Tag Archives: PTC-200

Bisulfite Treatment – Oly Reciprocal Transplant DNA & C.gigas Lotterhos DNA for BS-seq

After confirming that the DNA available for this project looked good, I performed bisulfite treatment on the following gDNA samples:

  • 1NF11
  • 1NF15
  • 1NF16
  • 1NF17
  • 2NF5
  • 2NF6
  • 2NF7
  • 2NF8
  • NF2_6
  • NF2_18
  • M2
  • M3

Sample names breakdown like this:


1 = Fidalgo Bay outplants

NF = Fidalgo Bay broodstock origination

# = Sample number


Same as above, but:

2 = Oyster Bay outplants

NF2_# (Oysters grown in Oyster Bay; DNA provided by Katherine Silliman)

NF2 = Fidalgo Bay broodstock origination, family #2

# = Sample number

M2/M3 = C.gigas from Katie Lotterhos


Followed the guidelines of the TruSeq DNA Methylation Library Prep Guide (Illumina).

Used the EZ DNA Methylation-Gold Kit (ZymoResearch) according to the manufacturer’s protocol with the following changes/notes:

  • Used 100ng DNA (per Illumina recs; Zymo recommends at least 200ng for “optimal results”).
  • Thermal cycling was performed in 0.5mL thin-wall tubes in a PTC-200 (MJ Research) using a heated lid
  • Centrifugations were performed at 13,000g
  • Desulphonation incubation for 20mins.

DNA quantity calculations are here (Google Sheet): 20151218_oly_bisulfite_calcs

Samples were stored @ -20C. Will check samples via Bioanalyzer before proceeding to library construction.

PCR – Oly RAD-seq Prep Scale PCR

Continuing with the RAD-seq library prep. Following the Meyer Lab 2bRAD protocol.
After determining the minimum number of PCR cycles to run to generate a visible, 166bp band on a gel yesterday, ran a full library “prep scale” PCR.


Template 40 NA
ILL-HT1 (1μM) 5 55
ILL-BC# (1μM) 5 NA
NanoPure H2O 5 55
dNTPs (1mM) 20 220
ILL-LIB1 (10μM) 2 22
ILL-LIB2 (10μM) 2 22
5x Q5 Reaction Buffer 20 220
Q5 DNA Polymerase 1 11
TOTAL 100 550


Combined the following for PCR reactions:

  • 55μL PCR master mix
  • 40μL ligation mix
  • 5μL of ILL-BC# (1μM) – The barcode number and the respective sample are listed below.


Oly RAD 02  1  CGTGAT
Oly RAD 03  2  ACATCG
Oly RAD 04  3  GCCTAA
Oly RAD 06  4  TGGTCA
Oly RAD 07  5  CACTGT
Oly RAD 08  6  ATTGGC
Oly RAD 14  7  GATCTG
Oly RAD 17  8  TCAAGT
Oly RAD 23  9  CTGATC
Oly RAD 30 10 AAGCTA


Cycling was performed on a PTC-200 (MJ Research) with a heated lid:

Initial Denaturation
  • 98
  • 30
17 cycles
  • 98
  • 60
  • 72
  • 5
  • 20
  • 10


After cycling, added 16μL of 6x loading dye to each sample.

Loaded 10μL of ladder on each of the two gels.



Things looked fine. Excised the bands from each sample indicated by the green arrow. Before and after gel images show regions excised. Will purify the bands and quantify library yields.

PCR – Oly RAD-seq Test-scale PCR

Continuing with the RAD-seq library prep. Following the Meyer Lab 2bRAD protocol.

Prior to generating full-blown libraries, we needed to run a “test-scale” PCR to identify the minimum number of cycles needed to produce the intended product size (166bp).

I ran PCR reactions on a subset (Sample #: 2, 3, 17, & 30) of the 10 samples that I performed adaptor ligations on 20151029.

PCR reactions were set up on ice in 0.5mL PCR tubes.

Template 8 NA
NanoPure H2O 1 4.4
dNTPs (1mM) 4 17.6
ILL-LIB1 (10μM) 0.4 1.76
ILL-LIB2 (10μM) 0.4 1.76
ILL-HT1 (1μM) 1 4.4
ILL-BC1 (1μM) 1 4.4
5x Q5 Reaction Buffer 4 17.6
Q5 DNA Polymerase 0.2 0.88
TOTAL 20 52.8


Combined 12μL of master mix with 8μL of the ligation reaction from earlier today.

