Tag Archives: jupyter notebook

Genome Assembly – Olympia oyster PacBio minimap/miniasm/racon

In this GitHub Issue, Steven had suggested I try out the minimap/miniasm/racon pipeline for assembling our Olympia oyster PacBio data.

I followed the pipeline described by this paper: http://matzlab.weebly.com/uploads/7/6/2/2/76229469/racon.pdf.

This notebook entry just contains the initial minimap execution. Followed up with miniasm and then racon.

Jupyter Notebook (GitHub): 20170907_docker_pacbio_oly_minimap2.ipynb

Data Management – Olympia oyster UW PacBio Data from 20170323

Due to other priorities, getting this PacBio data sorted and prepped for our next gen sequencing data management plan (DMP) was put on the back burner. I finally got around to this, but it wasn’t all successful.

The primary failure is the inability to get the original data file archived as a gzipped tarball. The problem lies in loss of connection to Owl during the operation. This connection issue was recently noticed by Sean in his dealings with Hyak (mox). According to Sean, the Hyak (mox) people or UW IT ran some tests of their own on this connection and their results suggested that the connection issue is related to a network problem in FTR, and is not related to Owl itself. Whatever the case is, we need to have this issue addressed sometime soon…

Anyway, below is the Jupyter notebook that demonstrates the file manipulations I used to find, copy, rename, and verify data integrity of all the FASTQ files from this sequencing run.

Next up is to get these FASTQ files added to the DMP spreadsheets.

Jupyter notebook (GitHub): 20170622_oly_pacbio_data_management.ipynb


I’ve also embedded the notebook below, but it might be easier to view at the GitHub link provided above.

Computing – Oly BGI GBS Reproducibility; fail?

OK, so things have improved since the last attempt at getting this BGI script to run and demultiplex the raw data.

I played around with the index.lst file format (based on the error I received last time, it seemed like a good possibility that the file formatting was incorrect) and actually got the script to run to completion! Granted, it took over 16hrs (!!), but it completed!

See the Jupyter notebook link below.



Well, although the script finished and kicked out all the demultiplexed FASTQ files, the contents of the FASTQ files don’t match (the read counts differ between these results and the BGI files) the original set of demultiplexed files. I’m not entirely sure if this is to be expected or not, since the script allows for a single nucleotide mismatch when demultiplexing. Is it possible that the mismatch could be interpreted slightly differently each time this is run? I’m not certain.

Theoretically, you should get the same results every time…

Maybe I’ll re-run this again over the weekend and see how the results compare to this run and the original BGI demultiplexing…

Jupyter notebook (GitHub): 20170314_docker_Oly_BGI_GBS_demultiplexing_reproducibility.ipynb


Jupyter notebook (may be easier to view in GitHub link above):

Computing – Oly BGI GBS Reproducibility Fail (but, less so than last time)…

Well, my previous attempt at reproducing the demultiplexing that BGI performed was an exercise in futility. BGI got back to me with the following message:


Hi Sam,

We downloaded it and it seems fine when compiling. You can compile it with the below command under Linux system.

tar -zxvf ReSeqTools_XXX.tar.gz ; cd iTools_Code; chmod 775 iTools ; ./ iTools -h


I gave that whirl and got the following message:

Error opening terminal: xterm

Some internet searching got me sucked into a useless black hole about 64 bit systems running 32 bit programs and enabling the 64 bit kernel on Mac OS X 10.7.5 (Lion) since it’s not enabled by default and on and on. In the end, I can’t seem to enable the 64 bit kernel on my Mac Pro, likely due to hardware limitations related to the graphics card and/or displays that are connected.

Anyway, I decided to try getting this program installed again, using a Docker container (instead of trying to install locally on my Mac).



It didn’t work again, but for a different reason! Despite the instructions in the readme file provided with iTools, you don’t actually need to run make! All that has to be done is unzipping the tarball!! However, despite figuring this out, the program fails with the following error message: “Warming : sample double in this INDEX Files. Sample ID: OYSzenG1AAD96FAAPEI-109; please renamed it diff” (note: this is copied/pasted – the spelling errors are note mine). So, I think there’s something wrong with the formatting of the index file that BGI provided me with.

I’ve contacted them for more info.

See the Jupyter notebook linked below to see what I tried.

Jupyter notebook (GitHub): 20170314_docker_Oly_BGI_GBS_demultiplexing_reproducibility.ipynb

FASTQC – Oly BGI GBS Raw Illumina Data Demultiplexed

Last week, I ran the two raw FASTQ files through FastQC. As expected, FastQC detected “errors”. These errors are due to the presence of adapter sequences, barcodes, and the use of a restriction enzyme (ApeKI) in library preparation. In summary, it’s not surprising that FastQC was not please with the data because it’s expecting a “standard” library prep that’s already been trimmed and demultiplexed.

