Bacteria – C. pugetti liquid cultures

Inoculated a total of 10, 5mL 1x Marine Broth in 50mL conicals. 5 tubes received 1mL of the original culture started on 20090419. 4 tubes received 1mL of the secondary culture (from 20090421). 1 tube was inoculated with a colony from the plate streaked on 20090424. Incubated all tubes @ 28C, 200RPM. Used a higher temp. to encourage faster/more robust growth.

Bacteria – C. pugetti liquid culture

Results: It has now been 8 days since revival of the ATCC freeze dried culture. The media still looks a bit cloudy, but hasn’t really changed since the second or third day post-revival. Of note, there does seem to be an accumulation of clumps in the tube. These may or may not be clumps of cells. Will consult with Steven when he returns. Might need to pass cells and take some ODs to really assess changes in growth as these cells may not be as robust as E. coli or other common lab cultures.

Reverse Transcription – cDNA from DNased Abalone RNA from 20090420

Prepared cDNA using an equal amount of RNA from all samples (442.6ng). This amount was based on using the maximum allowable volume of RNA for the RT rxn AND the sample with the lowest [RNA] (08:3-20; 24.59ng/uL). cDNA was prepared according to the Promega MMLV RT recommendations. Here is the work up for the cDNA rxns. cDNA was stored @ -20C.

qPCR – Abalone DNased RNA from yesterday

Performed qPCR to evaluate gDNA removal w/ 2x Immomx and SYTO 13. qPCR/plate set up is here.

Results: The two cDNA samples come up as positive. No flourescence detected in any other gamples. However, melting curves look suspicous despite the fact that the “Quantitation” view indicates now amplification.

Bacteria – C. pugettii culture

Rehydrated ATCC isolate according to directions. Added 5mL of 1x Marine Broth to a glass culture tube. Used 1mL of this to rehydrate ATCC sample and then added back into the culture tube. Added a few crystals of biphenyl, which had been exposed to UV for ~5mins prior. Incubated at 20C, no shaking. This was done at ~11:30AM.