Cycling was performed on a PTC-200 (MJ Research) with a heated lid:

Initial Denaturation
  • 98
  • 30
27 cycles
  • 98
  • 60
  • 72
  • 5
  • 20
  • 10

We’re following the “1/4 reduced representation” aspect of the protocol. As such, 5μL of each reaction was pulled immediately after the extension (72C – machine was paused) of cycles 12, 17, 22, & 27 in order to determine the ideal number of cycles to use. Also ran the ligation reactions (labeled “Ligations” on the gel below) of the samples as a pre-PCR comparison. Treated them the same as the PCR reactions: mixed 8μL of the ligation with 12μL of H2O, used 5μL of that mix to load on gel.

These samples were run on a 1x modified TAE 1.2% agarose gel (w/EtBr).



Gel image denoting sample numbers within each cycle number. Green arrow indicates the expected migration of our target band size of 166bp.

Looks like cycle 17 is the minimum cycle number with which we begin to see a consistent ~166bp band. Will continue on with the “prep-scale” PCR using 17 cycles.

Adaptor Ligation – Oly AlfI-Digested gDNA for RAD-seq

Continued to follow the 2bRAD protocol (PDF) developed by Eli Meyer’s lab.

Digested DNA from yesterday was heat inactivated for 10mins @ 65C and was not run out on a gel due to the fact that the input gDNA was degraded and a shift in the high molecular weight band (indicating the digestion was successful) would not exist because a high molecular weight band is absent in these samples.


Anneal Adaptors

After preparing the two adaptors below, they were incubated for 10mins @ RT:

  • Adaptor 1 (2μM final concentration of each oligo): 1.5μL of 5ILL-NR (100μM) + 1.5μL of anti-ILL (100μM) + 72μL H2O = 75μL total
  • Adaptor 2 (2μM final concentration of each oligo): 1.5μL of 3ILL-NR (100μM) + 1.5μL of anti-ILL (100μM) + 72μL H2O = 75μL total

After annealing, the adaptors were stored on ice.


Adaptor Ligation

All components were stored on ice. Ligation reactions were prepared on ice and performed in 0.5mL snap cap tubes.

Digested DNA 10 NA
ATP (10mM) 1 11
10x T4 Ligase Buffer 4 44
Adaptor 1 (2μM) 5 55
Adaptor 2 (2μM) 5 55
T4 DNA Ligase 1 11
NanoPure H2O 24 264
TOTAL 50 440

Combined 40μL of the master mix with 10μL of AlfI-digested DNA in a 0.5mL snap cap tube.

Incubated ligation reaction @ 16C O/N in PTC-200 thermal cycler (MJ Research) – no heated lid.

Ligations will be stored @ -20C until I can continue working with them on Tuesday.

PCR – Oly RAD-seq Prep Scale PCR

Continuing with the RAD-seq library prep. Following the Meyer Lab 2bRAD protocol.

After determining the minimum number of PCR cycles to run to generate a visible, 166bp band on a gel yesterday, ran a full library “prep scale” PCR.


Template 40 NA
ILL-HT1 (1μM) 5 NA
ILL-BC# (1μM) 5 NA
NanoPure H2O 5 55
dNTPs (10mM) 20 220
ILL-LIB1 (10μM) 2 22
ILL-LIB2 (10μM) 2 22
5x Q5 Reaction Buffer 20 220
Q5 DNA Polymerase 1 11
TOTAL 100 550


Combined the following for PCR reactions:

  • 50μL PCR master mix
  • 40μL ligation mix
  • 5μL of ILL-HT1 (1μM)
  • 5μL of ILL-BC# (1μM) – The barcode number and the respective sample are listed below.

NOTE: Samples 02, 03, & 04 did not have 40μL of the ligation reaction left (only 32μL) due to additional usage in the test scale PCR yesterday. Supplemented those three reactions with 8μL of H2O to bring them to 100μL.


