Tag Archives: CT

SOLiD Templated Bead Prep – Yellow perch CT, WB and lake trout Lean libraries (continued from yesterday)

Templated bead preparation was performed according to the “full scale” protocol.

Bead counts are calculated as follows:

Avg bead count x # hemacytometer squares x volume in hemacytometer (uL) x dilution factor = beads/uL x suspension volume (uL) = total beads

Initial Bead counts: (1:200 dilution)

CT: 132, 133, 127, 136 Avg. = 132

WB: 127, 128, 119, 126 Avg. = 125

Lean: 121, 114, 132, 109 Avg. = 119

CT: 132 x 25 x 10 x 200 = 6.6×10^6 beads/uL x 200uL = 1.32×10^9 beads

WB: 125 x 25 x 10 x 200 = 6.25×10^6 beads/uL x 200uL = 1.25×10^9 beads

Lean: 119 x 25 x 10 x 200 = 5.95×10^6 beads/uL x 200uL = 1.19×10^9 beads

Templated Bead counts (1:10 dilution)

CT: 91, 80, 100, 78 Avg. = 87.25

WB: 69, 70, 75, 65 Avg. = 69.75

Lean: 40, 52, 48, 46 Avg. = 46.5

CT: 87.25 x 25 x 10 x 10 = 218125 beads/uL x 400uL = 8.7525×10^7 beads

WB: 39.75 x 25 x 10 x 10 = 174375 beads/uL x 400uL = 6.975×10^7 beads

Lean: 46.5 x 25 x 10 x 10 = 116250 beads/uL x 400uL = 4.65×10^7 beads

Percent Recovery Templated Beads

CT: (8.7252×10^7 beads)/(1.32×10^9 beads) x 100 = 6.61%

WB: (6.975×10^7 beads)/(1.25×10^9 beads) x 100 = 5.58%

Lean: (4.65×10^7 beads)/(1.19×10^9 beads) x 100 = 3.91%

Results: Everything looks pretty darn good. One mild concern, however, is the yield from the the Lean library. An 8-well slide requires 41 million beads for a run. Additionally, I believe 15 million are needed for a WFA (quality check, pre-run). This means that the Lean prep is nearly 10 million beads short of what is necessary for a “complete” run of this sample. Will send the numbers to Rhonda and see what her opinion is and what she suggests to do. But, based on the percent recovery, all the samples should be really high quality (extremely few polyclonal beads).

SOLiD ePCRs – Yellow perch CT, WB and lake trout Lean libraries

Performed ePCRs on these samples from DATE, following the “full scale” protocol. A work flow analysis (WFA) run on these samples from the initial ePCRs/templated bead prep (DATE) revealed too many polyclonal beads, thus requiring them to be redone. ePCRs will be performed using 1.0pM (120pg/uL) of the SOLiD cDNA fragment libraries, instead of the 1.5pM (180pg/uL) used previously.

CT –

WB –

Lean -

Templated Bead Prep SOLiD Libraries – Abalone CC, CE pools and yellow perch CT, PQ libraries

All libraries were prepped according to ABI’s “full-scale” bead prep protocol. Initial bead counts were performed using a hemocytometer in a 1:200 dilution:

Formula for calculating bead counts:

Average hemo count x hemo volume x hemo squares x dilution x bead volume

Initial Bead Counts

CC: 127, 120, 126, 113. Average = 96 Count: 96 x 10 x 25 x 200 x 200 = 9.6 x 10^8 beads

CE: 99, 93, 115, 102. Average = 102.25 Count: 102.25 x 10 x 25 x 200 x 200 = 1.0225 x 10^9 beads

CT: 118, 113, 109, 111. Average = 112.75 Count: 112.75 x 10 x 25 x 200 x 200 = 1.1275 x 10^9 beads

PQ: 109, 116, 111, 86. Average = 105.5 Count: 105.5 x 10 x 25 x 200 x 200 = 1.055 x 10^9 beads

Templated Bead Counts

Templated bead counts were performed using a hemocytometer with a 1:10 dilution:

CC: 217, 226, 208, 219 Average = 217.5 Count: 217.5 x 10 x 25 x 10 x 400 = 2.175 x 10^8 beads

CE: 211, 169, 162, 180 Average = 180.5 Count: 180.5 x 10 x 25 x 10 x 400 = 1.805 x 10^8 beads

CT: 223, 219, 254, 214 Average = 227.5 Count: 227.5 x 10 x 25 x 10 x 400 = 2.275 x 10^8 beads

PQ: 176, 177, 161, 163 Average = 169.25 Count: 169.25 x 10 x 25 x 10 x 400 = 1.6925 x 10^8 beads

