Previously initiated the RAD-seq procedure for the sample set described below. However, the test scale PCR yielded poor results. Katherine Silliman suggested that the poor performance of the test scale PCR was likely due to low numbers of adaptor-ligated fragments. Since the input DNA is so degraded, I’ve repeated this using 9μg of input DNA (instead of the recommended 1.2μg). This should increase the number of available cleavage sites for AlfI, thus improving the number of available ligation sites for the adaptors.
Used a subset (10 samples) from the Ostrea lurida gDNA isolated 20150916 to prepare RAD libraries.
Followed the 2bRAD protocol (PDF) developed by Eli Meyer’s lab.
Prepared 9.0μg of each of the following samples in a volume of 10μL:
Google Sheet: 20151009_RADseq_DNA_calcs
Prepared a 150μM working stock of the SAM buffer needed for the restriction digestion by diluting 30μL of the supplied stock (500μM) in 70μL NanoPure H2O (total volume = 100μL). This working stock was stored @ -20C in FTR 209 in the “RAD-seq Reagents” box.
Prepared master mix for restriction enzyme reaction:
DNA | 8 | NA |
10x Buffer R | 1.2μL | 13.2μL |
150μM SAM | 0.8μL | 8.8μL |
AlfI | 0.5μL | 5.5μL |
H2O | 1.5μL | 16.5μL |
Combined 4μL of the master mix with 8μL of each sample in 0.5mL snap cap tubes. Incubated @ 37C 2hrs. in thermal cycler (PTC-200; no heated lid). Heat inactivated the digest @ 65C for 10mins.
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