA samples from the V.vulnificus exposure experiment from 20110111. Primers used were Cg_COX1/2_qPCR_F (SR ID: 1192) & Cg_COX1_qPCR_R (SR ID: 1191). Samples were run in duplicate. Master mix calcs are here. Plate layout, cycling params, etc., can be seen in the qPCR Report (see Results).


qPCR Data File (BioRad CFX96)

qPCR Report (PDF)

Data looks good (e.g. the replicates are all very close, with the largest Cq Std. Deviation = 0.534), nothing in the NTCs, & the melt curves look good. Will eventually normalize the data and then perform a complete analysis.

qPCR – Hard Clam NGS Primer Checks

Ran a qPCR to evaluate a large batch of primers (40 sets) that were ordered per Steven, based off of the most recent SOLiD run (samples submitted 3/10/2011; see Dave’s notebook for more info). Pooled cDNA (2uL from each individual; from 20110511) was used. Master mix calcs are here. Plate layout, cycling params, etc. can be found in the qPCR Report (see Results). The list of primers tested is available in the Primer Database and consist of SR IDs 1233 – 1312. For brevity, samples were only labelled with the corresponding contig number.


qPCR Data File (BioRad CFX96)

qPCR Report (PDF)

Samples that produced good melt curves are listed here.