Oly RAD 02  1  CGTGAT
Oly RAD 03  2  ACATCG
Oly RAD 04  3  GCCTAA
Oly RAD 06  4  TGGTCA
Oly RAD 07  5  CACTGT
Oly RAD 08  6  ATTGGC
Oly RAD 14  7  GATCTG
Oly RAD 17  8  TCAAGT
Oly RAD 23  9  CTGATC
Oly RAD 30 10 AAGCTA


Cycling was performed on a PTC-200 (MJ Research) with a heated lid:

Initial Denaturation
  • 98
  • 30
12 cycles
  • 98
  • 60
  • 72
  • 5
  • 20
  • 10


After cycling, added 16μL of 6x loading dye to each sample.

Due to limitations in available comb sizes and inability to combine combs to make larger well sizes, only loaded 58μL of samples in each well on this gel. Will load remainder on a second gel and combine after PCR products are purified.



Well, this is lame. There are absolutely no PCR products on this gel. In fact, this just looks like big smears of degraded DNA. I was expecting an amplicon of ~166bp to cut out of the gel. Based off of the test scale PCR from yesterday, everything should have been hunky dory. Not really sure what to think about this…

PCR – Oly RAD-seq Test-scale PCR

Continuing with the RAD-seq library prep. Following the Meyer Lab 2bRAD protocol.

Prior to generating full-blown libraries, we needed to run a “test-scale” PCR to identify the minimum number of cycles needed to produce the intended product size (166bp).

I ran PCR reactions on a subset (Sample #: 2, 3, & 4) of the 10 samples that I performed adaptor ligations on Friday.

PCR reactions were set up on ice in 0.5mL PCR tubes.

Template 8 NA
NanoPure H2O 1 4.4
dNTPs (1mM) 4 17.6
ILL-LIB1 (10μM) 0.4 1.76
ILL-LIB2 (10μM) 0.4 1.76
ILL-HT1 (1μM) 1 4.4
ILL-BC1 (1μM) 1 4.4
5x Q5 Reaction Buffer 4 17.6
Q5 DNA Polymerase 0.2 0.88
TOTAL 20 52.8


Combined 12μL of master mix with 8μL of the ligation reaction from earlier today.

Cycling was performed on a PTC-200 (MJ Research) with a heated lid:

Initial Denaturation
  • 98
  • 30
27 cycles
  • 98
  • 60
  • 72
  • 5
  • 20
  • 10

We’re following the “1/4 reduced representation” aspect of the protocol. As such, 5μL of each reaction was pulled immediately after the extension (72C – machine was paused) of cycles 12, 17, 22, & 27 in order to determine the ideal number of cycles to use. Also ran the ligation reactions (labeled “Ligations” on the gel below) of the samples as a pre-PCR comparison. Treated them the same as the PCR reactions: mixed 8μL of the ligation with 12μL of H2O, used 5μL of that mix to load on gel.

These samples were run on a 1x modified TAE 2% agarose gel (w/EtBr).





Test-scale PCR gel. Green arrow indicates desired band. The numbers below the headings indicate the sample number.



This looks pretty good. The green arrow on the gel indicates the desired band size (~166bp). Although difficult to see on this gel image, there is a gradient in band intensities across the cycles (band intensity increases as cycle number increases). Looks like we can use 12 cycles for our PCRs.

One other aspect of this gel that is very interesting is the ligations. The three ligation samples all show an intact high molecular weight band! This is very surprising, since the input gDNA from these three samples does not look this.

Adaptor Ligation – Oly AlfI-Digested gDNA for RAD-seq

Continued to follow the 2bRAD protocol (PDF) developed by Eli Meyer’s lab.

Digested DNA from earlier today was not run out on a gel due to the fact that the input gDNA was degraded and a shift in the high molecular weight band (indicating the digestion was successful) would not exist because a high molecular weight band is absent in these samples.


Anneal Adaptors

After preparing the two adaptors below, they were incubated for 10mins @ RT:

  • Adaptor 1 (2μM final concentration of each oligo): 1.5μL of 5ILL-NR (100μM) + 1.5μL of anti-ILL (100μM) + 72μL H2O = 75μL total
  • Adaptor 2 (2μM final concentration of each oligo): 1.5μL of 3ILL-NR (100μM) + 1.5μL of anti-ILL (100μM) + 72μL H2O = 75μL total

After annealing, the adaptors were stored on ice.


Adaptor Ligation

All components were stored on ice. Ligation reactions were prepared on ice and performed in 0.5mL snap cap tubes.