However, just for comparison, I ran the demultiplexed files through FastQC. The Jupyter notebook is linked (GitHub) and embedded below. I recommend viewing the Jupyter notebook on GitHub for easier viewing.


Pretty much the same, but with slight improvements due to removal of adapter and barcode sequences. The restriction site still leads to FastQC to report errors, which is expected.

Links to all of the FastQC output files are linked at the bottom of the notebook.

Jupyter notebook (GitHub): 20170306_docker_fastqc_demultiplexed_bgi_oly_gbs.ipynb

FASTQC – Oly BGI GBS Raw Illumina Data

In getting things prepared for the manuscript we’re writing about the Olympia oyster genotype-by-sequencing data from BGI, I felt we needed to provide a FastQC analysis of the raw data (since these two files are what we submitted to the NCBI short read archive) to provide support for the Technical Validation section of the manuscript.

Below, is the Jupyter notebook I used to run the FastQC analysis on the two files. I’ve embedded for quick viewing, but it might be easier to view the notebook via the GitHub link.



Well, I realized that running FastQC on the raw data might not reveal anything all too helpful. The reason for this is that the adaptor and barcode sequences are still present on all the reads. This will lead to over-representation of these sequences in all of the samples, which, in turn, will skew FastQC’s intepretation of the read qualities. For comparison, I’ll run FastQC on the demultiplexed data provided by BGI and see what the FastQC report looks like on trimmed data.

However, I’ll need to discuss with Steven about whether or not providing the FastQC analysis is worthwhile as part of the “technical validation” aspect of the manuscript. I guess it can’t hurt to provide it, but I’m not entirely sure that the FastQC report provides any real information regarding the quality of the sequencing reads that we received…


Jupyter notebook (GitHub): 20170301_docker_fastqc_nondemultiplexed_bgi_oly_gbs.ipynb

Data Received – Jay’s Coral RADseq and Hollie’s Geoduck Epi-RADseq

Jay received notice from UC Berkeley that the sequencing data from his coral RADseq was ready. In addition, the sequencing contains some epiRADseq data from samples provided by Hollie Putnam. See his notebook for multiple links that describe library preparation (indexing and barcodes), sample pooling, and species breakdown.

For quickest reference, here’s Jay’s spreadsheet with virtually all the sample/index/barcode/pooling info (Google Sheet): ddRAD/EpiRAD_Jan_16

I’ve downloaded both the demultiplexed and non-demultiplexed data, verified data integrity by generating and comparing MD5 checksums, copied the files to each of the three species folders on owl/nightingales that were sequenced (Panopea generosa, Anthopleura elegantissima, Porites astreoides), generated and compared MD5 checksums for the files in their directories on owl/nightingales, and created/updated the readme files in each respective folder.


Data management is detailed in the Jupyter notebook below. The notebook is embedded in this post, but it may be easier to view on GitHub (linked below).

Readme files were updated outside of the notebook.

Jupyter notebook (GitHub): 20170227_docker_jay_ngs_data_retrieval.ipynb

Data Management – Replacement of Corrupt BGI Oly Genome FASTQ Files

Previously, Sean and Steven identified two potentially corrupt FASTQ files. I contacted BGI about getting replacement files and they informed me that all versions of the FASTQ files they have delivered on three separate occasions are all the same file (despite having different file names). As such, I could use one of these versions to replace the corrupt FASTQ files. So, that’s what I did!

See the Jupyter Notebook below for the deets!

Jupyter Notebook (GitHub): 20170104_docker_oly_BGI_genome_corruption_solved.ipynb

Data Management – Geoduck RRBS Data Integrity Verification

Yesterday, I downloaded the Illumina FASTQ files provided by Genewiz for Hollie Putnam’s reduced representation bisulfite geoduck libraries. However, Genewiz had not provided a checksum file at the time.

I received the checksum file from Genewiz and have verified that the data is intact. Verification is described in the Jupyter notebook below.

Data files are located here: owl/web/nightingales/P_generosa

Jupyter notebook (GitHub): 20161230_docker_geoduck_RRBS_md5_checks.ipynb

Data Management – Integrity Check of Final BGI Olympia Oyster & Geoduck Data

After completing the downloads of these files from BGI, I needed to verify that the downloaded copies matched the originals. Below is a Jupyter Notebook detailing how I verified file integrity via MD5 checksums. It also highlights the importance of doing this check when working with large sequencing files (or, just large files in general), as a few of them had mis-matching MD5 checksums!

Although the notebook is embedded below, it might be easier viewing via the notebook link (hosted on GitHub).

At the end of the day, I had to re-download some files, but all the MD5 checksums match and these data are ready for analysis:

Final Ostrea lurida genome files

Final Panopea generosa genome files

Jupyter Notebook: 20161214_docker_BGI_data_integrity_check.ipynb