Tag Archives: Turbo DNA-free

DNase Treatment – MV hemocyte RNA from yesterday

Samples 3326: B23, A25, A22, B14, A21, A10 B22 came up positive for gDNA still. These were retreated according to Ambion protocol with a brand new Turbo DNA-free DNase kit. Additionally, I tested all three existing kits by “spiking” 19uL of H2O with 1uL (~200ng) of gigas gDNA; one tube for each kit and an untreated sample. Will qPCR to see if gDNA removal was successful.

DNase Treatment – MV hemocyte RNA from earlier today

The entire 20uL of RNA were treated with Ambion’s Turbo DNA-free kit according to protocol and spec’d.

Mac performed qPCR on the DNase-treated RNAs to verify removal of residual gDNA.

Results: Samples 3326: B23, A25, A22, B14, A21, A10 B22 came up positive for residual gDNA. Will retreat these samples and qPCR again.

DNase Treatment (Rigorous!) – Mac’s gigas RNA/Re-DNased RNA from 20090507 & 20090508, respectively

Followed the rigorous protocol for Ambion’s Turbo DNA-free protocol for the following RNAs:



Used 10ug of RNA (200ng/uL) in 50uL as directed. Here are the calcs for FF and DH.

Followed standard protocol on DNased samples from 20090508:



The standard protocol should be fine for these samples, since the procedure worked on Friday for some of them.

DNase Treatment – Oyster RNA from yesterday

Yesterday’s qPCR indicated that all of the RNA still contained gDNA contamination. So, took 10ug of RNA from BB #1-10 and DH#1-10 (calcs/workup BB and DH) and brought the volumes up to 50uL with 0.1% DEPC-H2O. Processed the samples according to Ambion Tubrbo DNA-free protocol. Will proceed with qPCR immediately.