Digested DNA 10 NA
ATP (10mM) 1 11
10x T4 Ligase Buffer 4 44
Adaptor 1 (2μM) 5 55
Adaptor 2 (2μM) 5 55
T4 DNA Ligase 1 11
NanoPure H2O 24 264
TOTAL 50 440

Combined 40μL of the master mix with 10μL of AlfI-digested DNA in a 0.5mL snap cap tube.

Incubated ligation reaction @ 16C for 3hrs in PTC-200 thermal cycler (MJ Research) – no heated lid.

Ligations were stored @ -20C until I can continue working with them on Monday.

PCR – Oly RAD-seq Test-scale PCR

Yesterday’s test scale PCR failed to produce any bands in any samples (expected size of ~166bp). This is not particularly surprising, due to the level of degradation in these samples. As such, repeated the test scale PCR, but increased the number of cycles.

Following the Meyer Lab 2bRAD protocol.

I ran PCR reactions on a the same subset of samples as yesterday (Sample #: 4, 7, 14, & 30).

PCR reactions were set up on ice in 0.5mL PCR tubes.

Template 8 NA
NanoPure H2O 1 4.4
dNTPs (1mM) 4 17.6
ILL-LIB1 (10μM) 0.4 1.76
ILL-LIB2 (10μM) 0.4 1.76
ILL-HT1 (1μM) 1 4.4
ILL-BC1 (1μM) 1 4.4
5x Q5 Reaction Buffer 4 17.6
Q5 DNA Polymerase 0.2 0.88
TOTAL 20 52.8


Combined 12μL of master mix with 8μL of the ligation reaction from yesterday.

Cycling was performed on a PTC-200 (MJ Research) with a heated lid:

Initial Denaturation
  • 98
  • 30
42 cycles
  • 98
  • 60
  • 72
  • 5
  • 20
  • 10

We’re following the “1/4 reduced representation” aspect of the protocol. As such, 5μL of each reaction was pulled immediately after the extension (72C – machine was paused) of cycles 27, 32, 37, & 42 in order to determine the ideal number of cycles to use. Also ran the ligation reactions (labelled “ligations” on the gel below) of two samples (samples #: 14 & 30) as a pre-PCR comparison.

These samples were run on a 1x modified TAE 2% agarose gel (w/EtBr).












NOTE: Today’s gel image was taken with a proper gel imager (yesterday’s gel image was captured with my phone). The 27 cycles appears similar to yesterday’s results, even though the bands are not visible on yesterdays’ gel, due to limitations of the phone’s camera sensitivity.

There are a number of bands visible on this gel.

The green arrow on the image identifies what I believe to be the proper size band (~160bp). This band is present in all four cycling groups and at similar intensities across cycling groups.

The two lower molecular weight bands are very likely primer dimers. The Meyer Lab Protocol indicates that primer dimers will likely be present at ~70bp, ~90bp, & ~133bp.

Since we’ve been following along with Katherine Silliman’s 2bRAD progress, here’s an image of her test scale PCR to compare to ours:

Katherine’s test scale PCR. Notice how much more prominent her bands are in all cycle groups, compared to my gel above.


Since this is my first foray into RAD-seq QC, I’m not certain whether or not our test scale PCRs indicate any level of success. I will consult with Katherine and Steven about what they think. Since we’re on a timeline, and we’re just testing the viability of this whole process, I suspect Steven will have me proceed and see how things turnout.

PCR – Oly RAD-seq Test-scale PCR

Continuing with the RAD-seq library prep. Following the Meyer Lab 2bRAD protocol.

Prior to generating full-blown libraries, we need to run a “test-scale” PCR to identify the minimum number of cycles needed to produce the intended product size (166bp).

I ran PCR reactions on a subset (Sample #: 4, 7, 14, & 30) of the 10 samples that I performed adaptor ligations on earlier today.

All components were stored on ice.

dNTPs – 1mM working stock was made

  • 10μL dNTPs (10mM)
  • 90μL NanoPure H2O


ILL-LIB1 & 2 – 10μM working stocks were made

  • 10μL ILL-LIB1 or -LIB2 (100μM)
  • 90μL NanoPure H2O


ILL-HT1 & 2 – 1μM working stocks were made

  • 1μL ILL-HT1 or -HT2 (100μM)
  • 99μL NanoPure H2O


ILL-BC1 – 1μM working stock was made

  • 1μL ILL-BC1 (100μM)
  • 99μL NanoPure H2O


PCR reactions were set up on ice in 0.5mL PCR tubes.