Templated Bead Recovery: Final bead count divided by initial bead count x 100 = % recovery

CC = 2.17 x 10^8 beads/9.6 x 10^8 beads x 100 = 22.7%

CE = 1.805 x10^8 beads/10.225 x 10^8 beads x 100 = 17.7%

CT = 2.275 x 10^8 beads/11.275 x 10^8 beads x 100 = 20.2%

PQ = 1.6925 x 10^8 beads/10.55 x 10^8 beads x 100 = 16.04%

Results: Yields of templated beads look fabulous. Recoveries of templated beads are a bit on the high side (desired recoveries are between 5-15%, with 20% being the “cutoff” that Rhonda’s lab uses for runs. The CC and CT samples cross this cutoff value. Will consult with Steven to see what how he wants to proceed (i.e. new ePCRs?). Beads stored @ 4C until ready for running on the SOLiD.

ePCR SOLiD Libraries – Abalone CC, CE pools and yellow perch CT SOLiD libraries (from 20100408)

Emulsion PCR (ePCR) was performed for the above three mentioned SOLiD libraries using 1.5pM (180 pg/uL) of cDNA, according to the ABI “full scale” ePCR protocol. ePCRs were stored @ 4C until ready for the emulsion breaking step.

Amounts of cDNA used to make dilutions (in 1x Low TE Buffer) of 180pg/uL:

CC (13.8ng/uL): 1.3uL in 100uL

CE (23.01ng/uL): 1.56uL in 200uL

CT (63.8ng/uL): 1.41 in 500uL

cDNA clean up & Bioanalyzer for SOLiD Libraries – Abalone, Yellow Perch, Lake Trout, Herring

Amplified cDNA was cleaned up using the Invitrogen PureLink Micro Kit, but was done so according to Ambion’s Whole Transcriptome Analysis Kit protocol and then spec’d.


0.5uL was removed from each sample and mixed with 0.5uL to run on DNA 1000 chips on the Bioanalyzer 2100. The slideshow below shows the electropherograms from each sample. Each sample (to be considered worthy of moving to the next stage) should have <20% of the sample in the 25-150bp range. All 8 samples exhibit this and their peaks look very good. Will proceed to ePCR/templated bead prep next week.

Gel Purification & PCR cDNA SOLiD Libraries – Abalone, Yellow Perch, Lake Trout, Herring

cDNA was gel purified according to Ambion’s Whole Transcriptome Analysis Kit. The appropriate regions (100 – 200bp) were excised and cut in to 4, 1x5mm pieces. The two “internal” pieces were transferred to individual PCR tubes. The “outer” pieces were transferred together to a 1.5mL snap cap tube and stored @ -20C.

Three images are below. The first two are the gels before excising the 100 – 200bp region of the gel. The third is the image of the SECOND gel after the specified region was excised. An image was not taken of Gel 1 after excision (whoops!).

Gel 1


Gel 2

NOTE: The WB sample in the gell above is actually a yellow perch sample, NOT an abalone sample!



NOTE: The WB sample in the gell above is actually a yellow perch sample, NOT an abalone sample!


In-gel PCR SOLiD Libraries – Abalone, Yellow Perch, Lake Trout, Herring

In-gel PCR was performed on the individual “internal” gel pieces that were excised, as described below from earlier today. PCR rxns/cycling were performed according to Ambion’s Whole Transcriptome Analysis Kit. PCR ran O/N. PCR master mix set up is here (bottom half of sheet).

Reverse Transcription SOLiD Libraries – Abalone, Yellow Perch, Lake Trout, Herring

Samples were speedvac’d to dryness and resuspended in 3uL of nuclease-free H2O. Samples were then reversed transcribed according to Ambion’s Whole Transcriptome Analysis Kit. RT master mix set up is here (top portion of sheet).

Hibridizaton/Ligation SOLiD Libraries – Abalone, Yellow Perch, Lake Trout, Herring

All 8 samples were hybridized/ligated according to Ambion’s Whole Transcriptome Analysis Kit using Adaptor A.

Bioanalyzer for SOLiD Libraries – Fragmented mRNA from Perch, Lake Trout & Herring RNA samples

1uL of each sample from 20100325 was run on the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer on a RNA Pico 6000 chip to evaluate RNA quantity and fragmentation.


SOLiD Library Prep – mRNA (perch, lake trout, herring from 20100318) Fragmentation

Fragmented mRNA according to Ambion’s Whole Transcriptome Sequencing Kit. Cleaned up sample using Ribominus Concentration Module (Invitrogen) according to Ambion’s WTS Analysis Kit. Samples were eluted w/20uL of H2O and stored @ -80C. Will Bioanalyze and speedvac at a later date.