Quantified the MBD enriched samples prepped over the last two days: MBD enrichment, EtOH precipiation.
Samples were quantified using the QuantIT dsDNA BR Kit (Invitrogen) according to the manufacturer’s protocol.
Standards were run in triplicate, samples were run in duplicate.
96-well black (opaque) plate was used.
Fluorescence was measured on the Seeb Lab’s Victor 1420 plate reader (Perkin Elmer).
Google Sheet: 20151123_MBD_libraries_quantification
Standard curve looked good – R² = 0.999
MBD recovery ranged from ~250 – 600ng.
MBD percent recoveries ranged from ~2 – 20%. Input DNA quantities were taken from Katherine’s numbers (Google Sheet): Silliman-DNA-Samples
Will contact services about getting bisulfite Illumina sequencing performed.