Template 8 NA
NanoPure H2O 1 4.4
dNTPs (1mM) 4 17.6
ILL-LIB1 (10μM) 0.4 1.76
ILL-LIB2 (10μM) 0.4 1.76
ILL-HT1 (1μM) 1 4.4
ILL-BC1 (1μM) 1 4.4
5x Q5 Reaction Buffer 4 17.6
Q5 DNA Polymerase 0.2 0.88
TOTAL 20 52.8


Combined 12μL of master mix with 8μL of the ligation reaction from earlier today.

Cycling was performed on a PTC-200 (MJ Research) with a heated lid:

Initial Denaturation
  • 98
  • 30
27 cycles
  • 98
  • 60
  • 72
  • 5
  • 20
  • 10

We’re following the “1/4 reduced representation” aspect of the protocol. As such, 5μL of each reaction was pulled immediately after the extension (72C – machine was paused) of cycles 12, 17, 22, & 27 in order to determine the ideal number of cycles to use. Also ran the ligation reactions (labelled “Digests” on the gel below) of two samples (samples #: 4 & 7) as a pre-PCR comparison.

These samples were run on a 1x modified TAE 2% agarose gel (w/EtBr).











The results aren’t great. No band(s) visible in any samples at even the highest cycle number (27 cycles). Although, if you squint pretty hard, an extremely faint band might be visible in between the 100/200bp markers in the 27 cycles group.

Regardless, the PCRs will need to be repeated with an increased number of cycles. This is not terribly surprising, as the Meyer Lab protocol indicates that degraded samples will likely need a greater number of cycles than what they recommend and that cycle number will have to be determined empirically.


Adaptor Ligation – Oly AlfI-Digested gDNA for RAD-seq

Yesterday’s AlfI over night restriction digest was heat inactivated by heating @ 65C for 10mins. Samples were stored on ice.

Continued to follow  the 2bRAD protocol (PDF) developed by Eli Meyer’s lab.

Digested DNA was not run out on a gel due to the fact that the input gDNA was degraded and a shift in the high molecular weight band (indicating the digestion was successful) would not exist because a high molecular weight band is absent in these samples.

The following oligos were reconstituted in TE buffer (pH = 8.0) to 100μM:

  • 3ILL-NR
  • 5ILL-NR
  • anti-ILL
  • ILL-BC1 (Barcode sequence: CGTGAT)
  • ILL-HT1 (Barcode sequence: ATGCAT)
  • ILL-HT2 (Barcode sequence: CGTACG)
  • ILL-LIB1
  • ILL-LIB2

Anneal Adaptors

After preparing the two adaptors below, they were incubated for 10mins @ RT:

  • Adaptor 1 (2μM final concentration of each oligo): 1.5μL of 5ILL-NR (100μM) + 1.5μL of anti-ILL (100μM) + 72μL H2O = 75μL total
  • Adaptor 2 (2μM final concentration of each oligo): 1.5μL of 3ILL-NR (100μM) + 1.5μL of anti-ILL (100μM) + 72μL H2O = 75μL total

After annealing, the adaptors were stored on ice.


Adaptor Ligation

All components were stored on ice. Ligation reactions were prepared on ice and performed in 0.5mL snap cap tubes.

Digested DNA 10 NA
ATP (10mM) 1 11
10x T4 Ligase Buffer 4 44
Adaptor 1 (2μM) 5 55
Adaptor 2 (2μM) 5 55
T4 DNA Ligase 1 11
NanoPure H2O 24 264
TOTAL 50 440

Added 40μL of the master mix to each tube of AlfI-digested DNA (12μL). NOTE: I made a mistake here. I should have only combined 10μL of DNA with the 40μL of master mix for each. My mistake was due, in part, to the way the Meyer Lab 2bRAD protocol is written. In the Digestion section of the protocol, Step 5 (run 2μL of the digests on a gel) is listed as optional. However, in Step 2a of the Ligation section, it says to add the “remaining 10μL of digested DNA”. The use of the word “remaining” in this instance is misleading because it implies to use all that’s left in the tube.

Incubated ligation reaction @ 16C for 3hrs in PTC-200 thermal cycler (MJ Research) – no heated lid.

Transferred tubes to ice while preparing subsequent